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ful Fillibustering and Revolutionary
Expedients and Proceedings of the
Democratic Leaders of the House to
defeat all investigations into the facts

or merits of the Contested Election

PART II-Page 2-The Confederate PART III-Page 27-Mackey vs. O'Con-
Brigadiers in the Senate-They eulo-
gize Jeff Davis, and would Pension



Contested Election Cases in House of

Representatives at the First Session

of the 47th Congress.

PART I-Page 10-An Exposition of
the Constitution and Laws governing
cases of Contested Elections before
the House of Representatives.

PART II-Page 13-Lynch vs. Chal-

PART II-Page 24-Reed's Amendment

to the Rules of the House-Disgrace-


PART V-Page 44-Bisbee vs. Finley.

FART VI-Page 49-Smalls vs. Til-

Usurpations of the Democracy through

Lawlessness and ]Fraud.

PART I-Page 65-"Counting in" a
Democratic Invention, and peculiarly
a Democratic Practice-"Counting in"
of James K. Polk as President in 1844
-Of James Buchanan in 1857-The
Disastrous Consequences to the
Nation-The attempted "Counting in"
of Samuel J. Tilden in 1876-A Brief
Review of the immense Democratic

. Frauds in the Campaigns of 1844 and

1857 compared with those of 1876.

PART II-Page 68-Democratic Cry
that Tilden in 1876 was elected Presi-
dent That Tilden was Counted Out
by the Louisiana and Florida Return-
ing Boards-That notwithstanding,

Tilden had an Immense Majority of

the Popular Vote-The cry a part of

the Tilden Conspiracy in 1876 to seize

the Presidency through Lawlessness

and Fraud.

PART III-Page 69-Statistics in Illus-
tration of the above-The Presiden-
tial Election in 1844-James K. Polk,
in a populor Minority of 24,119, re-
ceived in the Electoral Colleges a
Majority of 65.

PART IV-Page 71-What was Til-
den's majority ?-What its Character?
-Was it the Result of a Lawful Vote,
or the Violent Product of wholesale
Fraud?-The vote of 1876.

PART V-Page 73-Florida in 1876--

Bloody Violence failing, Fraud and

Judicial Usurpation resorted to-A

Brief History of the entire series of

Fraudulent Proceedings by which

Tilden strove to Capture its Electoral

vote-Facts, Figures, and Incidents.
PART VI-Page 76-Louisiana in 1876

-Its Population and Votes-The Ku-

Klux Crimes of 1868-Tilden Rifle

Clubs of 1876-Murderous Outrages

in Seventeen Parishes-State Return-

ing Board-Its Duties-Infamy of

Tilden and the Democracy.

PART V-Page 79-Relative Geo-

graphical Area, Wealth, Population

and Intelligence in 1876 of the Hayes

and Tilden States.

PART VIII-Page 81-The United

States under the Forty-Sixth Congress

an Oligarchy.

[blocks in formation]

Congressional Committee, in the Sen-
ate, dispose of Pendleton's Absurd
Screed-Mr. Hiscock, a member of the
Committee, disposes in the House of
Springer's and Sitizen Samcox's hyp-
ocritical Palaver.

PART VI-Page 99-George William
Curtis's circular to Government Em-
ployees respecting the Republican
Congressional Committee's Contribu-
tion Circular-Correspondence of

Chairman Hubbell and Curtis-Opin-

ions of Attorney-General and Letter

of Secretary Folger-Curtis in the role

of Reformer.

PART VII-Page 103—Origin of Politi-

cal Assessments - They have their
Rise in the Corrupt Party Practices of
the Democratic Party.

PART VIII-Page 105-The Covode In-

vestigation in 1860-It Covers the Pe-

riod from 1853 to 1860-Its Exposure

Amid the Corruptions of Pierce's and
Buchanan's Administration of Parti-

san Assessments as a Cardinal Fea-

ture of the Democratic Organization

-President Buchanan and Governor

Hendricks Superintend the collec-


PART IX-Page 108-Further Proofs

from the Unpublished Records of the

Department of the Interior of the

manner in which these partisan As-

sessments were made and collected

under Presidents Pierce and Buchan-
an by the Democratic Party.
PART X-Page 111-The law of 1876,
prohibiting Political Assessments

Some facts in the History of its Pas-

PART XI-Page 113-Further exposure
of the False Pretenses of Pendleton,
Randall, Cox, and Curtis, in the Mat-
ter of Political Assessments.

[blocks in formation]

was necessary Jackson pledged to
cleanse "the Augean Stables "-His
popularity in consequence-Number
of Officers doubled under Jackson-
Consequent increase of expenditures,

PART VI-Page 121-Specimens of the
Appointment Literature of the Time.
PART VII-Page 122-"To the Victors
belong the Spoils."

PART VIII-Page 123-Van Buren's

Administration simply an addendum

of Jackson's in the matter of Remo-

vals and Appointments-Nevertheless

Van Buren removed 360 Postmasters,

etc-He appointed none but Partisans

or Democratic Reformers to Office.

PART IX-Page 123-The Guillotine
under the Whigs.

PART X-Page 127-The Guillotine un-
der President James K. Polk.
PART XI-Page 128-The Guillotine
Again Under the Whigs.

PART XII-Page 129-The Guillotine
Under Pierce and Buchanan.

PART XIII-Page 133-Removals and

Appointments under Presidents Gar-

field and Arthur.

PART XIV-Page 135-Brief Review

of the Foregoing Sketch of Appoint-

ments and Removals.

Maladministration and Corruption of
the Democratic Party in Control of

National Government-

PART 1-Page 137-Ratios of Demo-

cratic defalcations compared with Re-

publican honesty.

PART II-Page 138-"Retrenchment,

Economy, and Reform" of the Peck-
sniffian Democracy-From 1828.

PART III-Page 138-Inauguration of
Andrew Jackson, the founder of Mod-
ern Democracy-"To the Victors be-
long the Spoils."

PART IV-Page 138-National Humili

ation and Disgrace and Great Pecun-
iary loss the Total of Jackson's Re-
forms-Confession in 1839 of Demo-
cratic Minority of Harlan Committee.
PART V-Page 139-"Feculent, reek-
ing Corruption"-A long array of De-
faulters in the Mexican War-Its pro-
digious Expenditures and Plunder.

PART VI-Page 139—Mammoth Frauds
of Washington "Rings" under Pres-
ident Pierce and Buchanan-Pierce's
"Outlaws of the Treasury "—The act-
ual and proposed plunder under Pierce
estimated at $300,000,000!-Buchanan's
Administration simply a continuation
of Pierce's Reign of Plunder and Tyr-
anny in Support Slavery.

PART VII-Page 140-Immensely In-
creased Democratic Expenditures-
Increased Taxation of the People to
Support this System of Wholesale Cor-

ruption, Plunder and Fraud.

Bounties for Treason through Unlaw-
ful Claims to Ex-Confederates.

PART I-Page 141- Northern Stump
Argument Proving that No Danger
Exists from Rebel Claims.

PART II-Page 142-$2,492,899,926 Exac-
ted by the Solid South as Compensa-
tion for Treason-A Sum Greater than

the National Debt Demanded by
Those who Created it-Northern Tax-

payers Invited to Foot the Bill.

PART III-Page 144- "Justice and
Right" the basis of Rebel Demands-

Rebel Claims a "Part of the war debt

of the Nation" and must be paid,

PART IV-Page 145-How Rebel Claims

Grow-Fecundity of Rebel mules-

Esthetic Fence Rails and expansive


PART V-Page 146-A Brief Review of
some of the Rebel Claims-Direct Tax

-Cotton Tax-Special Relief-Des-

truction of Property--Compensation

for Slaves--Rebel Mail Contractors,

&c.--They Already Reach Three

Thousand Millions of Dollars--"Where

will it end?"

PART VI--Page 147--The Southern
Mail Contractors' Fraud--An attempt
at Wholesale Robbery by Southern
Statesmen, by means of barefaced
Falsehood--How Congressman Wil-
lits stopped the Steal.

PART VII--Page 152--Another Enter-
ing Wedge--The William and Mary
College Steal.

PART VIII--Page 155--Conger's Pro-
posed Constitutional Amendment Pro
hibiting Payment of Rebel Claims-
The Vote Thereon--It is Opposed to
Democratic Policy to make Loyalty a
Test for Rebel Claimants.

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