페이지 이미지

Johor, being deputed by the Tumongong, came in the middle of the night, and acquainted him that a great number of vessels had lately arrived at Singapore, and, without the Tumongong's consent, had landed a large party of soldiers. Your brother was thrown into great agitation and perplexity of mind by the suddenness and unexpected nature of the intelligence, and apprehensive only for the safety of his son, (who was at Singapore) without reflecting, he forthwith quitted Rhio without giving notice to his father and mother*. As soon as your brother arrived at Singapore he was met by Mr Raffles, who immediately laid hold of him and declared him Rajah. Your brother had no choice left; indeed, being in the power of Mr Raffles, what could he do. He was therefore necessitated to fall in with the views of this gentleman, had he not complied his ruin must have followed, as my brother will know. Although your brother may (seem) to comply with their views, never fear, nor entertain the least suspicion that he intends to do anything that will cause future ill or animosity. God avert this! Such was your brother's situation, for being in the hands of the English, they would not let him go they even refused his request to return for a short time to fetch his wife and children, desiring him to send for them.

Written at Singapore, 20th day of the month Rabil Akir, in the year of Mahomed 1234.

No. 3.

From the Iang De Per Tuan of Singapore (Hussain). To the Iang De Per Tuan Mudah of Rhio (Tuanku Jaffar).

After compliments and formalities,

Your son informs his father that Abang Johor arrived in the middle of the night, and acquainted him that several ships had lately arrived at Singapore, and disembarked soldiers and stores. Being greatly surprized, perplexed and agitated by the suddenness of the news your son quitted Rhio that very night, scarcely possessing the use of his senses, without giving his father and mother notice of his departure. On his arrival at Singapore he met Mr Raffles, who forcibly detained him and made him Rajah, by the title of Sultan Hussain Mahomed Shah, giving him a patent or chop to that effect. Your son now begs pardon, • The Putri (widow of the late Sultan Abdulrahman) and Rajah Mudah.

assured that it will be granted, both as it respects this and the world to come. Your son will never lay aside his respect for his father. With regard to your son's family, Mr Raffles requests they may be sent to Singapore, and Rajah Tuah and Inche Saban are sent for the purpose of escorting them hither, and farther Inche Saban will receive charge of all the property inherited from his late father, whether it consists in duties received from China vessels, or from the China bazar, or from the Custom House. These are required to pay your son's debts and defray the expences of removing his family. Your son puts his trust in Almighty God and his Prophet, and then in his father, under all circumstances (meaning the Rajah Mudah).


One of the objections to the settlement at Singapore started by the dissatisfied in Calcutta, that the harbour was not defensible, was answered by the Resident (Colonel Farquhar) by a denial of the assertion and by pointing out that New Harbour was capable of containing the largest ships, while smaller vessels could take refuge in the Singapore river and at Sandy Point, all these places being easily defensible. (The Resident did not foresee the crowd of vessels which now fill the open anchorage). Some of the Pinang merchants recommended the Carimons and Col. Farquhar was sent to visit those islands. Singapore it was said commanded only 1 entrance to the Straits while the Carimons command 4,— Sabon, Dryon, Old and New Singapore Straits.

20th March. Sir T. S. Raffles writes to the Resident (Colonel Farquhar)-"if the arrangements contemplated by you (for raising revenue on the retail sale of opium and spirits) be on the farming system of Pinang and Malacca, I can have no hesitation in saying that the same is highly objectionable and inapplicable to the principles on which the establishment at Singapore is founded." Price of flooring tiles 13 dollars per 100

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Captain Travers was appointed on the 24th March, to relieve Col Farquhar as Resident, but the Colonel withdrew his resignation. Complaints had been made about undue restrictions on trade. The Resident called a committee to enquire into the case and they reported 19th April:-that there were no grounds for the

complaints, that formerly native vessels made presents to the Sultan and Tumongong, but that this practice had been discontinued and that the only impost now permitted were a small tax for the Master Attendant's (Bernard) stationery, as follows.-Dues on Port Clearances for a 1 coyan boat 1 fanam, 8 doits, 2 coyans double, and so on up to 5 coyans and upwards which were charged 2 dollars. It was suggested that the practices complained of by the merchants were carried on without the knowledge of the Resident by the subordinates and they certainly were continued, for Raffles found it necessary to publish a proclamation on the subject on the 21st November 1822 (see Journal Ind. Arch. vol. vii. p. 335).

Captain Flint, of the Royal navy, arrived on the 24th April and took charge of the office of Master Attendant on a salary of 250 dollars, establishment 181 dollars.

Port charges from 1st May of this year.

400 tons and upwards...... 10 dollars.
under 400 tons...


Native craft above 20 tons.


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. 1st May.-New regulations issued this day for the farms. 2 opium and 2 arrack shops were permitted in Campong China-1 opium and 1 arrack shop in Singapore town and 1 opium shop in Campong Glam. Gaming tables were placed under the special supervision of the China Captain and a tax levied on each, the proceeds of this tax to be applied to keeping the streets clean. The farm revenue was kept as a separate fund applicable to local purposes and remained so till May 1823, when the collections were ordered to be paid into the Treasury.

5th May. First regular police establishment proposed as follows:Superintendent of Police and Assistant to Resident 200 dollars. 1 Constable

1 Jailor......


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First Farm Revenue (4 opium shops 895, arrack shops 160, gaming tables 95) distributed as follows:-

Paid police...

Sultan and Tumongong for assisting in police duties.

$300 325

A petition, dated 18th Dualkaida 1235 (9th September 1820), from the Sultan, Tumongong and representations of all the tribes. in Singapore, was presented, stating that they had heard reports that Singapore was to be given up and they now earnestly beg of government not to give the place up to the Dutch "from whom God defend us." They attribute much evil to the Rajah Mudah of Rhio, with whom Colonel Farquhar made a treaty but who afterwards went over to the Dutch. They also beg Captain Mackenzie (the head Assistant and Secretary at Bencoolen, then on his way to Bengal) to take charge of their petition and present it to the Governor-General.

17th November.-The Supreme Government regrets to observe the very heavy expences, requires detailed report on public works, and deprecates expences under present circumstances of settlement. In a previous letter, 20th October, the Secretary quarrels about a shroff and 2 lascars in the store department.

The Governor-General of Java complains to the Governor-General of India that the Tumongong, with the sanction of the Singapore authorities, sent a letter to the Sultan of Sambas exciting him against the Dutch. The Resident (Col. Farquhar) denies the charge. The Governor-General writes that he is anxious to prevent any fresh misunderstanding, as commissioners are engaged at home in looking into the differences between the Dutch and English in the Eastern Seas.


12th January. The public works valued at 29,450 dollars, cost Government 35,575.

February. The first junk from Amoy arrived. The Nacodah was seized and put in the stocks by the Sultan's people, because

he refused to wait on the Sultan with presents. The merchants remonstrated. The Resident in writing to Raffles, says, it was "an improper, premature and very unnecessary interference on their part." The Sultan on being applied to, excused himself by saying the Nacodah was impudent.

20th March. At a meeting held this day, A. L. Johnston, Esq. in the chair, it was resolved to subscribe to increase the police force, and at another meeting, held 13th September, the proceedings of last meeting were confirmed, and it was resolved that the present police force is sufficient, and that the Resident be requested to invite the inhabitants of Campong Glam and China Town to subscribe.

3rd April.-Replying to the Resident's letter reporting on police, robberies &c Raffles suggests the propriety of appointing a commit.ee of European gentlemen, whose duty it would be to suggest general regulations for the better order of the town and the more efficient security of property, and to superintend such regulations as may be passed by government. Members to be elected quarterly or yearly, subject to confirmation of Resident. In reply, the Resident says robberies are not numerous, only two having occur. red of any consequence. A committee of European and Chinese merchants was instituted some time ago to keep up night watch by private subscription. The Resident now suggests that the watch be taken over and paid out of the license fund. Raffles afterwards carried out his views on this head. See the first list of Magistrates, J. I. A. vol. vii. p. 335.

17th April.-Report of the Resident as to the town and public works. At first the place was covered with jungle, with the exception of a small spot on the eastern bank of the river, barely large enough to pitch the tents on. The sepoys were employed to clear a space for cantonments, and a battery was raised also by them. Ground was then cleared for the Chinese and Bugis campongs. The bridge was postponed but materials were collected. The powder magazine and other permanent buildings postponed.

Reservoirs were made for the supply of water to the shipping and town, and greater facilities existed in this respect than in any other town in India. Proposed to levy a tax on the supply of water.

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