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were divided between the Naval Ship Systems Command and Naval Electronic Systems Command. The data include full-time and parttime personnel and exclude WOC's.

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During the year ending December 31, 1966, the Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of the Navy for Manpower was staffed. The Deputy Under Secretary was appointed January 10, 1966. Functions and personnel to staff this office, which has a civilian complement of 11, were transferred from the disestablished Office of Industrial Relations. The increase in personnel assigned to the immediate office of the Secretary is attributed to fluctuations in meeting staffing needs as a result of normal turnover and recruitment.


The Secretary of the Navy Instruction 5430.78, dated June 22, 1966, disestablished the Office of Industrial Relations and established the Office of Civilian Manpower Management. Functions and related personnel were transferred from the former element of organization to the new one as of June 22. The functions of the Civilian Manpower Division, Office of the Navy Comptroller, and five related personnel were transferred to the Office of Civilian Manpower Management effective July 3. The further implementation of the Secretary of the Navy instruction involved the transfer of functions and 99 civilian personnel devoted to field civilian personnel or industrial relations work as of October 2 from the primary support headquarters of the following Bureaus, offices, and commands:

The Administrative Office, Navy Department.

Office of Naval Research.

Office of the Chief of Naval Operations.

Bureau of Medicine and Surgery.

Bureau of Naval Personnel.

Headquarters, Naval Material Command.

Headquarters, Naval Air Systems Command.

Headquarters, Naval Ordnance Systems Command.

Headquarters, Naval Ship Systems Command.

Headquarters, Naval Supply Systems Command.
Naval Facilities Engineering Command.

Headquarters, Military Sea Transportation Service.

During this period the increase in personnel assigned to the Office of Information is attributed to the military-civilian substitution program.

In addition, during this period functions and five civilian personnel were transferred from the Office of the Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Navy to the Office of Management Information.

Increases or decreases in civilian personnel as compared to December 31, 1965, are attributed to fluctuations in meeting staffing needs as a result of normal turnover and recruitment.


During the year ending December 31, 1966, the Office of Anti-Submarine Warfare Systems was established as a new element of organization.

Also during this period the Program Planning Office and the Office of the Naval Inspector General were established as separate elements of organization. Functions and personnel formerly under the Office of the Assistant Vice Chief of Naval Operations/Director of Naval Administration were transferred to the Office of Program Planning. The staff of the Office of the Naval Inspector General was made up in part from personnel formerly under the Staff Offices and in part from the Office of the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (Manpower and Naval Reserve).


On May 16, 1966, the Office of the Deputy Chief of Naval Material for Material and Facilities was disestablished and the functions and civilian personnel of that office were transferred to two new elements of organization:

Office of the Deputy Chief of Naval Material for Procurement. Office of the Deputy Chief of Naval Material for Logistic Support.

During 1966 the increase of 54 employees in the Office of the Deputy Chief of Naval Material for Development was in part caused by the transfer of laboratory management personnel from the Bureau of Naval Weapons, the Bureau of Ships and the Office of Naval Research. The decrease in personnel of the Office of the Deputy Chief of Naval Material for Management and Organization was caused by the transfer of the education and training functions to the Office of Čivilian Manpower Management.

Additional increases in civilian personnel are attributed to the continuing buildup of approved staffing as authorized by the letter of the Secretary of the Navy to the Chief of Navy Material of November 24, 1964.


During 1966 the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff (Air) was disestablished and its functions and civilian personnel were transferred to the Office of the Commandant.

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The increase of 72 civilian employees under the Administrative Division is due to the assignment of the stenographers pool and employees on special assignments to the Administrative Division.

During this period the Data Processing Division was redesignated Data Systems Division.

Increases in other elements of organization are attributable to the buildup made necessary by the southeast Asia operations and, to a lesser extent, to the military-civilian substitution program.


Increases in personnel assigned to various elements of organization resulted from the hiring of part-time clerical personnel.

Department of the Air Force

The Department of the Air Force during the past year continued to place emphasis on assuring the best organization available for combat operations if and when required. Some of the actions taken or underway are discussed below.

In southeast Asia, the Air Force directed particular attention toward the command and control structure for the numerous operating activities in that area. For example, the increased scope of Air Force activities in southeast Asia warranted the replacement of the 2d Air Division with Headquarters, 7th Air Force at Tan Son Nhut Airfield, Vietnam. Similarly, there were numerous miscellaneous and separately deployed reconnaissance, air commando and airlift squadrons assigned to the 2d Air Division. To provide better command and control for these units, two tactical reconnaissance wings were established, an air commando wing and an airlift air division to coordinate activities in southeast Asia.

In the general area of enhancing further the capabilities of tactical forces, two new centers within the Tactical Air Command were established. The USAF Tactical Fighter Weapons Center has been organized for the purpose of concentrating and emphasizing the effort on the resolution of tactical problems including: developing, deriving, and improving tactical fighter tactics, techniques, and procedures; conducting operational tests and evaluations of tactical fighter weapon systems; and providing recommendations or assistance in the development of new weapon systems and equipment by the Air Force Systems Command. The USAF Tactical Airlift Center has been established for a similar purpose regarding the problems associated with tactical airlift forces.

Action was taken to further enhance the capabilities of tactical air forces at the squadron level. Last year the Department of the Air Force was in the process of decentralizing flight line maintenance and certain other functions to the squadrons. The whole purpose of this action was to facilitate deployment of individual squadrons as integrated self-sustaining units. The Air Force is currently exploring the desirability of further decentralization to the squadron with a view toward shortening any delays in achieving maximum effectiveness at deployed locations. For example, the Air Force is currently running a test in Tactical Air Command troop carrier units, which provides for

further decentralization of certain field maintenance functions to squadron level.

While directing particular attention to the organization of the tactical forces, the Department of the Air Force has continued to search for better ways to organize throughout the Department. A brief discussion of major actions in this category follows:

(1) The worldwide Air Force postal and courier system was placed under centralized management, resulting in the establishment of the USAF Postal and Courier Service and a significant saving in manpower.

(2) Due to a decline in the number of units assigned to the Strategic Air Command, the following divisions were inactivated: 6th and 822d Air Divisions, 13th Strategic Aerospace Division and 813th and 819th Strategic Aerospace Divisions.

(3) Improved management and communication techniques permitted inactivation of the San Bernardino Air Materiel Area, Air Force Logistics Command.

(4) The 16th Air Force in Spain was reassigned from the Strategic Air Command (SAC) to the U.S. Air Forces, Europe. A declining SAC requirement for deployment to this area caused this action to be desirable, resulting in substantial manpower savings.

(5) The USAF School for Latin America, U.S. Air Forces Southern Command, was redesignated to Inter-American Air Forces Academy. Primarily, this change was made to recognize the joint aspects of this United States/Latin American endeavor and better identify the Latin American contribution toward making the school the success it is today.



The Office of Assistant Secretary (Environmental Health) was abolished on May 10, 1966, when the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration was transferred to the Department of the Interior.

The increase of 352 in personnel occurred primarily in the Office of Assistant Secretary, Comptroller, and in the Offices of Assistant Secretaries.


Since the establishment of the Administration in October 1965, the staff has been increased by the continual filling of positions authorized by appropriation. The workload in all offices has greatly increased due to the interest generated by the grant programs as well as increased efforts in the areas of program coordination and public information concerning the needs and problems of older persons.


Most organizational changes in the Service were deferred during calendar year 1966 because of a basic, PHS-wide reorganization that was being developed during the year and was pending as the year closed. On January 1, 1967, the new Public Health Service organizational structure became effective. The reorganization was made

by the Secretary under the authority of Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1966. The several necessary Public Health Service organization changes made in 1966 included (1) the establishment of an Office of Equal Health Opportunity and (2) the establishment of two new divisions in the National Institutes of Health-the Division of Regional Medical Programs and the Division of Environmental Health Services.

Total Public Health Service employment rose from 35,873 to 38,228, or about 6.6 percent. This increase of 2,355 employees, was shown by each of the bureaus, especially the Bureau of State ServicesCommunity Health and the National Institutes of Health. Largest program increases were in the Communicable Disease Center and the Division of Indian Health.


During calendar year 1966, the Office of Construction Service was established to assume operational responsibility for construction activities previously carried out under reimbursement to the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

The Interim Öffice of the Handicapped, Bureau of Elementary and Secondary Education, was created during November 1966 and was formally established as the Bureau of Education for the Handicapped on January 12, 1967, consisting of a Division of Research, a Division of Training Programs, and a Division of Educational Services. The purpose of the new Bureau is to strengthen and coordinate activities for the handicapped by consolidating existing Office of Education programs for the handicapped into one organization.

The National Teacher Corps and the Division of College Support were established to give organizational effect to appropriate provisions of the Higher Education Act of 1965.

The increase in staff (624) of the Office of Education is a direct result of the expansion of its programs, both increased activity in established programs and the inauguration of new ones.


Organizational changes approved by the Secretary on February 21, 1966, resulted in the establishment of three new divisions, that is, Division of State Plans, Projects, and Grants, Division of Grants Management, and Division of Research and Training Centers.

Recruitment within the limitations placed on the Department has had top priority in order to staff the new divisions and to provide for other expanded rehabilitation programs resulting from the Vocational Rehabilitation Act amendments of 1965. The increase in Vocational Rehabilitation Administration staff (108) reflects these efforts.


The only significant organizational change effected at Saint Elizabeths during calendar year 1966 was the consolidation of all housekeeping services into one organizational segment-the Housekeeping Section, Division of Administration. Previously, responsibility for

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