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to which no fignature is affixed, the prefent editor is accountable,

Such are the printed volumes to which the editor acknowledges, with gratitude, his obligations. He muft now acknowledge obligations, not perhaps lefs interesting or valuable, to manufcript communications. To the late George Steevens, Efq. he has been indebted for the interleaved copies of Paradife Loft, and of the Smaller Poems printed in 1673, with many manufcript remarks by the late Mr. Bowle; after whofe decease these volumes came into Mr. Steevens's hands; and, fince the death of Mr. Steevens, have become the property of the prefent editor. This fingular kindness was conferred by Mr. Steevens at the commencement of this undertaking; not without à promife alfo of further affiftance; which, unfortunately for the publick and for the editor, he lived not to afford.

To Jofeph Cooper Walker, Efq. the author of the very elegant Hiftorical Memoir on Italian Tragedy, and of other valuable publications, the editor is likewife particularly obliged for many remarks, biographical as well as critical.

His fincereft thanks are alfo due to the Rev. Dr. Dampier, Dean of Rochefter; who, on being made acquainted by the editor's very kind and zealous friend, the prefent Dean of Gloucester, with this undertaking, obligingly tranfmitted to him an interleaved copy of Paradife Loft, with numerous manuscript notes, by that accomplished scholar, the late Benjamin Stillingfleet, Efq. They contain not only the chief claffical allufions, which are


found in Dr. Newton's edition; but references to, or citations of, various other paffages fubfervient to the illustration of the poem. They had been put together about the year 1745, with a view to publication; but were left unfinished, from the apprehenfion that they would not make their way in oppofition to Dr. Newton's edition, which was then announced under the patronage of Lord Bath. These particulars are gathered from feveral important letters of Mr. Stillingfleet to Dr. Dampier's father, formerly Dean of Durham; to whom he had presented his interleaved Paradife Loft. From one of these letters, entrusted to him alfo by the Dean of Rochester, the editor has selected the truly Miltonick Sonnet written by Mr. Stillingfleet, which he has printed in the Preliminary Obfervations on the Sonnets, in the fifth volume of this edition. It must be added, that the volume, containing the first fix books of Paradife Loft, was nearly printed off, when the editor was honoured with these remarks. A felection, therefore, of Mr. Stillingfleet's notes on those books, will be found, duly acknowledged, at the close of this edition, among other additions to the preceding volumes.

To the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury he begs to mention his respectful obligations alfo for the ufe of manufcripts in their poffeffion, which have contributed to the purposes of this edition.

But, above all, his gratitude can never be fufficiently expreffed for the aids afforded him by the Library of his Grace, the Duke of Bridgewater; as on a former occafion, for permiffion to print the

manufcript Mask of Comus, obtained through the obliging application of the Rev. Francis Henry Egerton; fo on the prefent, for permiffion to print the manuscript Mask of Marston, performed before the Countess Dowager of Derby, and to make use of many rare and curious books, perhaps not to be found in other collections. To the great kindness of Mr. Egerton, and to the condefcenfion of the Duke of Bridgewater, the editor owes the opportunity of introducing to publick notice the poems of fome forgotten and unknown English bards; as well as other pieces of our ancient literature, hitherto overpaffed by the most curious investigators. The invaluable collection, which his Grace poffeffes, has been removed from the family feat at Afhridge to Bridgewater House, Cleveland Court. To the prefent age the notification of fuch treasures will be highly acceptable; for, among its characteristicks, a tafte for relishing the ftrains of elder days is honourably confpicuous; to the encrease of which, the recent publication of Specimens of Early English Poetry will, doubtless, powerfully contribute.

The editor has been fortunate alfo in obtaining other manuscript supplies of no mean import. To his friends, the liberal friends indeed to the literature of their country, Ifaac Reed, Efq., and James Bindley, Efq., he is obliged not only for many valuable suggestions, but also for the favour of feveral fcarce works in their choice and rich collections. The few communications of other gentlemen he has noticed in their refpective places. Having thus difcharged his duty of grateful ac

knowledgement, he proceeds to give the reader an account of what he is to expect further in the conduct of the prefent edition.

The chief purpofe of the new notes, is, in humble imitation of Mr. Warton, "to explain the allufions of Milton; to illuftrate or to vindicate his beauties; to point out his imitations both of others, and of himself; to elucidate his obfolete diction; and, by the adduction and juxtapofition of parallels univerfally gleaned both from his poetry and profe, to ascertain his favourite words, and to how the peculiarities of his phrafeology." Mr. Warton juftly adds, that, "among the English poets, thofe readers who truft to preceding commentators will be led to believe, that Milton imitated Spenfer and Shakfpeare only. But his ftyle, expreffion, and more extenfive combinations of diétion, together with many of his thoughts, are alfo to be traced in other English poets, who were either contemporaries or predeceffours, and of whom many are now not commonly known. Nor have his imitations from Spenfer and Shakspeare been hitherto fufficiently noted." Of this it has been a part of the present editor's talk, as it was of Mr. Warton, to produce proofs. The coincidencies of "Fancy's fweetest children," Spenfer, Shakspeare, and Milton, are accordingly here enlarged. The obligations of our author to Dante, hitherto little noticed, as well as

Milton's Profe-works afford many materials indeed for comparative criticism. See the opinions of Mr. Warton, and of the prefent editor, on these compofitions, in the fixth vol. of this edit. pp. 392, 396.

to fome other Italian poets, are pointed out. The
poet's imitations of himself are alfo confiderably
augmented. Nor have the romances and fabulous
narratives, on which the poetry of Milton is often
founded, been neglected. The editor, while he has
not been sparing of claffical illustration, has con-
ftantly kept in mind the neceffity of attention to
the literature of Milton's age.
Without this atten-
tion, as Mr. Warton remarks," the force of many
trikingly poetical paffages has been weakened or

unperceived, because their origin was unknown,

unexplored, or misunderstood. Coeval books, which

might clear fuch references, were therefore to be

confulted; and a new line of commentary was to

be pursued. Comparatively, the claffical annotator

has here but little to do. Dr. Newton, an excel-

lent scholar, was unacquainted with the treasures

of the Gothick library. From his more folid and

rational studies, he never deviated into this idle

track of reading." But, as Milton, at least in his

early poems, may be reckoned an old English poet;

and as in his later poetry allufions to the fources of

fiction, with which he had been pleased in his

youth, often appear; he generally requires that

illustration, however trifling it may feem to faftidious

readers, without which no old English poet can

well be illuftrated.

The arrangement of the materials in these volumes

has been formed with a view to uniformity, and to
the accommodation of the reader. The Table of
General Contents will point out the order observed;
the differtations prefixed; the appendixes fubjoined,

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