페이지 이미지


A lot in the town of half an acre, and another in the commons of about six acres, supposed


Two well situated, and had buildings to the amount

[blocks in formation]





[blocks in formation]

One hundred and seventy shares, cost 40 dollars each, 6,800%


Besides twenty shares to the free school-5


One covering horse, five carriage horses, four riding ditto, six brood mares, 20 working horses and mares, 2 covering jacks, and 3 young ones; 10 she asses, 42 working mules, 15 younger ones, 329 head of horned cattle, 640 head of sheep, and a large stock of hogs, the precise number unknown. My manager has estimated this live stock at 7,000l. but I shall set it down in order to make a round sum, at



Aggregate amount, 530,000


a. THIS tract, for the size of it, is valuable, more for its situation than the quality of its soil, though that is good for farming; with a considerable proportion of ground, that might very easily be improved into meadow. It lies on the great road from the city of Washington, Alexandria and GeorgeTown, to Leesburgh and Winchester, at Difficult Bridge, nineteen miles from Alexandria, less from the city and GeorgeTown, and not more than three from Matildaville, at the great falls of Potowmac. There is a valuable seat on the premises, and the whole is conditionally sold for the sum annexed in the schedule.

b. WHAT the selling prices of lands in the vicinity of these two tracts are, I know not; but compared with those above the ridge, and others below it, the value annexed will appear moderate; a less one would not obtain them from me.

c. THE surrounding land not superior in soil, situation or properties of any sort, sells currently at from twenty to thirty dollars an acre. The lowest price is affixed to these.

d. THE observations made in the last note, apply equally to this trac, being in the vicinity of them, and of similar quality, although it lies in another county.

e. THIS tract, though small, is extremely valuable. It lies on Potowmac river, about twelve miles above the town of Bath (or Warm Springs) and is in the shape of a horse-shoe, the river running almost around it. Two hundred acres of it are rich low grounds, with a great abundance of the largest and finest walnut trees, which, with the produce of the soil, might (by means of the improved navigation of the Potowmac) be brought to a shipping port with more ease, and at a smaller expence, than that which is transported thirty miles only by land.

f. THIS tract is of second rate Gloucester low grounds. It has no improvements thereon, but lies on navigable water,

abounding in fish and oysters. It was received in payment of a debt (carrying interest) and valued in the year 1789 by an impartial gentleman, at 8001.

N. B. It has lately been sold, and there is due thereon a balance equal to what is annexed in the schedule.

g. THESE 373 acres are the third part of undivided pur-` chases made by the deceased Fielding Lewis, Thcs. Walker and myself, on full conviction that they would become valuable. The land lies on the road from Suffolk to Norfolk, touches (if I am not mistaken) some part of the navigable water of Nansemond river. The rich Dismal Swamp is capable of great improvement; and, from its situation, must become extremely valuable.

b. THIS is an undivided interest which I held in the great Dismal Swamp Company, containing about 4000 acres, with my part of the plantation and stock thereon, belonging to the company in the said swamp.

i. THESE several tracts of land are of the first quality on the Ohio river, in the parts where they are situated, being almost, if not altogether, river bottoms. The smallest of these tracts is actually sold at ten dollars an acre, but the consideration therefor not received. The rest are equally valuable, and will sell as high, especially that which lies just below the Little Kenhawa; and is opposite to a thick settlement on the west side of the river. The four tracts have an aggregate breadth upon the river of sixteen miles, and are bounded there by that distance.

k. THESE tracts are situated upon the Great Kenhawa river, and the first four are bounded thereby for more than 40 miles. It is acknowledged by all who have seen them (and of the tract containing 10,990 acres, which I have been on myself, I can assert) that there is no richer or more valuable land in all that region. They are conditionally sold for the sum mentioned in the schedule, that is, 200,000 dollars, and if the terms of that

sale are not complied with, they will command considerable more. The tract, of which the 125 acres is a moiety, was taken up by general Andrew Lewis and myself, for, and on account of a bitumenous spring which it contains, of so inflammable a nature, as to burn as freely as spirits, and is nearly as difficult to extinguish.

1. I AM but little acquainted with this land, although I have once been on it. It was received (many years since) in discharge of a debt due to me from Daniel Jenifer Adams, at the value annexed thereto, and must be worth more. It is very levellies near the river Potowmac.

m. THIS tract lies about 30 miles above the city of Washington, not far from Kittoctan. It is good farming land, and by those who are well acquainted with it, I am informed that it would sell at twelve or fifteen dollars

per acre.

n. THIS land is valuable on account of its local situation and other properties. It affords an exceeding good stand on Braddock's road from Fort Cumberland to Pittsburgh; and, besides a fertile soil, possesses a large quantity of natural meadow, fit for the scythe. It is distinguished by the appellation of the Great Meadows, where the first action with the French, in the year 1754, was fought.

o. THIS is the moiety of about 2000 acres which remains unsold, of 6,071 acres on the Mohawk river (Montgomery county) in a patent granted to Daniel Coxe, in the township of Coxborough and Carolina, as will appear by deed, from Marinus Willet and wife, to George Clinton (late governor of New-York) and myself. The latter sales have been at six dollars an acre, and what remains unsold will fetch that or more.

p. THE quality of these lands and their situation, may be known by the surveyor's certificates, which are filed along with the patents. They lie in the vicinity of Cincinnati; one tract near the mouth of the Little Miami; another seven, and the


third ten miles up the same. I have been informed that they will readily command more than they are estimated at.

q. For the description of those tracts in détail, see general Spotswood's letters filed with the other papers relating to them. Besides the general good quality of the land, there is a valuable bank of iron ore thereon, which, when the settlement becomes more populous (and settlers are moving that way very fast) will be found very valuable, as the Rough creek, a branch of Green river, affords ample water for furnaces and forges.

LOTS, viz.


7. THE two lots near the capitol, in square 634, cost me 963 dollars only; but in this price I was favored, on condition that I should build two brick houses three stories high each: without this reduction the selling prices of these lots would have cost me about 1,350 dollars. These lots, with the buildings on them when completed, will stand me in 15,000 dollars at least.

s. Lors Nos. 5, 12, 13 and 14, on the eastern branch, are advantageously situated on the water; and although many lots. much less convenient have sold a great deal higher, I will rate these at 12 cents the square foot only.


t. For this lot, though unimproved, I have refused 3,500 dollars. It has since been laid off into proper sized lots for building on, three or four of which are let on ground-rent for ever, at three dollars a foot on the street; and this price is asked for both fronts on Pitt and Prince-street.


u. As neither the lot in the town or common have any improvements on them, it is not easy to fix a price; but as both are well situated, it is presumed the price annexed to them in the schedule is a reasonable valuation.

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