페이지 이미지

(7) coordinate and promote cooperative Arctic scientific research programs with other nations, subject to the foreign policy guidance of the Secretary of State;

(8) cooperate with the Governor of the State of Alaska in fulfilling its responsibilities under the Act; and

(9) promote Federal interagency coordination of all Arctic research activities, including:

(a) logistical planning and coordination; and

(b) the sharing of data and information associated with Arctic research, subject to section 552 of title 5, United States Code.

(b) Not later than January 31, 1986, and biennially thereafter, the Interagency Committee shall submit to the Congress through the President a report concerning:

(1) its activities and accomplishments since its last report; and

(2) the activities of the Commission, detailing with particularity the recommendations of the Commission with respect to Federal activities in Arctic research.

Sec. 10. Public Participation. The Interagency Committee will provide public notice of its meetings and an opportunity for the public to participate in the development and implementation of national Arctic research policy.

Sec. 11. Administration of Interagency Committee. Each agency represented on the Committee shall, to the extent permitted by law and subject to the availability of funds, provide the Committee with such administrative services, facilities, staff, and other support services as may be necessary for effective performances of its functions.



1. Provisions of Law Relating to Travel Outside the United States....
a. Reporting Requirements for House Interparliamentary Groups (Leg-
islative Branch Appropriation Act of 1961, as amended) (Public
Law 86-628) (partial text)....

b. Local Currency Availability (Public Law 83-665).

c. Availability of Funds for Field Examination of Estimates (Public
Law 83-207) (partial text)...

2. Legislation Authorizing U.S. Participation in Parliamentary Conferences..
a. Interparliamentary Union.....

(1) Participation Authorization (Public Law 74-170)..
(2) Designation of Senate Delegates (Public Law 85-474)..

b. Requirements Relating to Funds for International Organizations and
Conferences (Public Law 99-415) (partial text)....

c. United States-European Community Interparliamentary Group-
Appropriation Authorization (Public Law 98-164 (partial text)..

d. Mexico-United States Interparliamentary Group (Public Law 86-













e. Canada-United States Interparliamentary Group (Public Law 86-42).
f. United States Group of the North Atlantic Assembly (Public Law 84-
689, as amended).



a. International Claims Settlement Act of 1949, as amended (Public
Law 81-455)......

3. International Claims Settlement Acts

b. Iran Claims Settlement (Public Law 99-93, partial text)
c. Czechoslovakian Claims Settlement Act of 1981 (Public Law 97-127)..
d. Micronesian Claims Act of 1971, as amended (Public Law 92-39)...
(1) Trust Territory Economic Development Loan Fund, as
amended (Public Law 92-257).

[blocks in formation]

(2) Civil Government for the Trust Territory of the Pacific Is-
lands, as amended (Public Law 83-451).


(3) Interior Appropriations for Trust Territory of the Pacific Is-
lands (Public Law 101-121) (partial text)..


e. Ryukyu Claims Settlement Act (Public Law 89-296)

4. Compact of Free Association Act and Related Legislaiton



a. Compact of Free Association Act of 1985 (Public Law 99-239).
b. Implementation of the Compact of Free
Palau(Public Law 101-219) (partial text).


Association With



c. Interior Appropriations for the Compact of Free Association-Palau
(Public Law 101–121) (partial text).

d. Approval of Agreement Between U.S. and Marshall Islands, and
Between U.S. and Micronesia to amend Governmental Representa-
tion Provisions of the Compact of Free Association (Public Law

e. Approval of Compact of Free Association: United States-Palau
(Public Law 99-658)....



f. Relations with the Northern Mariana Islands (Executive Order


g. Management of the Compact of Free Association with the Marshall
Islands, Micronesia, and Palau (Executive Order 12569).


h. Placing Into Full Force and Effect the Covenant with the Northern
Mariana Islands, and the Compacts of Free Association with Micro-
nesia and the Marshall Islands (Proclamation 5564).............


5. Registration of Foreign Agents..

a. The Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as amended (Public
Law 75-583)...

b. Contributions by Agents of Foreign Principals and Conflicts of Inter-
est (Public Law 89-486) (partial text)..

c. Agents of Foreign Governments (18 U.S.C. 951)..

6. Neutrality Act and Related Material..

a. Neutrality Act of 1939, as amended (Public Resolution 76-54)
b. Enlistment in Foreign Service (18 U.S.C. 959.)..

c. Expedition Against Friendly Nation-Arming Vessel Against Friend-
ly Nation (18 U.S.C. 960, 962).......

8. Logan Act-Private Correspondence With Foreign Governments (Public Law 80-772).



12. Assignment of National Security and Emergency Preparedness Telecommunications Functions (Executive Order 12472).

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d. Strengthening Armed Vessel of Foreign Nation (18 U.S.C. 961).. 7. National Security Council (Public Law 80-253) (partial text).

9. Resolution Establishing a Select Committee on Intelligence (S. Res. 400) (partial text)

10. Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (House Rule XLVIII) (partial text).

11. Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended (Public Law 95-452).

13. National Security Emergency Preparedness Responsibilities (Executive Order 12656) (partial text)..

14. United States Government Opposition to the Practice of Torture (Public Law 98-447)

15. Appeal for the Release of Soviet Jewry (Public Law 99-81)...

16. Commission on the Ukraine Famine Act (Public Law 99-180) (partial text) 17. Tercentenary Celebration of the Glorious Revolution (Public Law 99-393).. 18. Restriction on Intelligence Agency Cooperation With South Africa (Public Law 99-569) (partial text).

19. Soviet Spouse and Fiance Emigration (Public Law 100–222).

20. Commemoration of the 200th Anniversary of the French Revolution
(Public Law 100-482).....

21. Restoration of a Free and Independent Cambodia (Public Law 100-502).
22. Greek Independence Day: A National Day of Celebration of Greek and
American Democracy (Public Law 101-3)...

23. Israeli-Egyptian Peace Treaty-Anniversary (Public Law 101-8).

24. National Former Prisoners of War Recognition Day (Public Law 101-13). 25. Jewish Heritage Week (Public Law 101-25)

26. Baltic Freedom Day (Public Law 101-39).

27. National Day to Commemorate the Bastille Day Bicentennial (Public Law 101-55).....

28. Raoul Wallenberg Day (Public Law 101-63).

29. Polish American Heritage Month (Public Law 101-64)..

30. National POW/MIA Recognition Day (Public Law 101-65)..

31. World War II Remembrance Week (Public Law 101-83)

32. German-American Day (Public Law 101-107).

33. National Hostage Awareness Day (Public Law 101-122)

34. Italian-American Heritage and Culture Month (Public Law 101-128).

35. Geography Awareness Week (Public Law 101-139)..

36. National Arab-American Day (Public Law 101-142)..










1. Provisions of Law Relating to Travel Outside the United States a. Reporting Requirements for House Interparliamentary Groups Partial text of Public Law 86-628 [Legislative Branch Appropriation Act of 1961; H.R. 12232], 74 Stat. 446, approved July 12, 1960; as amended by Public Law 90– 137 [S. 1872], 81 Stat. 445 at 463, approved November 19, 1967; and by Public Law 94–59 [H.R. 6950], 89 Stat. 269, approved July 25, 1975

AN ACT Making appropriations for the Legislative Branch for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1961, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the Legislative Branch for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1961, and for other purposes, namely:

Sec. 105.1 *


(b) Each chairman or senior member of the House of Representatives and Senate group or delegation of the United States group or delegation to the Interparliamentary Union,2 the North Atlantic Assembly, the Canada-United States Interparliamentary Group,* the Mexico-United States Interparliamentary Group,5 or any similar interparliamentary group of which the United States is a member or participates, by whom or on whose behalf local currencies owned by the United States are made available and expended and/or expenditures are made from funds appropriated for the expenses of such group or delegation, shall file with the chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate in the case of the group or delegation of the Senate, or with the chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs 6 of the House of Representatives in the case of the group or delegation of the House, an itemized report showing all such expenditures made by or on behalf of each Member or employee of the group or delegation together with the purposes of the expenditure, including per diem (lodging and meals), transportation, and for other purposes. Within sixty days after the beginning of each_regular_session of Congress, the chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations and the chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs shall prepare consolidated reports showing with respect to each such group or delegation the

1 22 U.S.C. 276c-1. Sec. 105 was amended and restated by sec. 1104 of Public Law 94-59.

* For text of Interparliamentary Union Participation Act, see page 503.

For text of resolution authorizing participation in NATO parliamentary conferences, see page 513. For text of resolution authorizing participation in parliamentary conferences with Canada, see page 511.

For text of resolution authorizing participation in parliamentary conferences with Mexico, see page 509.

The name of the "Committee on International Relations" was changed to "Committee on Foreign Affairs" on Feb 5, 1979, by H. Res. 89 (96th Congress).

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