PUBLIC LIBRARY ASTOR, LENOX AND District of Connecticut, to wit. IS a, of nools BE it remembered, That on the nineteenth day off October, in the thirty-sixth year of the Independence of the United States of America, Increase Cooke, of the said D trict, hath deposited in this office the title of a book, the right whereof he claims as author, in the words followir to wit, "The American Orator, or elegant extracts in prose and poetry, comprehending a diversity of oratorical specimens of the eloquence of popular assemblies, of the bar the pulpit, &c. principally intended for the use of schoo and academies. To which are prefixed a dissertation on oratorical delivery, and the outlines of gesture.- By Increase Cooke." There is as much eloquence in the tone of voice, in the look, and in the gesture of an orator, as in the use of his words." - In conformity to the act of the Congress of the United States, entitled, " An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned." HENRY W. EDWARDS, Clerk of the District of Connecticut. A true copy of Record, examined and sealed by me, of Connecticut. THIS Publication is principally intended for the accommodation of TEACHERS of ELOCUTION, and of YOUNG PERSONS, who are in the course of their EDUCATION; yet to Readers of every the private Citizen, and to the Christian, as well as to the advanced Scholar, and to the presents an agreeable companion, particularly suited to fill up short intervals of accidental leisure.. A GENERAL VIEW of the variety comprehen-ded in this volume, with the names of the Authors from whose works extracts have been made, so far as they could be ascertained with certainty, is exhibited in the following TABLE CONTENTS. THE DISSERTATION ON ORATORICAL DELIV ERY, and the OUTLINES OF GESTURE, which are Y prefixed, are mostly abstracted from Chapman's Orator, and are fuller and more minute, it is believed, than what is commonly to be met with in compilations of this sort. LIVING AUTHORS, it is hoped, will not be displeased that useful and elegant passages have been borrowed of them, since, as they wrote to reform and improve the age, they will perceive at once, that to place their most important instructions, and salutary admonitions, in the hands of Young Persons, and to adapt them to the use of SCHOOLS and ACADEMIES, is to contribute most effectually to the accomplishment of their benevolent design. The works themselves at large are so voluminous and expensive, as to be precluded from a general circulation..... extracts, therefore, are highly expedient, or ther absolutely necessary. |