페이지 이미지

most children should be encouraged to make a decision and stick to

it. Another matter parents must regard is the criticism of neighbors. Such criticism favors a malevolent spirit, which has a most pernicious effect on the nervous system.

But the child should not be protected from everything which might stir his emotions. He needs such experiences in order to learn self-control. While a hot temper is bad for the child, it is less damaging than a habit of holding a grudge, which grows by degrees into the persecutory ideas of the paranoid state.

But at sudden outbursts of emotion or passion, if frequently repeated, are very deleterious to the nervous system. The attempt to avoid or overcome these attacks either by petting or by punishing is not apt to end well. As a rule, it is best to ignore the attacks, and, as far as possible, forestall them. To older children one can explain the lack of dignity and the senselessness of giving way to anger. Such lessons given during the seasons of calms will often have the desired effect.

A mistake often made by parents, and oftener by nurses, that of frightening children with stories of the bogy man, the policeman, etc., is apt to set up nervous disturbances which last through ife. One must learn how to deal with the fear of being alone, the fear of the dark, and the fear of thunder and lightning. Certain of these fears are easily overcome, especially by an example of courage on the part of older persons.

Sometimes fear is a symptom of disease, and the child should be examined by a physician. Night terrors, for instance, may indicate the presence of adenoids.


In the "About People" department of the May Woman's Home Companion appears a picture and sketch of Mrs. Edith Pierce, Inspector of Street Cleaning in Philadelphia. Mrs. Pierce has been teaching the children and their mothers to help keep the streets clean and, because of her, Philadelphia is a neater city than it used to be. The following extract gives a further idea of Mrs. Pierce's achievements:

"First she planned for making the children her aids, teaching them not only to refrain from throwing fruit skins, paper and other rubbish into the street, but also to prevent others from so doing. She reached the children and awoke in them a wholesome interest in the city's appearance by means of distribution of simple circulars. Then she urged clubs, neighborhood groups and whole communities to co-operate with the street cleaners. In one week she addressed ten of the city's leading clubs for women on her chosen theme. In the crowded poorer sections she speaks from a soap-box to corner gatherings of the housekeepers of the neighborhood, tell

ing them, often with the aid of an interpreter, how to handle their waste, and inspiring them to do their part in keeping their surroundings clean and sanitary. She has found that the Italian, Polish, and Russian mothers whom she addresses become deeply interested in municipal house-cleaning; some of them 'point with pride' to alleys, formerly reeking with filth but now clean and orderly."


By Boyd Wees, Elkins, W. Va.

City's had a siege of cleanin'

And is lookin' fairly neat,

'Spose you see a scrap of paper
Flutterin' acrost the street;

'Spose you're not the first to spy it,
That's no 'scuse for passin' by it-
Pick it up.

If you see a broken bottle

On the street or on the square
Waitin' f'r a ortermobile

Or an urchin's foot that's bare,

While of course, YOU didn't do it,
Lest, hereafter you should rue it—
Pick it up.

Ef you see a piece of lumber
With a rusty nail therein,
Layin' thar like the old sarpint
That caused Mother Eve to sin,
Fer a heedless victim waitin'
Don't lose any time debatin'.
Pick it up.

'Spose you see a tin that's empty
Layin' thar beside the trail,

Looks quite innocent an' harmless

'Less it's 'tached to Fido's tail,

Yet, tin cans may well bear watchin';
They're great things for germs to hatch in,
Pick it up.

Ef you see a fellow mortal

In misfortune's grip held fast,

'Though he makes a manly effort,

Withered by her fateful blast;

Load too great for him to bear it

You'll feel better if you share it,

Pick it up.

This Bulletin Will Be Sent To All In The State Who Ask For It

[blocks in formation]

Reasons Why You Should Let Patent Medicines Alone 134
Medical Information in Lay Papers Unreliable..


Baby Killers..


No. 4



S. L. Jepson, Editor, G. D. Lind, Wm. W. Golden.

Published Quarterly at the Office of the Board, Wheeling, W. Va. Entered as second class matter Feb. 19, 1914, at the post office, Wheeling.

[blocks in formation]

S. L. JEPSON, Editor, G. D. LIND, W. W. GOLDEN


JOHN N. SIMPSON, M.D., Director
ALEXANDER R. WHITEHILL, A.M., Ph.D., Chief Chemist
DIETRICH C. OUDSHOORN, Assistant Chemist

AARON ARKIN, Ph.D., M.D., Chief Bacteriologist and Pathologist
EMANUEL FINK B.Sc., Assistant Bacteriologist and Pathologist
WM. H. SCHULTZ, Ph.D., Consulting Pharmacologist

This Bulletin will be sent to physicians, including County and Municipal Health Officers in the State. These officers should read the Bulletin carefully and preserve for future reference. Thus we may avoid repeating rules and general instructions given.

Typhoid Fever Control

By S. L. Jepson, Secretary State Board of Health.

Typhoid fever is one disease that is almost constantly with us. It prevails more extensively in the late summer and autumn, but cases exist in populous communities the year 'round. Onefifth of a million cases are said to occur in the United States yearly, causing about twenty-five thousand deaths. While the statistics of this state are not accurately kept, and we therefore have no correct knowledge as to the number of cases of this disease occurring annually, yet from the imperfect returns of deaths it has been estimated that nearly seven thousand cases occur within the borders of this state annually-the number some years being less and others greater than this. In recent years the type of the disease seems to have changed somewhat, so that on the whole the disease is less malignant than formerly, and the mortality consequently lower; but it would be safe to say that five hundred patients die in the state each year from this disease. To say nothing of the unmeasured sadness and grief from this sickness and mortality, the expense in money outlay for physicians, nurses, medicines, special food and care is enormous; and little less is the money lost by compulsory absence from business and employment of the sick and their helpers. The sickness, the suffering, the money loss, the sorrow occasioned by this disease together make the control of typhoid fever, a disease generally classified as preventable, the greatest sanitary problem of the time. We know its causes, we have the means of destroying these causes. It seems worth while, therefore, to try to instruct. the people as to the nature, origin, mode of propagation and sanitary management of this disease, to the end that they may, as far as possible, avoid its causes and co-operate with the attending physician and the sanitary authorities in preventing its spread once it makes its appearance in a community.

Every intelligent layman now knows that typhoid fever is a germ disease. The germ is so minute that it can be seen only with a microscope, but this germ is capable of rapid multiplication if conditions are found favorable for its propagation. The disease does not spread by contagion as does scarlet fever, measles and other infectious diseases. One may remain indefinitely

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