| John Milton - 1747 - 238 ÆäÀÌÁö
...brooding on the charmed Wave. --..i..: v- v .--.-i ... VI. The Stars with deep amaze Stand fixt in Aedfaft gaze, Bending one way their precious influence, And...will not take their flight, For all the morning light Of Lucifer, that often warn'd them thence ; But in their glimmering Orbs did glow, Until their Lord... | |
 | Seraph - 1754 - 294 ÆäÀÌÁö
...birds of calm fit brooding on the charmed wave. VI. The ftars with deep amaze Stand (i:.t in ftedfatt gaze, Bending one way their precious influence ; And...-For all the morning light, Or Lucifer that often warn'd them thence; But in their glimmering orbs did glow, -Until their Lord himlelf beipake, and bid... | |
 | John Milton - 1759 - 420 ÆäÀÌÁö
...calm fit brooding on the charmed VI. (wave. The ftars with deep amaze Stand fix'd in ftedfaft gaze, 70 Bending one way their precious influence, And will...flight, For all the morning light, Or Lucifer that often warn'd them thence; But in their glimmering orbs did glow, 75 Until their Lordhimfelf befpake, and... | |
 | John Milton - 1759 - 412 ÆäÀÌÁö
...calm fit brooding on the charmed VI. (wave. The ftars with deep amaze Stand fix'd in ftedfaft gaze, 70 Bending one way their precious influence, And will...flight, For all the morning light, Or Lucifer that often warn'd them thence ; But in their glimmering orbs did glow, 7 5, Until their Lordhimfelf befpake, and... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 880 ÆäÀÌÁö
...culm fit brooding on the durmed wave. VI. The ftars with deep amaie Stand fix'd in ftedfaft gaie, -a Bending one way their precious influence, And will...flight, For all the morning light, Or Lucifer that often warn'd them thence; But in their glimmering orbs did glow, 75 Until their Lord himfelf befpake and... | |
 | John Milton - 1785 - 698 ÆäÀÌÁö
...fit brooding on the charmed wave. VI. The flars with deep amaze Stand fix'd in ftedfaft gaze, : . ^70 Bending one way their precious influence," . And will...flight, For all the morning light, Or Lucifer that often warn'd them thence ; But in their glimmering orbs did glow, 75 UntU their Lord himfelf befpake, and... | |
 | John Milton - 1791 - 668 ÆäÀÌÁö
...Silenced. In Stanyhurft's Virgil, Jnteniique ' era uneiant, is tranflated, They WPISTED all. B. ii. i. And And will not take their flight, ' For all the morning light, Or Lucifer that often warn'd them thence ; But in their glimmering orbs did glow, 75 Until their Lord himfelf befpake, and... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1800 - 842 ÆäÀÌÁö
...of calm fit brooding on the charmed Tie fan with deep amaze crir.d 6x'd in fredfuft gaze, 70 Beading one way their precious influence, And will not take their flight, For ill the morning light, Or Lucifer that often warn'd them thence ; Bet in their glimmering orbs did... | |
 | John Milton, Charles Symmons - 1806 - 624 ÆäÀÌÁö
...unexceptionable and pure; but its errors are venial, and it closes beautifully — Who (the ocean) now hath quite forgot to rave, While birds of calm sit brooding on the charmed wave. The thirteen succeeding stanzas are disfigured by numerous conceits; but from the nineteenth, The Oracles... | |
 | John Milton - 1807 - 434 ÆäÀÌÁö
...\Vhile birds of calm sit brooding on the charmed VI. The stars, with deep amaze, Stand fix'd in stedfast gaze, Bending one way their precious influence; And...flight, For all the morning light, Or Lucifer that often warn'd them thence; But in their glimmering orbs did glow. Until their Lord himself bespake, and bid... | |
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