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1919 Missale Romanum, a splendid fol. edition, beautifully printed and rubricated, with the musical notation, plates, vignettes, &c., fine specimen of the richly embellished sacred service books of the Catholic Church, old calf, gilt.


1920 The Theatre of Honour and Knighthood of the whole Christian World, from the French of Andre Favine, folio, fine heraldic cuts, calf, gilt, rare. London, 1623

"The most valuable treatise we have, in English, on the foreign orders of knighthood, nobility, combats, precedence," &c.---Moule's Bib. Heraldica. 1921 Views of the Cambrian Mountains and Picturesque Scenery of

Wales, 4to. beautiful tinted plates, half mor. London, 1851 1922 Gamonia, or Treatise on the Art of Preserving, Breeding, &c., Game Birds (the Partridge, Pheasant, &c.), colored plates, fine copy, morocco, gilt, London, 1835 1923 Pierce Egan's Book of Sports, and Mirror of Life, The Turf, the Chase, the Ring, and the Stage, 8vo. cuts, cloth. London 1924 Hone's Facetic. The Political House that Jack Built; Right Divine of Kings to Govern Wrong; Slap at Slop; Political Showman, &c., by Wm. Hone, full of spirited illustrations by Geo. Cruikshank, Svo. hf. morocco. Lond., 1827

1925 Life in London, or Day and Night Scenes in the Metropolis, by Pierce Egan, &c., 2 vols. 8vo. numerous col'd plates by Cruikshank, calf, scarce. Lond., 1821 1926 Sporting Tour through France, by Col. Thornton (of Thornville Royal, York), and Description of the Hunting, Sporting Establishments, and Field Amusements of that Country, 2 vols. 4to. 80 plates, calf, gilt,

Lond., 1806 1927 Dr. Syntax in Paris, and Adventures in the French Capital, 8vo. numerous col'd humorous plates, half calf, Lond., 1820 1928 Notitia Venatica on Fox Hunting, and the Management of a Pack of Hounds, by R. Vyner, Esq., royal 8vo. fine cuts and sporting plates by Alken, &c., calf, Lond., 1841 1929 Doings in London, or Day and Night Scenes of the Frauds, Frolics, Manners, and Depravities of the Metropolis, 8vo. 33 engravings by Cruikshank, cl. Lond. 1930 The Life and Death of John Mytton, Esq., of Halston (the famous sportsman), by Nimrod, royal 8vo. finely illustrated with colored plates, sporting scenes, &c., cl. gilt ed. Lond. 1851 1931 FOREIGN FIELDSPORTS, Fisheries, Sporting Anecdotes, &c., illustrated in 110 fine colored plates, after Howitt, Atkinson, Clark, &c., with letter-press descriptions, 4to. mor. Lond. 1814 1932 The Works of Chaucer, with Life, Notes and Glossary, edited by S. W. Singer, 5 vols. 12mo. elegant edition, printed by Whittingham, Chiswick Press, uniform with the Shakspeare, hf. morocco, scarce,


1933 The Dramatic Works of John O'Keefe, 4 vols. 8vo. fine copy, in calf ext. Lond., 1798 1934 ROBIN HOOD. The Ballads, Garlands, the Tale of the Little Geste of Robin Hoode, &c., collected, with his History, Dissertations, &c., by J. M. Gutch, 2 vols. 8vo. numerous illustrations, cl.

Lond., 1846

1935 The History of England by Hume and Smollett, Scholey's fine edition, 16 vols. 8vo. with 150 portraits and historical wood-cut engravings, from Thurston's Designs, new, in half calf, gilt.

Lond., 1808 1936 Remarks on the Local Scenery and Manners of Scotland, by J. Stoddart, 2 vols. royal 8vo., fine colored plates, full morocco, gilt edges, from the Duke of Buckingham's Library at Stowe, Lond., 1801 1937 The Life of Sir Philip Sidney, and Account of the Maxims and Policies used by Queen Elizabeth in her Government, by Fulke Greville, Lord Brook, new edition, with Preface, &c., by Sir Egerton Brydges, privately printed at his press, Lee Priory, 2 vols. royal 8vo. hf. bd. very scarce.


1938 Literary History of England. Biographia Britannica Literaria.
Lives of the Writers of Britain, and Lists of their Works, by
Thos. Wright, 2 vols. 8vo. Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-Norman
Periods, calf ext.
Lond., 1842
1939 Paul Hentzner's Journey into England in 1598, translated by
Horace Walpole, with Sir R. Naunton's Fragmenta Regalia,
Svo. portraits and plates, calf, scarce,
Lond., 1797

"Honest Heutzner sets down the peculiarities of Englishmen in the Reign of
Elizabeth with the same accuracy that Capt. Hall describes the Loo Choo
Islanders."--Retrospective Review.

1940 The History of Rome, by Livy, translated with Notes, &c., by George Baker, best Library Edition, 6 vols. 8vo., hf calf, gilt. Lond, 1822 1941 Plutarch's Lives of Illustrious Greeks and Romans, translated by Langhorne, best Library Edition, 6 vols. 8vo. calf, extra, Lond. 1819 1942 The Comedies of Terence, translated by George Colman, 2 vols. 8vo. Library Edition, plates from the antique, calf. Lond. 1768 1943 Ancient History of the Assyrians, Egyptians, Persians, Greeks, Macedonians, &c., by Rollin, 6 vols. 8vo., best Edition, maps, &c., cf. ext. gt. Lond., 1845

1944 Robinson Crusoe, by De Foe, with the Life of the Author, 2 vols. 8vo. 22 beautiful Illustrations, after Stothard, by Charles Heath, hf. mor. uncut and gt. Lond., 1820 1945 The Orlando Furioso of Ariosto, translated by Hoole, 5 vols. 8vo. fine large paper copy, plates, calf, ext. Lond., 1799 1946 The History of Pendennis, by Wm. M. Thackeray, Esq., 2 vols., 8vo. Etchings and Wood cuts, hf. mor. marbled edge, Lond., 1850

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The 50 large illustrations by the Author, are omitted in the American Edition, and only a selection of the wood cuts given. 1947 The Life of Lord Nelson, by Rev. J. S. Clarke and M'Arthur, 2 vols. Imperial 4to., superbly illustrated with fine engravings, by Heath, Fittler, Golding, Landseer, maps, &c. Unique copy with Etchings and Engravers' proofs before letters of many of the plates, among which are some of the chefs d'œuvres of the English School of Engraving, richly bound in full Russia Extra gilt edges and borders, a splendid copy, and rare and valuable.

Lond. 1809

1948 Œuvres completes de M. Fontenelle, splendid edition, 3 vols., fol. Beautifully illustrated with fine plates by the celebrated Engraver, Bernard Picart, old French calf, gilt. Paris, 1720 1949 The Travels into Muscovy, Persia, and the East Indies, of Cornelius Le Bruyn, with Isbrant's Journey through Tartary to China, &c., 2 vols. fol. Richly illustrated with over 320 plates of Views, Antiquities, Manners and Customs, Natural History, &c., calf, gilt. Lond., 1737

"The descriptions are recognized as exact by the latest travellers to the same countries. The Plates are excellent.---Pinkerton.

1950 History of the Fine Arts. Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture, by R. A. Bromley, 2 vols. 4to. hf. mor. gt. Lond. 1793 1951 Calcographiana. The Printsellers' Chronicle, and Collectors' Guide to the knowledge and value of British Portraits, by J. Caulfield 8vo. calf. Lond., 1814 1952 Enquiry into the Elementary Principles of Beauty, in Nature and Art, and Discourse on Taste, by Wm. Thomson, 4to. calf.

Lond. 1798 1953 The Life of Rembrandt, with catalogue and description of his Etchings, by E. F. Gersaint. 12mo., calf, scarce. Lond., 1752 1954 Elements of Art. A Poem, with Notes, &c., by Sir Martin Archer Shee, Pres. R.A., 8vo., half calf. Lond., 1809 1955 Anecdotes of Eminent Spanish Painters, and Remarks on the Arts in Spain, by Richard Cumberland, 2 vols, 12mo., balf calf," interesting and curious."

Lond., 1782 1956 The Art of Painting, by Du Fresnoy, translated by Dryden, with Notes, &c., 4to., calf,

Lond. 1795 1957 The Life of Sir David Wilkie, with his Journals, Tours, and Critical Remarks on Works of Art, by Allan Cunningham, 3 vols. 8vo., half calf, gilt. Lond., 1843 1958 Critical Reflections on Poetry, Painting, and Music, by the Abbé du Bos, translated by Nugent, 3 vols. 8vo. cf., Lond., 1748 1959 Campaigns of the Duke of Wellington, from the taking of Seringapatam to the battle of Waterloo, fol. portrait, and 24 fine plates by Duplessis Bertaux, half morocco. Paris, 1818 1960 CARICATURES, ENGRAVINGS, &c. Collection of Caricatures, Humorous and Comic Engravings, by Bunbury, Gilray, Cruikshank, &c., (including Thomas Hood's First Work, the large plate of "The Progress of Cant," very rare), colored and plain, including many very fine, mounted in one very large vol. imp'l folio, hf. bd. vellum, over 300 plates.

1961 Dr. Beattie's Poetical Works (the Minstrel, &c.), beautiful 4to edition, calf, ext. Lond., 1803 1962 British Theatrical Gallery. Collection of whole-length Portraits of Celebrated Actors and Actresses, in Character, with Biog. Notices by Terry, fol. 20 plates, beautifully colored, half calf. Lond., 1822 1963 Erasme. L'Eloge de la Folie, traduction francais, fine edition, 4to. large paper copy, with beautiful plates by Eisen, old French, calf, gilt.

1964 BOTANOLOGIA. The English Herbal; or, History of Plants, their species, qualities and virtues, by Salmon, 2 vols. large folcuts, calf. Lond., 1710 1965 History of Ancient and Modern Wines, by Dr. Henderson, 4to. fine vignetle illustrations, hf. morocco, gilt, rare. Lond., 1824 1966 DENON'S EGYPT. Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt during the Campaigns of the French Expedition under General Bonaparte, imp'l folio, hf. morocco, numerous fine plates and engravings of antiquities, scenery, &c. Lond., 1825 1967 Tableaux Historiques de la Revolution Francaise, 2 vols. folio, beautiful engravings of the chief scenes in the French Revolution, with Historical Descriptions. Paris, 1804 1968 Beauties of Moore; Portrait Gallery of Female Beauties, from the Poetical Works of Thos. Moore, 50 splendid plates by Finden, proof impressions, hf. morocco, uncut. Lond., 1845 1969 The Caricature Annual; some Hundred Political and Humorous Caricatures, by Seymour, H. B., &c., colored plates, half mor. Lond., 1836 1970 Boydell's Heads of Illustrious Persons Distinguished in British History and Literature, with Memoirs, 1 vol. fol. numerous plates fine old mezzotints and line engravings, a rare and valuable collection, hf, morocco. Lond., 1811 1971 MUSEUM FLORENTINUM, exhibens Insignium Vetustatis Monumentæ Florentiæ, &c., studio Gorii, 3 vols. imp'l folio, full of splendid old engravings of ancient statues, gems, coins, &c., in the Florence Gallery, very fine copy in gilt calf, Florence, 1731 1972 The Progress of Genius; a Series of Original Etchings and Designs, by the Princess Royal (eldest daughter of George III., afterwards Queen of Wirtemburgh), with letter press, fol. privately printed for presents only, rare, hf. morocco. 1806

1973 The British Gallery of Contemporary Portraits, series of 150 fine engravings of the most eminent persons, now living or lately deceased, in Great Britain, with memoirs, 2 vols. fol. hf. moroc. fine impressions. Lond., 1822

The portraits in this noble work, with few exceptions, do not occur in any other collection,

1974 Memoirs of the Life of Dr. Samuel Parr, by Rev. Wm. Field,

2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, gilt.

Lond. 1828

Lond. 1845

1975 Sermons and Posthumous Discourses by Dr. ROBERT SOUTH, 4 vols. 8vo. calf, gilt, ext., 1976 The Oxford English Prize Essays, by (Dr. Arnold, Milman, Whateley, Keble, &c.,) 5 vols. post 8vo. hf. morocco gilt. Oxford, 1836 1977 The Works of DR. SAMUEL JOHNSON, with Dissertation on his Life and Genius, &c., by Murphy, best edition, 12 vols. 8vo. cf. ext. gilt, Lond. 1978 The Works of JUNIUS, Woodfall's Complete Edition, with Fac Similes, Dissertations, &c., beautiful tall copy, uncut, in half Russia, gilt, Lond. 1814 1979 Memoirs of the Life of Sir Edward Coke, Chief Justice King's Bench, &c., by G. W. Johnstone, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. cf. gt. Lond.

1980 Life and Times of Henry Grattan, by his Son, 5 vols. 8vo. portraits, &c., fine copy, cf. gt. ext., Lond. 1845 1981 Memoirs of Theobald Wolfe Tone, and Journal of the Liberating Army of Ireland, by himself, edited by his Sons, 2 vols. 8vo. half calf, gilt, Lond. 1982 The Poetical Works of Matthew Prior, fol. splendid subscription edition, fine vignette illustrations, old calf, gilt, fine copy.

Lond. 1718

"On Prior's dismissal from his political appointments without resources, this noble edition of his works was got up by subscription, and produced him the sum of £4,000.-(vide Thackeray's Lectures.) 1983 The History of the Isle of Wight, its Picturesque Beauties, Antiquities and Geological Phenomena, by Sir Henry Englefield, fol. 50 fine plates by Cooke, Geological Map, &c., cl. ext.

Lond. 1816 1984 Memoirs of the Wits and Statesmen of the Days of Queen Anne, composing the KIT CAT CLUB, with 48 fine portraits from the original paintings, by Sir Godfrey Kneller, Imp. 4to. half mor. gilt, Lond. 1821 1985 Du Halde (Le Pere) Description generale de L'Empire de Chine, Histoire, Moeurs, Religion, Hist. Naturelle, &c., 4 vols. folio, maps, &c., old calf,

Paris, 1735

"A fine copy of the complete work of Du Halde, the great depository of information on the Chinese Empire."

1986 Itinerarium Curiosum; Account of the Antiquities and Remarkable Curiosities of Nature and Art in Great Britain, by Dr. Stukeley, fol. 204 plates, half morocco, rare and valuable.

Lond, 1776 1987 MONTFAUCON'S ANTIQUITIES, Antiquity Explained and Represented in Sculptures, by Dom Bernard de Montfaucon, translated by D. Humphrey, complete with the Supplement, 7 vols. folio, Diarium Italicum, Antiquarian Travels in Italy, translated by Henley, 1 vol; together 8 vols. fol. fine large paper copy with many hundred plates of antiquities, statues, coins, bas reliefs, gems, temples, &c., &c., old calf, Lond. 1725 1988 Fastes de la Nation Francaise, the History of France from the earliest times, displayed in a Series of Historical Maps, Chronological Tables, &c., by C. Mullie, fol. hf. morocco, a valuable work published by authority of the University of France.


Paris, 1845 1989 Botanicum Medicinale, Herbal of Medical Plants, by T. Sheldrake, fol. 117 plates beautifully colored after nature, cf. ext. Lond. 1746 1990 Picturesque Views of the Antiquities of England and Wales, with Historical Descriptions by Boswell, fol. numerous plates, cf. Lond, 1786 1991 The Life of Ali Pacha, of Janina, Vizier of Epirus, fol. with a series of beautifully colored plates, illustrating his extraordinary career, hf. calf, Lond. 1823 1992 Etruscan Vases in Sir Wm. Hamilton's Collection, Engravings of, with descriptive letter press, &c., royal 8vo. fine outline plates, calf, ext., Lond. 1814

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