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One hopeful sign in the political horizon of to-day is the fact that the intense party fealty of a decade ago is yielding to the force of reason and argument, that States within the Union which but a few years ago could be counted in advance as "solid" for some Presidential candidate, are now considered "doubtful" until the people have registered their choice and the votes are counted. The demagogue who would lead his party to-day by appeals to passion and to party loyalty must give way to the political speaker who deals with basic principles, undisputed facts and living issues. No party can rightly assume to itself all the virtues of our political fabric. It is equally true that the evils of politics and the mistakes of legislators are the common heritage of all the parties that have been entrusted with power.

Political parties in any country where popular government prevails are a necessity. Freedom of speech and freedom of press emphasize differences of opinion, and men naturally take sides upon present issues and array themselves against each other in healthful and intellectual, but bloodless, combat. While this discussion of questions of the day prevails, loyal, intelligent voters, regardless of past party affiliations, will draw their own conclusions and cast their ballots for such men and for such measures as will in their opinion enhance the real interests of the land all parties love, and preserve unblemished the flag for which all loyal Americans, irrespective of party, stand ready, if need be, to die.

It is this patriotic spirit that has made men read and study and think and investigate for themselves, and if this has led to a change of convictions it was a good change and an honest change, regardless of the party affected. In this spirit of patriotism lies the real reason for the independent voter, the real power in politics to-day, and the force which all parties seek to direct by a careful, unbiased, able presentation of the issues of the pending campaign.

It is our country's proud record that in any emergency the judgment and intelligence of her people can be trusted. The great, liberty-loving heart of American citizenship is in the right place and can be depended

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