THE LIFE OF PARNELL. For the life of Parnell, the world is obliged to Goldsmith, a biographer worthy of his virtue and his genius. It is much to be regretted, that so masterly a writer had not the means of being more tompletely informed. Goldsmith not only did not know him himself, but was “ obliged to take his character from such as knew but little of him, or who perhaps could have given very little information if they had known more.” The facts stated in the present account of Parnell, are principally taken from Goldsmith, whofe narrative is written with an activity of research, that leaves little to be supplied, and an agreeable manner of communication, that approaches fo near perfection, as to preclude the most diftant hope of improvement. "The life of Parnell is a task," fays Dr. Johnson, "which I fhould very willingly decline, fince it has been lately written by Goldsmith, a man of fuch variety of powers, and fuch felicity of performance, that he always feemed to do best, that which he was doing; a man who had the art of being minute without tediousness, and general without confufion; whofe language was copieus without exuberance, exact without constraint, and easy without weakness. What fuch an author has told, who would tell again?" Thomas Parnell was descended from an ancient family, that had for fome centuries been settled at Congleton, in Cheshire. His father, Thomas Parnell, who had been attached to the Commonwealth party, upon the Restoration went over to Ireland, where he purchased an cftate, which, with his lands in Chefhire, defcended to the poet, who was his eldest son, and still remain in the family. He was born in Dublin, in 1679, and received the first rudiments of his education at the school of Dr. Jones, in that city. When he was only thirteen years old, he was admitted a member of Trinity College, Dublin, which may be confidered as a prefumption, that he had made great progress in learning at a very early age; for young men, proposed to be entered at that University, are expected to be well acquainted with the Latin, and to have attained fome proficiency in the Greek. "His progrefs," fays Goldsmith," through the College courfe of study was probably marked with but little splendor; his imagination might have been too warm to relish the cold logic of Burgerdicius, or the dreary subtleties of Smiglefius; but it is certain, that as a claffical fcholar, few could equal him. His own compofitions fhew this, and the deference which the mo eminent men of his time paid him upon that head, put it beyond a doubt." He was admitted to the degree of Master of Arts, July 9. 1700, and was the fame year ordained a deacon by Dr. King, Bishop of Derry, having obtained a difpenfation from the Primate, as being under the canonical age. About three years afterwards, he was made a priest by Dr. King, then Archbishop of Dublin, and in 1705, Dr. St. George Afhe, Bishop of Clogher, conferred on him the Archdeaconry of Clogher. About the fame time, he married Miís Anne Minchin, a young lady of great merit and beauty, upon whom he wrote the fong beginning, My days bave been fo wondrous free. of the Poets S of GREAT BRITAIN. Volume the Seventh. Parnell, Garth,Rowe, Addison,Hughes, Sheffield, Prior, Congreve, Blackmore,Fenton Granville & Yalden. Printed for John & Arthur Arch, 23. Gracechurch Street. and for Bell & Bradfute and IMundell &C.Edinburgh. |