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ciples which gave that party birth, are reviewed and established with a force of argument and an energy of style worthy both of the subjects and the persons. We know of no single volume which combines so n.uch to inform and to establish the descendants of those noble men in the faith of their fathers, as this: while all who love the truth as it is in Jesus, or who admire the sight of firm principle, deep piety and active intelligence, working out a glorious mission of liberty and love, will find it worthy of a perusal.

11.-Napoleon and his Marshals. By J. T. HEADLEY. 2 volumes. New-York: Baker & Scribner.

The conception of such a work as this is a very happy one, and one peculiarly fitted to the bent of Mr Headley's style and thought. It is an off-hand sketch of the great hero and his almost as heroic comrades, presenting the features of their characters and lives in bold outline, with plenty of light and shade, without aiming to fill up the picture, or to furnish any thing like a complete history. The bold points of character, the striking and picturesque, are brought out with great vividness and strength; and evince a power of description and an earnestness of feeling, which honour alike the head and the heart of the writer. With Mr. Headley's estimate of Napoleon, we are obliged to be dissatisfied. Because injustice has been done his character by English historiographers, is no good reason for canonizing him; and it may be questionable whether the soot of his enemies disfigures his true character more than the whitewash of his admirers. We like far better the candid and dignified view of Dr. Channing.

The sketches of the Marshals are generally excellent, and often eloquent and exciting in a remarkable degree. The whole work shows an intimate acquaintance with history, a keen insight into character, and the glow and warmth of a heart alive to the appeals of freedom, truth, and moral excellence. There are spirited etchings of the characters described, accompanying the volumes, which add to their


12.-Lectures on Mental Philosophy and Theology. By JAMES RICHARDS, D. D., late Professor of Christian Theology in the Auburn Theological Seminary. With a sketch of his life by SAMUEL H. GRIDLEY. New-York: M. W. Dodd.

It was our intention to have seized upon the occasion of this publication, to refer to some of the historical events with which the life of Dr. Richards was associated. He lived and acted in the midst of two important epochs in the theological history of the country-that of the famous encounter of New-England theology with what bore the soubriquet of triangular theology, and that of the no less famous controversy between old and new measures. If to this be added the interest and importance of a life of laborious service in the ministry, of great talents most wisely put forth, of great undertakings for good happily executed, and singular success in his high vocation as a theological teacher, the reader can fancy something of the value of a proper estimate of his life. The memoir of Mr. Gridley is very good, though much too brief; Dr. R.'s friends and admirers will hardly be contented with so meagre a sketch. Of the value of the lectures of

which the main part of the volume is composed, we can hardly speak too highly. Strong good sense, and the utter freedom from all extravagance of view, or metaphysical subtlety, or undue deference to preconceived theories or old authorities, and of all disingenuousness of reasoning, and above all, the clear, reasonable, and Scriptural orthodoxy, form a striking, beautiful, and useful feature of the lectures. The theological student, and the intelligent layman, may be cordially commended to them, as among the very best of their kind that the country has ever produced.

13.—An Inquiry into the Scriptural Views of Slavery. By ALBERT BARNES. Philadelphia: Perkins & Purves.

14.-Slavery Discussed in Occasional Essays, from 1833 to 1846. By LEONARD BACON. New-York: Baker & Scribner.

The fair expectation that this vexed and delicate question should be approached with calmness and candour by gentlemen of the high character of the authors of these respective works, will not be disappointed. We are exceedingly pleased with the spirit of the discus sion; and can safely assure the public that, whatever may be thought of the conclusions, no reasonable reader will find any thing to offend him, or unworthy the importance or intricacy of the subject. Mr. Barnes' views are decidedly anti-slavery, and the thorough and patient manner in which the Scriptural texts which are supposed to authorize or excuse slavery, are criticized, is worthy of his fame as an exegete, and his character as a Christian and philanthropist.

Dr. Bacon's Essays are likewise written with commendable good temper and unquestionable ability.

Several Critical Notices have been omitted for want of space.



In the department of Classical Literature there have been lately a number of important sues. Among them are F. A. Wolf's Encyclopädie der Philologie, herausgegeben von S. M. Stockman, zweite mit siner Uebersicht der Literatur bis zum Jahr 1845; Kleine Schriften von F. G. Welcker, 2 Thl. zum griechischen Literaturgeschichte. Bonn. 1845. gr. 8.Aristophanis Comœdiæ, Recensuit et annotatione instruxit Fr. H. Bothe. Edit. II, Vol. 2. (Vespa, Pax., Aves.) Lips. 1845. gr. 8.-Prolegomena ad Platonis Rempublicam, Scrips. Geo. Fr. Rettig, Bernæ, 1845. gr. 8.-Suidæ Lexicon Græce et Latin. Post Th. Gaisfordum recensuit et annotatione critica instruxit Godefr. Bernhardy. Tom. II. fasc. VII. Halle. 1845. gr. 4. Die Mythologie der Griechen und Römer, von Dr. W. M. Heffter. 2 und 3 Heft. Brandenburg. 1845. gr. 8.-Beiträge zur griechischen Monatskunde von Thd. Bergk. Giessen. 1845. gr. 8.-Porta Syrici Græci, ed. Thd. Bergk. Lips. 1843. gr. 8.-Scriptores Poetica Historiæ Græci, ed. Antonius Westermann. Brunsvigæ. 1843. gr. 8.—Oskische Studien v. Dr. Thd. Monunsen. Berlin. 1845. 8.-Democriti Abderite Operum Fragmenta, collegit, recensuit, vertit, explicuit, &c. Frid. Guil. Aug. Mullachius. Berolini.

1843. 8.

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In the department of Theology, the following have lately appeared: Die Christliche Lehre der Sünde, dargestellt von Julius Müller. 8 2 vols. 1844.-Commentar über die Psalmen von E. W. Hengstenberg, 4 Bd. 1 abthl. Berlin. 1845. gr. 8-Die Lehre von Christi Person und Werke in populären Vorlesungen vorgetragen, von E. Sartorius. 5 Auflage. Hamburg. 8-De Spe immortalitatis sub veteri Testamento gradatim exculta, Diss. quim scripsit. H. Aug. Hahn. 1845.-Die Glaubenslehre der Evangelisch-reformirten Kirche, aus der Quellen belegt von Dr. Alex. Schweizer. 2 Bd. 1 abthl. Zürich. 1845.-Libri Symbolici Ecclesiæ Evangelica Sive Concordia. Recensuit Car. Aug. Hase. Edit. III. Lips. 1846.-Patrum Apostolicorum Opera. Textum ex editonibus præstantissimis repetit, recognov. &c. C. J. Hefele. Edit. altera, gr. 8. Tübingen. 1842.-Gregor I. der Grosse, nach seinem Leben und seiner Lehre geschildert von Geo. Joh. Th. Law. Leipz. 1845. gr. 8.-Geschichte der Waldenser von ihrem Ursprunge an bis auf unsere Zeit. v. Cph. Möhr len, Basel. 1845. gr. 8.-Strabonis Geographica Recensuit Gustav. Kramer, vol. L. Berol. 1844-August Matthiæ in seinem Leben und Wirken zum Theil nach seiner eigenen Erzählung dargestellt von seinem Sohne Konstantin. Nebst einem lebensgeschichtlichen Abriss seines Bruders Fr. Chr. Matthiæ, Quedlinburg. 1845. gr. 8.-Das Reich Gottes. Eine biblisch. Theolog. Erörterung, ait Beziehung neuf die Kirchenfrage, von O. Dietlein; Geschichte d. Offenbarung Gottes im neuen Testament, von E. Kirchener; Vollenden wir. das Werk Luthers!-Ein Wort an Evangel. Christen, von G. Liseo; Die Bedentung des Thomas Arnold, für d. Standpunkt der Kirchlichen Gegenwart, von A. Neander.

Great Britain.

The ninth edition, in 5 vols. 8vo. of Horne's celebrated Introduction has been published, in which several alterations and improvements are alleged to have been made, especially in

the matter relating to the Apocryphal books of the Old Testament, and the whole care

fully revised. A work by Rev. Alexander S. Patterson, of Glasgow, is well spoken of, entitled a brief Commentary on the first Epistle to the Thessalonians. Mr. Patterson evinced considerable tact at popular exposition in a previous work on the Gospel of John. A Commentary on the Gospels by H. Mackenzie, is announced in parts, of which the first has been published. Rev. Ingram Cobbin, a well known familiar expositor, has published a manual of the Bible for the use of Sabbath schools and families, entitled the School Handbook to the Holy Bible. A work partaking something of an expository character has been published by Mrs. Webb, entitled Reflections on the History of Noah. Dr. Bloomfield has in press a work which is looked for with interest, entitled Epitome Evangelica. Rev. Dr. Harris, the author of "Mammon," has a work in press, the Pre-Adamite Earth. Rev. Wm. Walford, author of a new translation of the Psalms, has published a translation of the Epistle to the Romans, with brief critical explanatory notes.

An important undertaking has been set on foot, for the introduction of a selection of foreign Biblical literature, especially from Germany, through the medium of good translations, under the title of the Continental Translation Society. A numerous Committee of Selection, among whom are some of the first Biblical scholars and literary characters of the kingdom, decides upon the works to be issued, and efficient business arrangements appear to have been made for carrying the project into effect. The works already decided upon for the current year, are two recent works of Hengstenberg's, on the Authenticity of the Pentateuch, and on Daniel and Zechariah, to be translated by Mr. Ryland; Olshausen's Commentary on the Gospels, translated by Rev. H. Creek; Hagenbach's History of Doctrines, & comprehensive and most desirable work, translated by Mr. Masson; Neander's Church History; and Hengstenberg's Christology, a new and greatly improved edition of which is on the eve of publication in Germany.

Mr. Clark, of Edinburgh, well known as the projector of the Edinburgh Biblical Cabinet, has also given a new direction to his republishing enterprise, proposing to issue four volumes yearly, of about 500 pages each. Among the works advertised by him as forthcoming, are Lücke's Commentary on the Gospel of John; Dr. Julius Müller on the Doctrine of Sin; Hagenbach's History of Opinion; Hävernick's Introduction to the Old Testament; Hengstenberg on the Authenticity of Daniel; Hoffman on Prophecy; Pelt's Theological Encyclopedia; Usteri Pauli Lehrbegriff; Gieseler's Church History; Bauer's life of Beza; Neander's Life of Christ, &c.







OCTOBER, 1846.



By Rev. ALBERT BARNES, Philadelphia.

WITH reference to its practical influence and value, theology may be contemplated from many points of view. We may approach the Bible under the guidance of the ordinary laws of interpreting language, and inquire what theology is as contemplated there, without reference to its observed adaptation to human nature, and to its effects in the world. We may approach it, as viewed in its effects on mankind, and ask what has been its influence, how it has been modified in the changes occurring in philosophy and in society, or how it has originated or modified those changes. We may approach it by directing our inquiries primarily into the nature of man, and prosecuting the inquiry through that medium, making mental philosophy the basis, and asking what it does to develope the powers of our nature, and to elevate us in the scale of being. Or, we may contemplate it from the pulpit, and ask ourselves what is the theology which experience has shown to be best adapted to the ends of preaching, and which THIRD SERIES, VOL. II. NO. IV.


we can preach with a hope of success. In the first case we look at it indeed speculatively and abstractly, yet with certainty as to truth, if we study the Bible with a right spirit ; in the second, we learn from its effects on the world what may be presumed to have been the theology which God did or did not intend to teach; in the third, we judge that certain forms of theology which have always come in conflict with the laws of the mind, and the principles of just philosophy, cannot be the theology which, the author of the human soul designed to reveal; and in the fourth, we place ourselves in the pulpit, and look around on society, and ask what may be preached so as to answer the ends of preaching-so that men will perceive it to be true, and so that they will be converted to God.

This is the point of view from which I propose now to contemplate theology.. I wish to make the pulpit a point of observation from which to look out on the world that we may obtain some lessons which may be of value to those who expect to occupy that position through life.

A natural arrangement of the thoughts which we wish to suggest will be to consider the kinds of theology which cannot be preached, and then that which can be; or to show that there are certain kinds of theology which are not adapted to the pulpit, and then what kind of theology may be preached with success.

Under the first of these heads, we notice three kinds of theology which have prevailed, and which to a great extent still prevail in the world. These are briefly the following: that which, whatever beauty of sentiment or philosophy it may have, does not furnish the proper themes for the eloquence of the pulpit; that which contemplates the propagation of religion mainly by other means than preaching; and that which men are constrained to abandon in preaching.

Of the first of these kinds of theology, it may be observed, that, however it may seem to answer some of the ends of religion, it is not fitted to inspire the eloquence which we naturally expect in the pulpit, and when it is incorporated into a system designed to be preached, it lacks the highest elements

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