페이지 이미지

Unbreathed, unexercised, unpractised.

Weigh, sometimes, to valle or extcem.

Unnape, a term in hunting, to stop every hole before the fox Weird, prophetic.

is uncaped or turned out of the bag. Uncharged, unattacked. Tim. 4th. Unclew, to unwind, to ruin.

Uncoined, unrefined, unadorned. Hen. V

Unconfirmed, unpractised in the ways of the world, not hardened.

Undercraft, a phrase from heraldry, to wear beneath the


Uneffected, 1. e. fire, shining without heat. Ham.
Uncrpressive, inexpressible. As you.
Ungenilured, not having genitals.

Unhaired, unbearded, youthful

Unhappy, sometimes, for mischievously waggish, unlucky.

Unhoused, free from domestic cares.

Unhouselled, without having the sacrament.

Unmastered, licentious.

Unproper, common. Oth

Unqualified, unmanned.

Unquestionable averse to conversation. As you. Unrespective inconsiderate.

Unrest, disquict.

Unrough youths, beardless youths. Mac.

Unsisting, unresisting, or unfeeling. Mea. for Mea.

Unsmirched, clean, not defiled.

Unsquared, as stones, unadapted to their purposes.

Unstanched, incontinent.

Untempering, not softening.

Untented, not probed, virulent.

Untraded, singular, not in common use,

Unvalued, invaluable. Rich. III

Upspring, upstart.

Use and usance, sometimes for usury.

Utis, a merry festival.

Utterance, the extremity of defiance. Cym, Mac.

Waft, to beckon. Com. of Er. Ham.

Wage, sometimes, to hire or reward, to fight.. Wan'd, probably for waned, decayed, or in the wane. and Cleo.

Wanned, pale, made wan.

Wanton, sometimes, for a man feeble and effeminate. Wappened, probably, decayed or diseased.

Ward, defence, a phrase in the art of defence.

Warder, a guard or sentinel.

Warden, a species of large pear.

Warn, sometimes, to summons.

Warp, to change from the natural state. As you.

Wassel, a kind of drink, or intemperate drinking. 'assei candle, candle used at feasts..

Waren, to increase.

Wazen, soft, yielding, easily obliterated.

Web and pin, diseases of the eye. Lear. Wec, very little.

Yeen, to think or imagine.

Wakin, the sky.
Welkin-eye, blue eye.

Well a-near, well-a-day, lack adıy
Wend, to go.

Westward-hoe, the name of a play acted in Shakspeare, time. Twel, Night.

Wether, used for ram.

Whelked, varied with protuberances; from whclkė, protu. berances, a small shell-fish.

Whe'r, often for whether.

Where, sometimes, for whereas.

Whiffler, an officer who walked in processionS
Whiles, until. Twel. Night.
Whipstock, the carter's whip.
Whirring, hurrying away.
Whist, being silent. Temp.
Whiting time, bleaching time.
Whitsters, bleachers of linen.
Whittle, a pocket clasp knife.

Whooping, measure and reckoning. As you.

Whimpled, hooded, or veiled; from wimple, a hood.

Winchester goose, a strumpet; the stews were formerly

licensed by the bishop of Winchester.

Winking gates, gates hastily closed from fear of danger.
Winnowed, sifted or examined.

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