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Ambulance Wagon U.S.Army. Recommended by Board on Ambulances established by Special Orders No. 44 (Par4) War Department, AGO. dated March 16.1875, approved and adopted for trial by the Secretary of War on the 31st of October 1877,

Printed for the information of bidders.

M. C. Mergs.

Quartermaster General

Brevet Major General U.S.A.


Ambulance Wagon V.S.Army

Cross Section

Recommended by Board on Ambulances established by Special Orders No.44. (Par 4) War Department A.G.O., dated March 16.1875, approved and adopted for trial by the Secretary of War on Printed for the information of bidders.

the 31st of October 1877.

M.C. Meigs

Quartermaster General.

Brevet Major General V.S.A.

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