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This word in Scripture doth not seem to be very generally understood. Certainly it is more than once spoken of in reference to the Lord Jesus Christ. Thus JEHOVAH saith, "I will make the horn of David to flourish," meaning Christ. (See Ps. cxxxii. 17.) And Zacharias celebrates Christ to the same amount in his song, when saying, "the Lord hath raised up an horn for salvation for us, in the house of his servant David." (Luke i. 69.) But when it is said, that the Lord "will cut off the horns of the wicked, and the horns of the righteous shall be exalted," (Ps. lxxv. 10.) here it appears, that the expression is in allusion to somewhat of a man's own, and not simply with an eye to Christ. Perhaps the word may be considered as referring in general to strength. Thus the son of "Chenaanah made him horns of iron, and said, with these shalt thou push the Syrians." (1 Kings xxii. 11.) And, indeed, the prophet describes the Lord as having "horns coming out of his hand, when before him went the pestilence." (Habak. iii. 4.) Hence also we read of the horns of the altar." (Jer. xvii. 1. Rev. ix. 13.) But whether these had reference to any thing ornamental, or to objects more important, when "the sacrifice was bound with cords even to the horns of the altar," I cannot determine. (Ps. cxvii. 27.) HORNET. We read of this insect as particularly commissioned by the Lord, to punish and drive out the enemies of Israel. In hot countries, it may easily be conceived, how formidable a swarm of such creatures armed with stings must become to any people, and especially when sent, like the flies of Egypt, in judgment by the Lord. (See Deut. vii. 20. Josh. xxiv. 12.) But some, beside the history of the fact itself, in the hornets the Lord literally and truly sent to drive out before

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Israel their enemies, take the expression also in a figurative sense, and consider hornets from the Lord as the buzzing and stinging effects of a guilty conscience. And these are still more formidable and alarming. "I will send my fear before thee, saith the Lord." (Exod. xxiii. 27, 28.) And where the Lord sends his fear, a man's own feelings will make him flee. See Flies. HOSANNA. The Hebrews read it Hoshiah-na. The meaning is, "Save me, I beseech you;" from Jahash, to save; and Na, I pray you. It is hardly necessary. to tell the reader, that it was with this salutation the multitude hailed Christ, in his public entrance into Jerusalem, five days before his death. The prophet Zechariah had predicted of the Messiah, that he should so come; and none but Christ ever did so. (Compare Zech. ix. 9. with Matt. xxi. 1-11.) It was prohesied also by David, that "prayer should be made for him continually." (Ps. Ixxv. 15.) And here we find the unceasing cry Hosanna, which is a form of blessing and prayer included; as if they had said, "Preserve, Lord, this son of David!" And the spreading of their garments in the way, and strewing the road with branches of trees, were all figurative of laying every thing at the feet of Jesus. The feats of Tabernacles was so celebrated, to denote holy joy in the gathering in all the Lord's blessings; and some have thought, that this feast was particularly typical of this entry of the Lord Jesus; for it is somewhat remarkable, that at this feast they carried branches, which they called Hosannas. I cannot dismiss the consideration of this article, without subjoining one thought more, to remark the conduct of the Jewish children upon this occasion. For what but a divine overruling power could have produced such an effect, that

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in the moment their fathers, and the scribes and pharisees were moved with indignation, those little children should join the Redeemer's train, and mingle their infant voices in the Hosanna of the multitude! And the reader will not overlook in this account, I hope, how thereby that blessed prophecy was fulfilled, and which Jesus himself explained and applied. "Have ye never read, Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise?" (Matt. xxi. 16. Ps. viii. 2.) HOSEA-the Prophet. His name is the same as that of Joshua, and signifies a Saviour. He was the son of Beevi. He is placed the first of what is called the minor prophets; not so called as if the writings of those holy men of old were considered less important than others-not so-but the reason of their being called minor prophets, was on account of the bulk of their prophetical writings being less. Very highly indebted hath the church been, in all ages, for their ministry; and believers in the present hour, find daily cause to bless God the Holy Ghost, for the instrumentality of those men. Hosea began to prophecy very early in the church, prehaps, as some think, the first of all the prophets whose writings have been preserved in the canon of Scripture; and he continued through several reigns, as the preface in his first chapter shews. On the subject of his marriage with Gomer, (see Gomer) some have thought, that this was a parable, and only intended by the Lord in a figurative way, to shew the Lord's grace to his adulterous Israel and Judah. But certainly the thing itself is real. And wherefore should it be more improbable, in the case of Hosea's marrying an adulteress, than in Jeremiah's instance, and in the case of Ezekiel also, being continued types of the doctrines they were directed to deliver to the people.

I cannot take leave of the history of Hosea without first desiring the reader to remark with me, what numberless things we discover in this man's writings, pointing to the person, offices, relation, and ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ. What grace, mercy, love, and condescension in the Lord marrying our adulterous nature! What blessedness is set forth in that betrothing our nature, for ever! What sweet views of Jesus doth this man's writings give concerning his recoveries of his people under all their backslidings, and departures, and rebellions, and ingratitude! Surely, it is impossible for any enlightened eye to read the records of the prophet, and not perceive the Saviour in almost every chapter and verse, from beginning to end. And how blessed was it and gracious in God the Holy Ghost, in those distant ages from Christ, when the prophecy of Hosea was delivered; and how blessed and gracious now in our day, upon whom " the ends of the world are come;" that this man's ministry should be made instrumental to comfort and refresh both, concerning the glorious person, love, grace, and mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ. Oh, what a sweet proof of the constant and unceasing love watching over and blessing the church of Jesus, by God the Holy Ghost. (See Isa. xxvii. 3.)


There was another Hosea in the church, who was the last king of Israel. (2 Kings xvii. 1.) HOSHAIAH. The father of Jezaniah. His name is a compound of Hosha and Jah, from Jasha, Saviour; and Jah, Lord. (See Neh. xii. 32.) HOSPITALITY. The apostles strongly recommended this virtue to the church. "Use hospitality one to another without grudging," saith Peter, (1 Pet. iv. 9.) And Paul begged the Hebrews, (chap. xiii. 2.) not to be forgetful "to entertain strangers, for thereby, he said, some had entertained angels

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unawares;" alluding very probably, to the case of Abraham and Lot, as related Gen. xviii. 3. and Gen. xix. 2. And Moses commanded the same gracious conduct, upon another account: "Love ye the stranger, for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt." (Deut. x. 19.) But how infinitely higher are the motives enforced in the consideration, that Jesus, the heavenly stranger, came to visit us in our ruined state, and so journeyed among us as a wayfaring man for a little space, that we might dwell with him for ever! And how blessed also, on the other hand, is the consideration, that when this divine Samaritan, as a stranger, passed by, and saw our whole nature robbed and plundered by the great enemy of souls, he took us up, and brought us to the inn of his church and ordinances, and hath there commanded us to be well taken care of until his second coming, when he will recompense every minute act of kindness shewn us for his sake! Such views of Jesus enforce hospitality indeed, in the highest extent, and compel by a motive of the most persuasive nature. The " cup of cold water" given in the name and for the sake of a disciple, cannot be given unnoticed, neither pass unrewarded. Jesus hath already left it upon record, what he will say in that day when he cometh to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all that believe. "I was a stranger, and ye took me in; naked, and ye clothed me; clothed me; I was sick, and ye visited me; I was in prison, and ye came unto me." And when the conscious sense of the littleness of services, and the unworthiness of the doer, shall make the souls of Christ's people exclaim, "Lord, when saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in; or naked, and clothed thee; or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? The Lord Jesus will graciously explain the seeming impossibility in

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