N what foundation stands the warrior's pride? No dangers fright him, and no labours tire; And one capitulate, and one resign; Peace courts his hand, but spreads her charms in vain ; "Think nothing gained," he cries, "till nought remain, On Moscow's walls till Gothic standards fly, And all be mine beneath the Polar sky." The march begins in military state, And nations on his eye suspended wait; Stern famine guards the solitary coast, And Winter barricades the realms of frost ; He comes: nor want nor cold his course delay;- VANITY OF AMBITION. The vanquished hero leaves his broken bands, A petty fortress, and a dubious hand; He left the name, at which the world grew pale, All times their scenes of pompous woes afford, In gay hostility and barbarous pride, With half mankind embattled at his side, New powers are claimed, new powers are still bestowed, The daring Greeks deride the martial show, And heap their valleys with the gaudy foe; The insulted sea with humbler thoughts he gains, A single skiff to speed his flight remains; The encumbered oar scarce leaves the dreaded coast The bold Bavarian, in a luckless hour, And sees defenceless realms receive his sway: Short sway! fair Austria spreads her mournful charms, The queen, the beauty, sets the world in arms; From hill to hill the beacon's rousing blaze Spreads wide the hope of plunder and of praise ; With all the sons of ravage, crowd the war; The baffled prince in honour's flattering bloom Of hasty greatness finds the fatal doom, His foes' derision and his subjects' blame, And steals to death from anguish and from shame. JOHN LAPRAIK. 1780. HEN I upon thy bosom lean, And fondly clasp thee a' my ain, I glory in the sacred ties That made us ane wha ance were twain. A mutual flame inspires us baith, The tender look, the meltin' kiss: Even years shall ne'er destroy our love, Hae I a wish? it's a' for thee! I ken thy wish is me to please; That numbers on us look and gaze; Nor envy's sel' finds aught to blame; Thy bosom still shall be my hame. I'll lay me there and tak' my rest; And if that aught disturb my dear, I'll bid her laugh her cares away, And beg her not to drop a tear. Hae I a joy? it's a' her ain! United still her heart and mine; They're like the woodbine round the tree, [disjoin. That's twined till death shall them |