
three, only eight cards a-piece are dealt; and five tricks must be won, otherwise the ombre is beasted. Here the person who undertakes the game, after naming the trump, calls a king to his assistance; upon which the person in whose hand the king is, without discovering himself, is to assist him as a partner, and to share his fate. If, between both, they can make five tricks, the ombre wins two counters, and the auxiliary king only one; but, when the counters are even, they divide them equally. If the ombre venture the game without calling in any king this too is called playing sans prendre; in which case the other four are all against him, and he must win five tricks alone, or be beasted. The rest is much the same as by three.

OMBRE DE SOLEIL, or shadow of the sun, in heraldry, is when the sun is borne in armory, so as that the eyes, nose, and mouth, which at other times are represented, do not appear; and the coloring is thin, so that the field can appear through it.

OMEGA, n. s. Gr. ωμεγα.

The last letter of the Greek alphabet; used in Scripture, therefore, for the last.


I am alpha and omega, the beginning and the ending. OM'ELET, n. s. Fr. omelette. A kind of pancake made with eggs. O'MEN, n s. O'MENED, adj. OM INATE, V. a. OM INOUS, adj.

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Latin omen, ominor. A prognostic; a sign or token of some supposed future event : omened and ominous mean containing or exhibiting omens, the latter being generally used in a bad, sense, or of inauspicious omens: to ominate is to prognosticate; foretoken; pretend to foretel: ominously and ominousness follow the senses of


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This ominates sadly, as to our divisions with the
Decay of Piety.

Choose out other smiling hours
Such as have lucky omens shed
O'er forming laws and empires rising.
Fame may prove,

Or omened voice, the messenger of Jove,
Propitious to the search.


Pope's Odyssey.


England a fortune-telling host As numerous as the stars can boast; Matrons who toss the cup, and see Omens of fate in grounds of tea. OMEN, in its proper sense, signifies a sign or indication of some future event taken from the language of a person speaking without any intent to prophesy. Hence Tully says, 'the Pythagoreans attend to the discourse not only of gods, but also of men, which they call omens.' This sort of omen was supposed to depend much upon the will of the person concerned in the event; whence the phrases accepit omen, arriSuch were the original omens; but puit omen. they were afterwards derived from things as well as from words. Thus Paterculus, speaking of the head of Sulpicius on the rostrum, says, it was 'the omen of an impending proscription.' Suetonius says of Augustus, that he believed implicitly in certain omens; and that, "if his shoes were improperly put on in the morning, especially if the left shoe was put upon his right foot, he held it for a bad omen.' Omen was used in a still larger sense, to signify an augury; as in the following line of Tully: Thus Jove confirmed the bright omen of the eagle.' It was lastly used, in the most generic sense of all, for a portent or prodigy; as in the third book of the Eneid, where a myrtle torn up by Æneas dropped blood. Upon this appearance, says the hero,

Mute and amazed, my hair with terror stood;

Fear shrunk my sinews, and congealed my blood. And the same thing being repeated upon his breaking a branch from another tree, he prayed to the gods to avert the omen. These portentous or supernatural omens were either external or internal. Of the former sort were those showers of blood so frequently occurring in the Roman history, which were much of the same nature with this adventure of Eneas, which he calls monstra deûm. Of the second sort were those sudden consternations which, seizing upon men without any visible cause, were imputed to the agency of the god Pan, and hence called panic fears. But indeed there was hardly any thing, however trivial, from which the ancients did not draw omens. That it should have been

thought a direful omen when any thing befel the temples, altars, or statues of the gods, need excite no wonder; but that the meeting of a eunuch, a negro, a bitch with whelps, or a snake lying in the road, should have been looked upon as portending bad fortune is a deplorable instance of human weakness, and of the pernicious influence of superstition on the mind. It is probable that this practice of making ordinary events ominous

of good or bad fortune took its rise in Egypt, the parent country of almost every superstition of paganism; but wherever it may have arisen, it spread itself over the whole inhabited globe, and still prevails in a greater or less degree among the vulgar of all nations. That paying any regard to omens is contrary to every principle of sound philosophy, all philosophers will readily acknowledge; and whoever has studied the writings of St. Paul must be convinced that it is inconsistent with the spirit of genuine Christianity.

OMENTUM, n. s. Lat. omentum. ticulated caul that covers the guts.

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Whilst they were held back purely by doubts and scruples, and want of knowledge without their own The re- faults, their omission was fit to be connived at.

When the peritoneum is cut, as usual, and the 'cavity of the abdomen laid open, the omentum or cawl presents itself first to view. This membrane, which is like a wide and empty bag, covers the greatest part of the guts. Quincy.

OMENTUM. See ANATOMY, Index. OMER, HOMER, CORUS, or CHOMER, in the Jewish antiquities, was a measure containing ten baths, or seventy-five gallons and five pints, as a measure of things liquid, and thirty-two pecks and one pint, as a measure for things dry. The corus or omer was most commonly a measure for things dry; and the greatest that was used among the Jews. It contained, according to the rabbins, ten ephahs or thirty sata or seahs. Corus is the most usual term in the historical writers, and omer or chomer among the prophets.

OMER (St.), a handsome and strong town of the department of the Pas de Calais, France, and the chief place of a subprefecture. Here is an inferior court of judicature, boards of trade and manufactures, an agricultural society, and a communal college. It is a post town of the third military division, with 18,250 inhabitants. This town is situated in a marshy country, on the Aa, which is navigable here, and at the mouth of the canal of Neuf fossé. It is generally well built, and surrounded with good fortifications. The streets are broad, spacious, and airy, and the great square is adorned with several beautiful buildings. The foundation of St. Omer is traced to as early a period as 626, the epoch of the founding of the celebrated abbey of Bertin. It was encompassed with walls in 880, and has increased considerably since that period. The French took possession of it in 1677. Here are manufactures of cloth, twisted thread, starch, soap, oil, glue, pipes, and fishing nets; also dyehouses, sugar refining houses, brass foundries, paper mills, and tan-yards. A considerable trade is carried on in corn, wine, oil, brandy, grocery, flax and coal. The public library contains 20,000 volumes. The cathedral is a fine Gothic edifice; the college church, with its two towers and its wooden arch, is very remarkable. There are also some fine walks near the town. It is fifty-one miles north-west of Arras, thirty-six east of Dunkirk, and 178 north of Paris. OMIS'SION, n. s. Lat. omissus. A forО쳥', т. а. bearance; or neglect of OMITTANCE, n. s. performance: to omit is, to leave out; neglect to practise or to mention: emittance, an obsolete synonyme of omission.

He said, mine eyes were black, and my hair black And, now I am remembered, scorned at me;


The most natural division of all offences is into those of omission and those of commission.

Addison. Her father omitted nothing in her education, that might make her the most accomplished woman of her age. Id.

If he has made no provision for this change, the omission can never be repaired, the time never reRogers.


Omitting, therefore, any mention of sultry Siriussylvan shade-purling rills-gurgling fountains, &c., he tells us simply that it was all on a summer's day.' Canning.

OMMANEY, CAPE, a very remarkable promontory, the south extremity of king George the Third's archipelago. It terminates in a high bluff rocky cliff, with a round rocky islet close to it; and by its shores on the eastern side taking a sharp northerly direction, it becomes a very narrow point of land, which received the name which it now bears from captain Colnety. Long. 225° 37′ 30′′ E., lat. 56° 10′ N.

OMMEN, a town of the Netherlands, in the province of Overyssel, on the Vechte, with 800 inhabitants. A few miles to the north lies the fortress of Ommerschautz, fourteen miles east of Zwolle.

OMMON, a division of Arabia, comprising the coast extending from its eastern extremity of Rasalgate, to the entrance of the Persian Gulf. The interior consists in a great measure of sandy wastes. The coast, however, is diversified by mountains, and well watered; so that it yields barley, palms, lentiles, grapes, &c. The inhabitants have always been amongst the most active and commercial Arabs. They are the best navigators of Arabia: and use vessels called trankies, very broad in proportion to their length, and which have sails made of cloth, instead of those of mat which are used in Yemen; but the most singular circumstance in their construction is, that the planks, instead of being fastened together by nails, are merely tied and sewed. Ommon has repeatedly become an object of ambition. The Portuguese early invaded and took possession of Maskat, its principal port, which they retained for nearly 200 years. In the course of the last century Nadir Shah invaded and conquered it; but, his arms being diverted in other quarters, the native princes regained the dominion. Rostak is the residence of the Imam; but Maskat is the place through which the country is known to Europeans. Kalhat and Sohar are also large


OMNIFA'RIOUS, adj. Lat. omnifarium. O£

all kinds.

These particles could never of themselves, by omifarious kinds of motion, whether fortuitous or mechanical, have fallen into this visible system.

Bentley. But if thou omnifarious drinks wouldst brew; Besides the orchard, every hedge and bush Affords assistance.

Philips. OMNIFIC, adj. Lat. omnis and facio. Allcreating.

Silence, ye troubled waves, and thou deep peace! Said then the' omnifick word, your discord end.


OMNIPARITY, n. s. Lat. omnis and par. General equality.

Their own working heads affect, without commandment of the word, to wit, omniparity of church


White. Lat. omnipotentia. Almightiness; Sboundless or uni

OMNIPOTENCE, n. s. OMNIPOTENCY. OMNIPOTENT, adj. versal power. You were also, Jupiter, a swan, for the love of Leda: oh, omnipotent love! how near the god drew to the complexion of a goose! Shakspeare. The perfect being must needs be omnipotent; both as self-existent and as immense; for he that is selfexistent, having the power of being, hath the power of all being; equal to the cause of all being, which is to be omnipotent. Grew.

Whatever fortune

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I dare not pronounce him omniscious, that being an attribute individually proper to the Godhead, and incommunicable to any created substance. Hakewill on Providence. What can escape the eye

Of God all-seeing, or deceive his heart

Milton's Paradise Lost.
For know, that heaven's omniscient King
Keeps register of every thing;
And nothing may we use in vain,

Even beasts must be with justice slain. Marvell. Thinking by retirement to obscure himself from God, Adam infringed the omnisciency and essential ubiquity of his Maker, who, as he created all things, is beyond and in them all.


Since thou boast'st the' omniscience of a God, Say in what cranny of Sebastian's soul, Unknown to me, so loathed a crime is lodged?

Dryden. Whatsoever is known is some way present; and that which is present cannot but be known by him who is omniscient.

South. It is one of the natural notions belonging to the Supreme Being, to conceive of him that he is omniscient. Wilkins.

The views of that Omniscient Spirit who gave the prophecy-not the surmises of the men whose faculties or whose organs that Spirit employed, are to be the standard of interpretation. Horsley.

OMNIVOROUS, adj. Lat. omnis and voro. All-devouring.

OMOLONE, a river of Irkoutsk, Asiatic Russia, which falls into the Kolyma, after a course of about 250 miles. Its banks are chiefly inhabited by exiles, who employ themselves in fishing and hunting.

OMOPHAGIA, an ancient Greek festival, in honor of Bacchus Omophagos. This festival was observed in the same manner with the other festivals of Bacchus, in which they counterfeited madness. What was peculiar to it was, that the worshippers used to eat the entrails of goats, raw and bloody, in imitation of the god, who was supposed to have done the same thing.

OMPHACINE OIL, an ancient name for a viscous brown juice extracted from green olives. With this oil the ancient athlete, when going to wrestle, anointed themselves; and, when that gymnastic exercise was over, they rolled themselves in the sand, which, mixing with the oil and sweat on their bodies, constituted the strimenta so highly esteemed in the cure of several diseases. This precious medicine was carefully scraped off the body of the athlete with a kind of instrument something like a comb, which was called strigilis; and such was the demand for the scrapings that they were a very lucrative article of trade.

OMPHALE, in fabulous history, a queen of Lydia, daughter of Jardanus. She married Tmolus, who at his death left her mistress of his kingdom. Omphale had been informed of the great exploits of Hercules, and wished to see so illustrious a hero. Her wish was soon gratified. After the murder of Eurytus, Hercules by way of atonement was ordered to be sold as a slave, that he might recover the use of his senses. Mercury was commissioned to sell him, and Omphale bought him, and restored him to liberty. The hero became enamored of his mistress, and the queen favored his passion, and had two sons by

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him, Agelaus and Lamon; from whom were descended Gyges and Croesus; though some make these Lydian monarchs spring from Alcæus, a son of Hercules, by one of the female servants Omphale. Hercules is represented by the poets as so desperately enamoured of the queen, that, to conciliate her, he spun by her side among her women, while she covered herself with the lion's skin, and armed herself with the club of the hero, often striking him with her sandals for the uncouth manner with which he held the distaff, &c.

ÓMPHALEA, in botany, a genus of the triandria order, and the monœcia class of plants: MALE CAL. tetraphyllous: COR. none: the receptacle into which the antheræ are sunk is ovate: FEMALE CAL. and COR. as in the male; the stigma trifid: CAPS. carnous and trilocular: SEED one. There are two species.

OMPHALO-MESENTERIC, in anatomy. All fœtuses are wrapped up in at least two coats or membranes; most of them have a third called allantoides or urinary. Some, as the dog, cat, hare, &c., have a fourth, which has two bloodvessels, viz. a vein and an artery, called omphalo-mesenterics, because passing along the string to the navel, and terminating in the mesentery.

OMRATTEE, a large fortified trading town of Hindostan, in the province of Berar. It belongs to the Nizam; and from this place a considerable quantity of cotton is sent the distance of 500 miles by land, to Mirzapore, a famous mart on the banks of the Ganges, in the province of Allahabad.

OMSK, a fortress and small town of the government of Tomsk, in Asiatic Russia, at the junction of the river Om with the Irtysch. The original fort was built in 1716, upon a spot higher up the Irtysch; but in 1766 general Springer fixed upon the present site, where a regular and strong fortress has been erected. Omsk is intended as a barrier against the Kirghises it terminates the military line of the Irtysch, and begins that of the Ischim. The general's house, church, and military school, are handsome edifices. Long. 74° 54′ E., lat. 55° 4′ N. ON, prep., adv., & interj.- Sax. on; Goth. ON'SET, n. s. & v. a. on; Danish and ON'SLAUGHT, Teut. an; Belg. aan, ON'WARD, adv. aen, an. As a preposition, it is placed before that which is under, which supports any thing, and which keeps it from falling; which is struck by a body falling; or to which the thing preceding it is added: also accumulation; elevation; progression; approach; invasion; reliance; occasion or motive; invocation; imprecation; stipulation or condition; distinction or opposition; manner; it is placed before the subject of action or passion. As an adverb, it signifies in order of succession; forward; upon (as an article of dress); resolution, and is the regular opponent of off. As an interjection, it is taken elliptically for go on,' and commands or encourages forward or to attack. On fire, de notes the state of combustion: onset (on and set), means a set-on or attack; storm; assault; something set on: to attack or assault: onslaught is an obsolete compound (of on and slay) of the same sense: onward is forward; progres-. sively; further on.

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If the tenant fail the landlord, he must fail his Id. creditor, and he his, and so on.

A thriving gamester has but a poor trade on't, who fills his pockets at the price of his reputation. Id. on Education.

As he forbore one act, so he might have forborn another, and after that another, and so on, till he had by degrees weakened, and at length mortified and extinguished the habit itself. South.

Go to, I did not mean to chide you; On with your tale. Rowe's Jane Shore. The spacious firmament on high. Addison. On God's providence and on your bounty, all thei" present support and future hopes depend. Smallridge.

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On me, on me let all thy fury fall, Nor err from me, since I deserve it all. Pope. His fancy grows in the progress, and becomes on fire, like a chariot wheel, by its own rapidity. Id. On then, my muse! and fools and knaves expose, And, since thou can'st not make a friend, make foes. Young.

But aye the ruthless driver goads them on, And aye of barking dogs the bitter throng, Makes them renew their unmelodious moan. Thomson. Place me on Sirmium's marble steep, Where nothing save the waves and I May hear our mutual murmurs sweep,

There, swan-like, let me sing and die. Byron. Thou too-the nameless bard!-whose honest zeal For law, for morals, for the public weal, Pours down impetuous on the country's foes The stream of verse, and many-languaged prose.


ON, in ancient geography, a city of Egypt, sacred to the sun, and by the Greeks, on that account, called Heliopolis. It was remarkable for the wisdom and learning of its priesthood, and for the spacious buildings in which they cultivated the studies of philosophy and astronomy. The priests of On were esteemed more noble than all the other priests of Egypt, and were always ministers of state, owing to their high antiquity and great learning. Bishop Warburton affirms that they held the system which now distinguishes the name of Copernicus; and that Pythagoras received it from Oenuphis, a priest of On, and brought it into Greece. ONE, adj. & n. s. Sax. one; Goth. ein; ONCE, adj. & n. s. Teut. ein; Gr. v. Single; ONE'EYED, sole; different or diverse ONE'NESS, n. s. (opposed to another); the same; future, as in one day:' as a noun substantive, an unit; single person or mess; the same thing; first hour; a person indefinitely; a distinct or particular person; an eminent person; persons united; concord; agreement: it takes, but not elegantly, a plural both absolutely and relatively, as 'the great ones of the world;' 'his waking thoughts only reflect his sleeping ones.' Once signifies a single time; an instant or indivisible point of time; time past and not to be repeated or again occur; at the immediate time; formerly: as a noun substantive it seems to mean occasion; occurrence; instance; as this or that once :' one-eyed is having but one eye: oneness, quality of being one; unity; compactness.

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For he dide this thynge in offrynge himselfe oonys. Wiclif.

Ask from the one side of heaven unto the other, whether there hath been any such thing as this? Deuteronomy iv. 32. When any one heareth the word of the kingdom, and understandeth it not,, then cometh the wicked one and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart. Mat. xiii. 19. It is not so worthy to be brought to heroical effects by fortune or necessity, like Ulysses and Æneas, as by one's own choice and working. Sidney.

One day when Phoebe fair, With all her band, was following the chase, This nymph, quite tired with heat of scorching air, Sat down to rest. Spenser.

Although the beauties, riches, honours, sciences, virtues, and perfections of all men, were in the present possession of one, yet somewhat beyond and above all this there would still be sought and ear nestly thirsted for. Hooker.

Our God is one, or rather very oneness and mere unity, having nothing but itself in itself, and not consisting, as all things do besides God, of many things.

If one by one you wedded all the world, She you killed would be unparalleled.




Till 'tis one o'clock, our dance of custom Let us not forget.

Then must you speak

Of one, that loved not wisely, but too well;
Of one, not easily jealous; but, being wrought,
Perplexed in the extreme.
Id. Othello.
Be not found here; hence with your little ones.

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But that's all one.


As I have made ye one, lords, one remain: So I grow stronger, you more honour gain. Id.

Pindarus the poet, and one of the wisest, acknowledged also one God, the most high, to be the father and creator of all things. Raleigh.

That man should be the teacher is no part of the matter; for birds will learn one of another.

Bacon's Natural History. The king was well instructed how to carry himself between Ferdinando and Philip, resolving, to keep them at one within themselves.


Trees that bear mast are fruitful but once in two years; the cause is, the expence of sap. Id. Heaven waxeth old, and all the spheres above Shall one day faint, and their swift motion stay; And time itself. in time, shall cease to move, Davies. But the soul survives and lives for aye. left fair fame after death, without the love of his If any one prince made a felicity in this life, and subjects, there were some colour to despise it.


The obedience of the one to the call of grace, when the other, supposed to have sufficient, if not an equal measure, obeys not, may reasonably be imputed to the humble, malleable, melting temper.


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