페이지 이미지

becomes our duty as parents, as physicians, as sanitarians, so to improve the environment of the children that, firstly, their chances for survival shall be the best, and, secondly, that they shall grow to maturity vigorous physically, mentally and morally, and thus be best fitted to perform the duties of fathers, mothers and citizens of a mighty republic whose perpetuity so greatly depends upon the character of its citizenship.



Toys are friendly and polite

If a boy just treats them right.

Nice to have them when you play

Mostly any time of day;

But when night begins to fall


Never yet have seen a toy

That would love a li'l boy

If he went and stubbed his toe,
Axerdentally, you know.

Toys don't kiss you when you fall-

Toys won't scare away the fright
When you wake up in the night.
They just grin and stare at you;
Guess they don't know what to do;
They won't answer when you call-

When you're awful thirsty, toys
Never get a drink for boys;
Ain't no ust to ask them, 'cause
They's so stubborin', my laws!

For all boys and girls that's small

Rules for the Care of Babies

(The American Association for the Study and Prevention of Infant Mortality has issued the following in leaflet form for the education of mothers in the care of their children.)

For the sake of the baby the expectant mother, as early as possible in her pregnancy, should get advice from a physician and


Be sure that the birth of your baby is immediately registered at the Health Department. He may otherwise lose some of his rights of citizenship.

Know that nearly every mother can nurse her child if she will keep at it regularly for a few weeks.


Remember there is nothing as good for the baby as its mother's

Don't feed anything else unless told to do so by your doctor. If the baby does not thrive, both mother and child should be constantly under a doctor's supervision.

Nurse regularly from five to seven times in 24 hours. Give the baby's stomach and yourself a chance to rest.

Know that a breast-fed baby can stand sickness, heat and dirt much better than a bottle-fed baby.

Don't wean the baby without your doctor's consent. It is risky to wean suddenly or in the summer.

Know that the food for every bottle-fed baby should be prepared exactly according to a doctor's written directions.

Know also that every bottle-fed baby, even though apparently well, should be brought to a physician at least once each month for examination, until the age of 15 months.

Have your hands and dishes clean when you prepare the baby's food.

Keep all food clean and in a cold place.

Boil or pasteurize all milk unless ordered otherwise by your doctor.

Hot, close and dirty rooms kill babies quickly.

Therefore, keep the home cool, well ventilated and clean. Bathe the baby every day, and during hot weather sponge him off two or three times more.

Let the baby's mouth alone until he has teeth; then clean only the teeth with a soft clean cloth and cool, boiled water.

Pacifiers are unnecessary and dangerous.

Do not put too much clothing on the baby, especially in the


Keep the baby out of doors as much as possible.

Keep the windows open day and night in the summer. In the winter air the room two or three times every day.

Keep the flies out. If you have not screens, tack mosquito netting outside of windows. Flies carry disease.

If the baby frequently vomits his food, he needs to see a physician.

In case of diarrhoea give one or two teaspoons of castor oil; stop all food for at least 12 to 24 hours; give cooled boiled water without sugar, and immediately get your doctor.

Don't blame teething. or worms for your baby's illness. There is probably another reason.

Don't forget that it is easier, better and cheaper to prevent sickness than to cure it.

Never drug the baby. Soothing syrups are dangerous. If the baby needs drugs take him to see your doctor.

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Follow the instructions of your doctor and nurse only, and not those of your neighbors and relatives.

Never without a doctor's orders feed a well bottle baby oftener than seven times in 24 hours-better six.

If the baby cries a great deal he needs to see a physician.

If the baby cries at other than feeding time, you may give cooled boiled water without sugar.

In hot weather the baby is thirsty, just as you are. Give him plenty of cooled boiled water.

Use a clean boiled nipple for each feeding, if artificially fed.
Use a clean boiled bottle for each feeding.

Always throw out the milk that is left in the bottle after feeding.

Always keep the milk on the ice until it is ready to use.

Know that many babies cry from over feeding as well as from hunger.


Be sure that the baby gets enough sleep; at least two naps a


We breed our stock with the greatest care,

Our cattle, swine and sheep.

The seed we sow is the finest seed

That the better grain we'll reap.

Our horses and mules, our flowers and fruit
Are improved again and again,

But what have we done in all the years
To better the breed of men?

For a deeper chest and a stronger limb
We've searched the country wide,

We have fed this food and have fed that food
And are still unsatisfied.

And we spend our gold with a lavish hand
On the worthless cat and dog;

But the sob and cry of the starving child

Is drowned in the grunt of the hog.

-State Grange Bulletin.

The Care of the Baby

(Fuller directions for the care of the baby are contained in the following circular which was prepared by a committee of the "American Association for the Study of the Prevention of Infant Mortality," and has recently been issued by the U. S. Public Health Service. We commend its careful study to everyone interested in the welfare of babies.-EDITOR.)


I. It is easier, better and cheaper to prevent than to cure disease.

2. Everything that protects the mother before her baby is born improves the health of the baby after its birth.

3. Many of the diseases observed in older children and adults begin in infancy.

4. Healthy babies make strong men and women.

5. The baby's food, home and surroundings play an important part in keeping it well or making it sick.

6. Mother's milk is the best food for babies.

7. Cow's milk which has become infected with disease germs kills many babies.

8. Extreme heat and impure air kill many babies in the summer, especially bottle-fed babies.

9. The health and happiness of the whole household are improved by everything done to protect the baby.




Mother's Milk-Nature's Food.

The most loving act a mother can do is to nurse her baby. When the baby nurses it not only gets the best food, but is less liable. to many diseases, such as "summer complaint," convulsions and tuberculosis. Out of every 100 bottle-fed babies an average of 30 die in the first year, while of the breast-fed babies only about 7 out of every 100 die in the first year.

2. Nearly every mother can nurse her baby during the first three or four months of its life, and if she can nurse it for 10 months so much the better.

3. There may be an abundant supply of milk after the first

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