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pawnbroker may take for the whole month. § 5. Entries to be made and duplicates given. § 6, 7. Any person fraudulently pawning the goods of another, and convicted before a justice, shall forfeit from £5 to 20s., and also the value of the goods pawned, &c., to be ascertained by the justice; and, on failure of payment, may be committed to the house of correction, for not more than three months, and be publicly whipped; the forfeitures, when paid, to be applied towards making satisfaction to the party injured, and defraying the costs; the overplus, if any, to the poor of the parish. § 8. Any person counterfeiting or altering a duplicate, may be seized and taken before a justice; who is to commit the party to the house of correction for not more than three months, nor less than one. § 9.

If any person shall offer to pawn any goods, refusing to give a satisfactory account of himself and the goods; or if there shall be reason to suspect that such goods are stolen; or if any person not entitled shall attempt to redeem goods pawned, they may be taken before a justice, who shall commit them for further examination: and if it appear that the goods were stolen, or illegally obtained, or that the person offering to redeem the same has no title or pretence to them, the justice is to commit him to be dealt with according to law, where the nature of the offence shall authorise such commitment by any other law; or otherwise, for not more than three months. § 10. Persons buying or taking in pledge unfinished goods, or any linen, &c., entrusted to be washed, shall forfeit double the sum lent, and restore the goods. § 11.

A justice may grant a search-warrant, in executing which, a peace-officer may break open doors, and the goods, if found, shall be restored to the owner. § 12, 13. Pawnbrokers refusing to deliver up goods pledged within one year, on tender of the money lent, and interest, on conviction, a justice is empowered to commit the offender till the goods be delivered up, or reasonable satisfaction made. § 14.

Persons producing notes are not to be deemed owners, unless on notice to the contrary from the real owner. § 15. Duplicates being lost, the owners, on oath before a justice, shall be entitled to another from the pawnbroker. § 16.

Goods to be sold by public auction after the expiration of one year, being exposed to public view, and catalogues thereof published, and two advertisements of sale by the pawnbroker to be inserted in some newspaper two days at least before the first day's sale, under penalty of £10 to 40s. to the owner. § 17. Pictures, prints, books, statues, &c., shall be sold only four times in a year. 18. Pawnbrokers receiving notice from the owners of goods before the expiration of a year, shall not dispose of them, until after the expiration of three months from the end of the said year. § 19.

Pawnbrokers to enter an account of sales in their books of all goods pawned for upwards of 10s.; and in case of any overplus by the sale, upon demand within three years, it shall be paid to the owner, the necessary costs, principal and interest being deducted; persons possessing duplicates entitled to the inspecting of the book;

and in case the goods shall have sold for more than the sum entered, or the further entries not made, or the overplus is refused to be paid, the offender shall forfeit £10 and treble the sum lent, to be levied by distress. § 20. Pawnbrokers shall not purchase goods whilst in their custody, or suffer them to be redeemed for that purpose; nor lend money to any person appearing to be under twelve years of age, or intoxicated, or purchase duplicates of other pawnbrokers, or buy any goods before eight in the forenoon, and after seven in the evening; nor receive any goods in pawn before eight in the forenoon, or after eight at night, between Michaelmas and Lady-day, and before seven o'clock in the forenoon, and after nine at night, during the remainder of the year; except till eleven o'clock on the evenings of Saturday, and that preceding Good Friday and Christmas-day; nor carry on the trade on any Sunday, Good Friday, or Christmas-day, or any fast or thanksgivingday. § 20.

Pawnbrokers are to place in their shops a table of rates allowed by this act. § 21. Pawnbroker's Christian and surname, and business, to be written over the door, under a penalty of £10, half to the informer and half to the poor. § 23. Pawnbrokers having sold goods illegally, or having embezzled or injured goods, justices may award reasonable satisfaction to the owners, in case the same shall not amount to the principal and profit; or, if it does, the goods shall be delivered to the owner, without paying any thing, under a penalty of £10. § 24. They are to produce their books before any justice, if required, on a penalty of £10 to £5. § 25.

Penalty on pawnbrokers' neglecting to make entry £10, and for every offence against this act, where no penalty is provided, 40s. to £10, half to the informer, the remainder to the poor. § 26. But complaint shall, in all cases, be made within twelve months § 27.

No person convicted of a fraud or felony may be an informer under this act. § 29. Churchwardens to prosecute for every offence at the expense of the parish, on notice from a justice. $28. This act does not extend to persons lending money upon goods at 5 per cent. interest. But to extend to the executors, &c., of pawnbrokers and pawners. § 31. The form of conviction is settled by § 33; and an appeal given to the quarter sessions. § 35.

PAWNEES, native Indians of Louisiani, on, and west of, the Platte. Population 5500.

PAWTUCKET, a post town, partly in North Providence, Rhode Island, and partly in Seekhonk, Massachusetts, on the Pawtucket: four iniles north-east of Providence. Population about 2000. It is finely situated on the beautiful and interesting Falls of Pawtucket, and has very extensive and flourishing manufactures. It contains two houses of public worship, one for Episcopalians, and one for Baptists; two banks, nine cotton manufactories, containing about 10,000 spindles; two screw manufactories, two furnaces, one nail manufactory, one oil mill, one rolling mill, one fulling mill, and two corn mills.

PAWTUCKET, a river of Rhode Island, which rises in Massachusetts, where it is called the

Blackstone, passes through the north-east part of Rhode Island; and flows into Narraganset Bay, just below Providence. Below the falls it

is called the Seekhonk. The descent at the falls is about fifty feet.

PAWTUXET, another river of Rhode Island, which runs into Narraganset Bay, four miles below Providence.

PAX, the goddess of peace, among the ancients. The Athenians erected a statue of her, representing her as holding Plutus, the god of wealth, in her lap. They first erected an altar to her, after Cimon's victory over the Persians; (Plutarch) or after that of Timotheus over the Spartans. Nepos. The Romans represented her with an olive branch in the one hand, and the horn of plenty in the other.

PAXO (the ancient Ericusa), a small island of the Mediterranean, seven miles south of Corfu it is five miles long and two broad, rocky, and generally barren, but affords some oil, wine, and fruits, in small quantity. It has three good ports, of which that named Porto Gai, perhaps the best, contains a chapel on the site of the supposed residence of St. Paul. The absence of any venomous or hideous reptile in this island is ascribed to this saint; and, according to the popular belief, he has even bestowed greater benefits on the island than he himself experienced; for a person of the neighbouring countries, where such reptiles are found, being bitten, has only to ascend a hill, and get a sight of Paxo, to be cured! San Nicholo, the only town of the island is on the east. Anti-Paxo, a league south of Paxo, is uninhabited and uncultivated.

PAY, v. a. & n. s.
PAY'ABLE, adj.


payer; Ital. pagere; Span. and Port. pagur, à Lat. pacare. To satisfy; discharge a debt: hence reward; chasten; atone; discharge any obligation: as a noun substantive, hire; wages; a servant's or soldier's reward: payable is, due; to be paid; possible to be paid: pay-day, payer, and paymaster, seem obvious in their meaning: payment is, the act of paying; thing paid; or any reward. An hundred talents of silver did the children of Ammon pay. 2 Chronicles xxvii. 5. The wicked borroweth, and payeth not again.

Psalms. I have peace-offerings with me: this day have I paid my vows. Proverbs vii. 14.

She does what she will, say what she will, take all, pay all. Shakspeare. Merry Wives of Windsor. If this prove true, they'll pay for't. Shakspeare. You have done enough, and have performed A saint-like sorrow; and indeed paid down More penitence, than done trespass.


I followed me close, and, with a thought, seven of
the eleven I paid.
Id. Henry IV.
Come on, brave soldiers, doubt not of the day;
And, that once gotten, doubt not of large pay.

Thy husband commits his body
To painful labour both by sea and land,
And craves no other tribute at thy hands
But love, fair looks, and true obedience;
Too little payment for so great a debt.

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The king and prince

Then paid their offerings in a sacred grove
To Hercules.


knows her worth too well; and pays me with disShe I love, or laughs at all my pain, Id. Knight's Tale. The soldier is willing to be converted, for there is neither pay nor plunder to be got. L'Estrange.

Men of parts, who were to act according to the result of their debates, and often pay for their mistakes with their heads, found those scholastick forms of little use to discover truth. Locke.

Riches are got by consuming less of foreign com modities, than what by commodities or labour is paid



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PAYNE (Nevil), an English dramatic writer, who flourished under Charles II. He published three plays, viz.:-1. The Fatal Jealousy; a tragedy, 4to. 1673. 2. The Morning Ramble, or the Town Humors; a comedy; 4to. 1673 3. The siege of Constantinople; a tragedy; 4to 1675.

PAYSE, v. n.? Used by Spenser for poise
PAYS'ER, n. s. To balance: one who weighs.
Ne was it island then, ne was it paysed
Amid the ocean waves, but all was desolate.


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PAZ, a town of Mexico, in the intendancy of Valladolid: 120 miles N. N. W. of Mexico. Population about 3000. It is also the name of several insignificant settlements.

PAZ, LA, a district formerly included in Peru, but now in the state of Buenos Ayres, north of Sicasica, and consisting only of a small district round the city of the same name, in the vicinity of the western cordillera of the Andes. The surface is rough and its temperature cold. The adjacent cordillera, only twelve leagues distant, is high one of its summits, called Illimani, is covered with perpetual snow, but the city is not subject to extreme cold, enjoying a salubrious and rather warm air. The snow-clad mountains, the fertile valleys, and the fine river of the neighbourhood, give charms to its scenery rarely equalled. The higher grounds are covered with forests, which afford shelter to bears, jaguars, pumas, &c. Some gold is found in the river, when it is increased by the melting of the snow. In 1730 an Indian discovered in this stream a lump of gold of such a size that it was bought for 12,000 piastres. The country is fertile in grain and fruits.

PAZ, LA, a city, the capital of the above district, founded in 1548, and so called in memory of the public tranquillity being settled, by the defeat of Gonzalo Pizarro. Beside the cathedral, the city has four churches, five convents, and three nunneries. According to Helms, it suffered considerably by the revolt of the Indians; but it had in his time 20,000 inhabitants. One great article of trade here is Paraguay tea. The bishop has very considerable revenues: 120 miles E. S. E. of Arequipa, 288 south-east of Cuzco, and 612 south-east of Lima.

PEA, n. s. PEASE,

Sax. pira; Fr. pois; Lat. pi

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PEA, in botany. See PISUM.
PEACE, n. s. & interj.


\__ Fr. pair; Ital. pace; Span. Port. and Lat. par. Quiet; stillness; rest; respite from war, disturbance, or terror; reconciliation of differences; state of agreement or unity. In law, the general

security and quiet which the king warrants to his subjects, and of which he therefore avenges the violation; every forcible injury is a breach of 'the king's peace:' as an interjection, a word commanding silence: peaceable is, quiet; undisturbed; free from war or tumult; of quiet disposition: peaceably and peaceableness the corresponding adverb and noun substantive: peaceful is a poetical synonyme of peaceable: peacemaker, one who reconciles differences, or disagreeing parties: peace-parted, dismissed in peace. These men are peaceable, therefore let them dwell in the land and trade. Genesis xxxiv. 21. A sacrifice of peace-offering offer without blemish. Lev. ii. 1. Peace be unto thee, fear not, thou shalt not die. Judges vi. 23. If I have rewarded evil unto him that was at peace with me, let the enemy persecute my soul.

Psalm vii. 4. Blessed are the peace-makers, for they shall be Matt. v. 9. called the children of God.

and peace in

The God of hope fill you with all joy Romans. believing, that ye may abound in hope. Peace! fear, thou comest too late, when already the arm is taken.

sum. When it is mentioned as PEASE COD, the plural of a single body, makes PEA'-SHELL. peas; but, when collectively, as food, or a species, it is called pease, anciently peason: the peascod and pea-shell are the husk abuses and peaceable continuance of the subject.

of peas.

A pea hath a papilionaceous flower, and out of his empalement rises the pointal, which becomes a long pod full of roundish seeds; the stalks are fistulous and weak, and seem to perforate the leaves by which they are embraced; the other leaves grow by pairs along the midrib, ending in a tendril. The species are sixteen. 1. The greater garden pea, with white flowers and fruit. 2. Hotspur pea. 3. Dwarf pea. 4. French dwarf pea. 5. Pea with an esculent husk. 6. Sickle pea. 7. Common white pea. 8. Green rouncival pea. 9. Grey pea. 10. Maple rouncival 11. Rose pea. pea. 12. Spanish moretto pea. Marrowfat or Dutch admiral pea. 14. Union pea. 15. Sea pea. 16. Pig pea.



Sowe peason and beans in the wane of the moon;
Who soweth them sooner, he soweth too soone.

Thou art a shealed peascod.
Shakspeare. King Lear.
I saw a green caterpillar as big as a small peascod.

As peascods once I plucked, I chanced to see
One that was closely filled with three times three,
I o'er the door the spell in secret laid.

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The laws were first intended for the reformation of


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Peace, good reader, do not weep; Peace, the lovers are asleep. Plant in us all those precious fruits of piety, justice, and charity, and peaceableness, and bowels of mercy toward all others. Hammond's Fundamentals. Preserve us in peace, so preserve us in peace, that war may be always more odious to us than necessity. Holyday.

But peace, I must not quarrel with the will' Of highest dispensation. Milton's Agonistes. Silence, ye troubled waves, and thou deep, peace!

Said then the omnific word.


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rusalem, and enriched with the spoils and ornaments of the temple of the Jews. The ancients speak of it as one of the most stately buildings in Rome. There men of learning used to hold their assemblies, and lodge their writings, as many others deposited their jewels, and whatever else they esteemed of great value. It was likewise made use of as a kind of magazine for the spices brough by the Roman merchants out of Egypt and Arabia; so that many rich persons were reduced to beggary, all their valuable effects and treasures being consumed in one night, with the temple.

PEACE RIVER, or Unijah River, a river of North America, which has its rise, according to Mackenzie, in the Rocky Mountains, lat. 54° 24′ N., and long. 121° W., or only a few miles from that of the Columbia, which, taking an opposite direction, falls into the Pacific Ocean. After a long winding course, during which it is increased by many large streams, it passes the Lake of the Hills, and is called Slave River. It now runs through Slave Lake, and afterwards receiving the name of Mackenzie's River, emptying itself into the frozen Ocean, in 70° N. lat. and about 135° W. long. Its stream is from 200 to 800 yards wide, generally navigable, except within the Rocky Mountains, when its course is much interrupted by rapids. Where it falls into the Slave River it is upwards of a mile broad; and the country between this and the Lake of the Hills is frequently inundated by it.

PEACH, v. v. a. Corrupted from IMPEACH. A slang term for to accuse of a crime.

If you talk of peaching, I'll peach first, and see whose oath will be believed; Ill trounce you.

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Dryden. PEACH, n. s. French pesche; Itai. PEACH-COLORED, adj. S persio, pesco; Port. pessigo; Span. persiga; Lat. persica. (Evidently from Persia.) A tree and fruit. See below.

One Mr. Caper comes to jail at the suit of Mr. Threepile the mercer, for some four suits of peachcoloured sattin, which now peaches him a beggar. Shakspeare. Measure for Measure. September is drawn with a cheerful countenance : in his left hand a handful of millet, withal carrying a cornucopia of ripe peaches, pears, and pomegraPeacham.


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The peacock's plumes thy tackle must not fail,
Nor the dear purchase of the sable's tail. Gay.

The self-applauding bird the peacock see→→→
Mark what a sumptuous Pharisee is he!
Meridian sunbeams tempt him to unfold
His radiant glories, azure, green, and gold.

PEACOCK, in ornithology. See PAVO.
PEACOCK FISH, in ichthyology, Pinna ani
radiis 55, caudali falcati. The body is of va-
rious colors; the fin of the anus has fifty-five
streaks, and its tail is in the form of a crescent.
The head is without scales; it is brown upon the
upper part, yellow above the eyes, and of a sil-
ver color on the sides. The back is round, and
adorned with beautiful blue streaks in a serpen-
tine form, and the belly bright as silver. The
fins of the breast are round, and, like those of
the belly, have a yellow ground with a gray
border; that of the back is of a violet color;
that of the anus is straw colored; and, lastly,
that of the tail is yellow on the sides, red to-
wards the middle, and bordered with a deep
blue. Its length is not known. There is a
variety of this fish found only in the Indian
seas, and therefore called the Indian peacock
fish; which is thus described in the language of
Linnæus: Pavo pinna caudali forcipata: spinis
dorsalibus 14: ocello cæruleo pone oculos.
It has the fin of its tail forked; fourteen sharp
points or prickles on the back, with a round blue
streak behind the eyes. The body of this fish
is of an elliptical form; the head is covered
with scales to the tip of the snout; the two
jaws are armed with long and sharp teeth; the
ball of the eye is black, and the iris of a white
color with a mixture of green. At the insertion
of the fins of the belly is found a bony substance.
The head, back, and sides, are of a yellow color,
more or less deep, and covered with lines or
streaks of sky blue. These colors are so agree
ably mixed that they resemble the elegance of
the peacock's tail.

PEAK, n. s. & v. n. Sax. beac; Fr. pique, pic, pica. The pointed top of a hill or eminence. See BEAK. As a verb, to look sickly or sharp featured; hence, look mean.

Weary se'ennights, nine times nine,
Shall he dwindle, peak, and pine.
Shakspeare. Macbeth.
I, a dull and muddy mettled rascal, peak,
Like John a dreams, unpregnant of my cause.

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PEAK OF DERBYSHIRE, a chain of very high mountains in that county, famous for the mines they contain, and for their remarkable caverns. The most remarkable of these are Pool's Hole and Elden Hole. The former is a cave at the foot of a high hill called Coitmoss, so narrow at the entrance that passengers are obliged to creep on all-fours; but it soon opens to a considerable height, extending to above a quarter of a mile, with a roof somewhat resembling that of an ancient cathedral. By the petrifying water continually dropping in many parts of the cave are formed a variety of curious figures and representations of the works both of nature and art. There is a column here as clear as alabaster, which is called The Queen of Scots' Pillar, because queen Mary is said to have proceeded thus far when she visited the cavern. After sliding down the rock a little way, is found the dreary cavity turned upwards: following its course, and climbing from crag to crag, the traveller arrives at a great height, till the rock, closing over his head on all sides, puts an end to any further subterraneous journey. Just at turning to descend, the attention is caught by a chasm, in which is seen a candle glimmering at a vast depth underneath. The guides say that the light is at a place near Mary queen of Scots' pillar, and no less than eighty yards below. It appears frightfully deep indeed to look down; but perhaps does not measure any thing like what it is said to do. If a pistol be fired by the queen of Scots' pillar, it would make a report as loud as a cannon. Near the extremity there is a hollow in the roof, called the Needle's Eye; in which if a candle is placed it will represent a star in the firmament to those who are below. At a little distance from this cave is a small clear stream consisting of hot and cold water, so near each other, that the finger and thumb of the same hand may be put, the one into the hot water and the other into the cold. Elden Hole is a dreadful chasm in the side of a mountain; which, before the end of the seventeenth century, was thought to be altogether unfathomable. In 1699 captain Sturmy descended by ropes fixed at the top of an old lead-ore pit, four fathoms almost perpendicular, and thence three fathoms more obliquely, between two great rocks. At the bottom of this he found whence an entrance into a very spacious cavern, he descended along with a miner for twenty-five fathoms perpendicular. At last they came to a great water, which he found to be twenty fathoms broad and eight deep. As they walked by the side of this water, they observed a hollow in the rock some feet above them. The miner went into this place, which was the mouth of another cavern; and walked for about seventy paces in it. The floor of these caverns is a kind of white stone enamelled with lead ore, and the roofs are encrusted with shining spar. On his return from this subterraneous journey,

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