페이지 이미지


Section A-Constitutional Amendments.

Jas. A. Gibson, Los Angeles, chairman; W. S. Goodfellow, San Francisco; C. E. McLaughlin, Sacramento; A. F. Jones, Butte; A. Haines, San Diego,

Section B-Criminal Law and Procedure.

Wm. J. Hunsaker, Los Angeles, chairman; Grant H. Smith, San Francisco; Beverly L. Hodghead, Berkeley; John D. Fredericks, Los Angeles; S. M. Davis, Santa Ana.

Section C-Civil Procedure.

J. K. Law, Merced, chairman; Wheaton A. Gray, Los Angeles; O. K. Cushing, San Francisco; R. S. Gray, San Francisco; J. J. Wells, Red Bluff, Tehama county.

Section D-Amendments to Substantive Law.

Richard J. Dillon, Los Angeles, chairman; Bradner W. Lee, Los Angeles; Max Loewenthal, Los Angeles; Lester H. Jacobs, San Francisco; Geo. C. Sargent, San Francisco.

Section E-Laws Relative to Trusts and Corporations.

Wm. R. Davis, Oakland, chairman; John P. Coghlan, San Francisco; Wm. R. Hervey, Los Angeles; John M. Fulweiler, Auburn; Frederick Searls, Nevada City, Nevada county.

Section F-Legal Ethics.

Charles S. Wheeler, San Francisco, chairman; Henry J. Stevens, Los Angeles; Henry Eickhoff, San Francisco; W. H. Donahue, Oakland; Charles A. Shurtleff, San Francisco.

Section G-Courts and Judicial Officers.

Wm. Denman, San Francisco, chairman; Walter Perry Johnson, San Francisco; Oscar A. Trippet, Los Angeles; R. A. Waring, Sacramento; Samuel G. Tompkins, Santa Clara.

Section H-Uniformity of State Laws.

Walter R. Leeds, Los Angeles, chairman; Scott Hendricks, San Francisco; Gurney E. Newlin, Los Angeles; W. W. Middlecoff, Los Angeles; Claude F. Purkitt, Willows, Glenn county.

Section I-Legal Education and Admission to the Bar.

Frederick C. Woodward, Stanford University, chairman; Frank M. Porter, Los Angeles; Jas. Lanagan, San Francisco; H. C. Jones, San Jose; L. W. Jutten, Los Angeles.


Sacramento, Cal., Nov. 13, 1911.

To the Officers and Members of the

California Bar Association:

Your Secretary reports for the year ending November 13, 1911, as follows:

No meetings of this Association have been held during the past year, either of the Association or Legislative Council. The Executive Committee held one meeting in San Francisco June 9. 1911. Other committees have held meetings at various times and places.

The officers and appointed committees of this Association are as follows:

(See pages 3 and 6 of report of proceedings.) Membership.

There are now on our membership roll 200 names, a list of which is attached to this report, and three Bar Associations which have paid their per capita tax as constituent members. The Bar Association of San Francisco, the Los Angeles Bar Association and the Oakland Bar Association.

These last three named Associations and also the Placer County Bar Association, Fresno County Bar Association and Sacramento Bar Association and the San Diego Bar Association have sent delegates to this annual meeting, and their names are appended to this report. (See list at end of minutes of proceedings.) Other Bar Associations may have sent delegates, but their names have not yet been reported to your Secretary.

Five hundred copies of the proceedings of our last annual meeting, consisting of 350 pages, were printed and distributed to our members and to other State Bar Associations, besides a large number were distributed to members of our State Legislature upon the request of our Legislative Committee.

One thousand copies of all reports of committees received in time for this meeting have been printed and distributed throughout the State to our members and copies can now be had from your Secretary.

Notices of this meeting have been sent to each member, to

every Superior Court Judge and District Attorney in this State, also addressed to the "Bar Association" of every county in the State, whether such Bar Association was known to exist or not, in the hope that the wish may be father to the thought.


The report of the Treasurer and Auditing Committee will cover all matter relating to the finances of this Association which at present has no paid officers or employees.

Your Secretary is informed that certain members are in arrears for dues, but under our present by-laws has no authority for striking their names from the membership roll.

During the past year death has claimed three of our members, viz.: Walter J. Trask of Los Angeles, Gilbert D. Munson of Los Angeles and Alexander G. Eells of San Francisco. Respectfully submitted,

T. W. ROBINSON, Secretary.


To the Officers and Members of the

California Bar Association:

Pursuant to section 3 of article I of the By-laws of this Association, your Treasurer herewith presents his Annual Report for the year ending November 13th, 1911:


Jan. 7-Received from T. W. Robinson, retiring
Treasurer of the California State Bar Associa-·

Sept. 13-Received from San Francisco Bar Asso-
ciation, per capita tax for year ending Nov.
1, 1911
Oct. 7-Received from Los Angeles Bar Association,
per capita tax for year ending Nov. 1, 1911....
Nov. 7-Received from Oakland Bar Association, per
capita tax for year ending Nov. 1, 1911........
Received as annual dues from 118 members, $5 each
(see itemized statement and list of names here-
unto annexed)








Paid out by checks Nos. 1 to 2, inclusive, in payment of warrants Nos. 17 to 18, inclusive, as signed and issued by the Finance Committee (see itemized statements hereunto attached)...




Leaving a balance in our treasury of.......
Respectfully submitted,

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