பொடு ADONWAR A TALE OF THEJEWISH DISPERSION Adonijah Jane Margaret Strickland LONDON SIMPKIN. MARSHALL & CO THE RUN AND READ LIBRARY, CONSISTING OF TALES UNITING TASTE, HUMOR, AND SOUND PRINCIPLES. 'The fact is the "Run and Read Library" stands at the head of its class.'-Hogg's Instructor, December, 1855. 'Your plan appears to me highly interesting, and I wish it success; for to meet the popular curiosity by publications suited to the popular instruction, and giving support to National Morality and Religion, appears to me the best service that any man can render to his country.'-Rev. Dr. G. Croly to the Publishers. 'The editorship is in able and excellent hands. Good sense and sound principle dispute the old beggarly monopoly, and a wearied public now gladly hail the advent of a new generation of books, equally cheap, vastly more amusing, better printed, and above all, written by better men.'-Illustrated London Magazine, April, 1855. F. cap 8vo, handsomely printed, each volume illustrated with Frontispiece and Vignette THE £5 NOTE: AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY. By Mrs. J. B. WEBB, THE CONFESSOR: a Jesuit Tale of the Times. Founded on Fact. Edited with Preface by the Rev. C. B. TAYLER, M.A. JANE RUTHERFORD: or the Miners' Strike. By A FRIEND of THE PEOPLE. With Twelve Double-page Illustrations. THE MYSTERIOUS MARRIAGE; or Sir Edward Graham. By CATHERINE SINCLAIR. MARY ANNE WELLINGTON: the Soldier's Daughter, Wife, and Widow. By the Author of 'Margaret Catchpole.' THE LAMPLIGHTER; or an Orphan Girl's Struggles and Triumphs. By MISS CUMMING. MODERN FLIRTATIONS; or a Month at Harrowgate. By CATHERINE SINCLAIR. *JULAMERK: a Tale of the Nestorians. By Mrs. J. B. WEBB, Author of Naomi.' 496 pp., price 2s. ZENON THE MARTYR. By the Author of 'Margaret Catchpole.' *BEATRICE; or, the Unknown Relatives. By CATHERINE SINCLAIR. Price 2s. THE PILGRIMS OF NEW ENGLAND. By Mrs. J. B. WEBB, Author of Naomi,' etc. A LONG LOOK AHEAD. Thinking.' By A. S. ROE, Author of 'I've Been JANE BOUVERIE; and How She Became an Old Maid. By CATHERINE SINCLAIR. *THE WIDE WIDE WORLD. by MISS WETHERELL. With Twelve Illustrations. With Preface by the Rev. C. B. TAYLER, M.A. Price 2s. *THE MONK OF CIMIES. By Mrs. SHERWOOD, Author of The Nun.' Price 28. rgaret Catchpole.' Just Published, Price 2s., THE GREAT PROTESTANT TALE, to be had of all Booksellers and at the Railways, BEATRICE; OR, THE UNKNOWN RELATIVES. BY CATHERINE SINCLAIR. From a great number of TESTIMONIES in favour of the work, the following are selected: 'Of the merits of the work it is not necessary to say a word after the unanimous opinion in its favor which has been expressed wherever the English language is spoken or read. Our purpose in referring to "Beatrice" is to call attention to this new and cheap edition, by means of which the work is placed within the reach of all classes of the community. There is no writer in the walk of literature which Miss Sinclair has selected for herself, who has acquired a higher reputation, and none whose writings have met with a more extended sale.'-Morning Advertiser. 'This work needs no recommendation from us-it is exceedingly appropriate at the present moment.'-Hogg's Instructor. 'We cannot close without remarking on the marvellous cheapness of the work-we have here nearly 500 pages of letter-press for the trifle of 2s. If the book shall not attain to a universal circulation the public will deny themselves the substantial benefit which the work is eminently calculated to impart.'-Christian Witness. 'In this tale, from the pen of an accomplished lady writer, the element of Jesuitism finds an illustration as powerful in its way as is discoverable in the famous "Wandering Jew" of Eugene Sue; while the tranquil atrocities, the soul-enslaving, and the mind-destroying influences of their pernicious principles, are most forcibly depicted through the medium of the personages here employed.'-Dispatch. 'All Mothers should read it, especially Now. This tale embodies such an expose of Jesuitical jugglery as will leave no excuse to Protestant British mothers if they ever allow their daughters, or their sons either, to be brought under the influence of Jesuit teachers.'-British Mothers' Mag. "Beatrice" must rank as the first of Miss Sinclair's tales. It is written with great care. In scenes of description or emotion Miss Sinclair has taken a step forward, and exhibited a spirit which we have not recognized before.'-Spectator. 'We feel no hesitation in predicting for this new production of the accomplished pen of Miss Catherine Sinclair eager readers and a great run. While the story is one of itself calculated to attract by the romantic nature of its plot, the great variety of its characters, and the high dramatic effect of many of its scenes, it acquires an additional and absorbing interest from the higher object to which the author has made her powers of fiction subservient.'-John Bull. 'Will be welcomed not only by all lovers of works of fiction, but by the great body of readers.'-Morning Post. 'Miss Sinclair deserves no slight praise for the manner in which she has performed her task. The recent disclosures made, with regard to Roman Catholic schools and semi-Romish nunneries in this country, make the convent scenes in "Beatrice" perfectly intelligible as well as perfectly credible. Church of England Quarterly. "Beatrice" is a good book, and worthy of its distinguished author.'From REV. GARDINER SPRING, D.D. The main objection against it is that those who commence the reading of it forget to eat and sleep till it is finished.'-Mauch Chunk Gazette. A book which will have a million of readers.'-New York Independent. 'We have already sold nearly 30,000 copies of "Beatrice," although it has been published only about one month, and the edition will undoubtedly reach one hundred thousand copies before the end of the year.'-DEWITT and DAVENPORT, Publishers, New-York. |