A Full Inquiry Into the Subject of Suicide: To which are Added (as Being Closely Connected with the Subject) Two Treatises on Duelling and Gaming ...

J. F. and C. Rivington ... J. Robson and W. Clarke ... G. Nicol ... and J. and T. Egerton ... Fletcher, Prince and Cooke, Oxford; Merrills, Lunn, Cambridge; Simmons and Kirby, Canterbury; and Gillman, Rochester., 1790 - 405ÆäÀÌÁö

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108 ÆäÀÌÁö - Lo! the poor Indian, whose untutor'd mind Sees God in clouds, or hears him in the wind; His soul proud science never taught to stray Far as the solar walk, or milky way...
21 ÆäÀÌÁö - And surely your blood of your lives will I require : at the hand of every beast will I require it, and at the hand of man ; at the hand of every man's brother will I require the life of man. Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed : for in the image of God made he man.
108 ÆäÀÌÁö - His soul, proud science never taught to stray Far as the solar walk or Milky Way: Yet simple Nature to his hope has given, Behind the cloud-topt hill, an humbler heaven...
54 ÆäÀÌÁö - tis a confummation Devoutly to be wifh'd. To die to fleep To fleep perchance to dream ; ay, there's the rub—- For in that fleep of death what dreams may come, When we have Ihuffled off this mortal coil, Muft give us paufe. There's the refpect That makes calamity of fo long life. For who would bear the whips and fcorns of time, Th* oppreflbr's wrong, the proud man's contumely, The * 'pangs v of defpis'd love, the law's delay, The infolence of office, and the fpurns That patient merit of th...
76 ÆäÀÌÁö - And Samson called unto the LORD, and said, O Lord GOD, remember me, I pray thee, and strengthen me, I pray thee, only this once, O God, that I may be at once avenged of the Philistines for my two eyes.
54 ÆäÀÌÁö - Ham. To be, or not to be : that is the queftion— — — Whether 'tis nobler in the mind, to fuffer The flings and arrows of outragious fortune j Or to take arms againft a fea of troubles, * And by oppofing end them.
75 ÆäÀÌÁö - Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompense of reward. For ye have need of patience; that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.
214 ÆäÀÌÁö - Do not you know that those who depart out of this life according to the law of nature, and pay that debt which was received from God, when he that lent it us is pleased to require it back again, enjoy eternal fame : that their houses and their posterity are sure, that their souls are pure and obedient, and obtain a most holy place in heaven,, from...
8 ÆäÀÌÁö - On top whereof aye dwelt the ghastly owle, Shrieking his balefull note, which ever drave Far from that haunt all other chearefull fowle; And all about it wandring ghostes did waile and howle.
378 ÆäÀÌÁö - Give me leave. Here lies the water; good : here stands the man ; good : If the man go to this water, and drown himself, it is, will he, nill he, he goes ; mark you that? but if the water come lo him, and drown him, he drowns not himself: argal, he, that is not guilty of his own death, shortens not his own life. 2 Clo. But is this law ? 1 Clo. Ay, marry is't; crowner's-quest law.1 2 Clo. Will you ha

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