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417. The letter "J" when referring to code dispatches signifies "Check the coding from the decode and repeat. When referring to plain-language dispatches it signifies "Check contents of your dispatch and repeat. The letter "J" is to be used for requesting a "check and repetition" in the same manner that the "repeat' sign (IMI)is used when requesting a repetition.

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418. When a ship having acknowledged receipt of a dispatch subsequently doubts the correctness of the dispatch or any groups in it, the transmitting ship must be requested to "Check the coding and repeat" the doubtful portions. In such cases the "repeat' sign (IMI) or "interrogative" sign (INT) must not be used, as neither of them necessitate the coding being checked.

419. The letter "J" is not used in the heading as a procedure sign. 420. Should it be desired to refer to certain words or code groups of a dispatch, the words or groups may be referred to by their number; thus "J2 II 4 II 2045" referring to a code dispatch signifies "Check the coding and repeat groups 2 and 4 of dispatch timed 2045, referring to a plain-language dispatch it signifies "Check words 2 and 4 and repeat.

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421. "J" used in conjunction with the "word after" sign (WA) may also be used to signify "Check and repeat the word afterThus "JII WA rendezvous at AR" signifies to "Check and repeat the word immediately following 'rendezvous at.'"

422. The sign "J" followed by a four-figure numeral group (time of origin) or by two four-figure groups separated by "break" ("office reference number and date group " and "time of origin") signifies "Check the coding and repeat dispatch timed

Example (a).

B 34 has sent a dispatch timed 2045 to B 25.

B 25 asks to have the coding of the whole dispatch checked and the dispatch repeated as follows:

[blocks in formation]

In either case B 34 answers:


and follows the procedure for transmitting the dispatch or groups as shown under the letter "C" in Article 411.


423. The letter "K" used as a dispatch in itself signifies "Go on" (Go on with your dispatch).

424. The letter "K" is not used in the heading as a procedure sign.

425. The letter "K" used in conjunction with the "interrogatory" sign (INT) signifies "May I go on?"

Example (a).

B 34 having directed B 25 to "wait" (Q) now wishes B 25 to go on with his dispatch.

B 34 after calling B 25, if necessary, makes:


and B 25 proceeds with his dispatch.

Example (b).

B 25, having waited for some time for permission to proceed with his dispatch, may make to B 34:

[blocks in formation]

426. The letter "L" used in the preamble signifies "Transmit following to ships for which you are responsible.'


B 34 has a dispatch for Division 7. Instead of calling "Division 7" and transmitting direct to all the ships of that division, B 34

transmits the dispatch prefaced by “L” to the flagship of Division 7. The flagship of Division 7 must in turn transmit the dispatch to all ships of the division. If an acknowledgement is called for, the flagship of Division 7 would not acknowledge until she had received the acknowledgment of the individual ships of the division.


427. The letter "M" used in the preamble signifies "Relay following via.

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Example (a).

B 34 has a dispatch for B 25 and wishes to send it via B 31 and B 32 in that order. The procedure is as follows:

B 34 sends to B 31:

B 31

B 34 II M II B 32 IIT II B 25 V B 34 II GR 16, etc. This procedure indicates that B 31 is to relay the dispatch which follows to B 25 via B 32 and that it is to B 25 from B 34. When B 31 has received the dispatch she sends it via B 32 as follows:

B 32

B 31 IIT II B 25 V B 34 II GR 16, etc.

This procedure informs B 32 that she is to relay the dispatch which follows to its destination B 25 and that it is from B34.

B 32 sends the dispatch to B 25 as follows:

B 25

B 32 II Z II B 25 V B 34 II GR 16, etc. thus informing B 25 that the dispatch which follows is addressed to her and is from B 34.


428. The letter "N" followed by a four-figure numeral group (time of origin) or by two four-figure groups separated by "break (office reference number and date group and time of origin) or by a dispatch serial number such as Alnav 12, Alatlantic 10, etc., signifies "Dispatch has not been received.

Example (a).

The commander in chief in a general dispatch tells all ships to comply with Alnav 60.

B 25 not having received Alnav 60, informs the commander in chief as follows:

N 60 Alnav AR.

Similarly, if the commander in chief makes reference to his own dispatch timed 1831, in a dispatch to B 25, and B 25 has not received that particular dispatch, B 25 will make:

N 1831 AR.

429. The letter "N" is not used in the heading as a procedure sign.


430. The letter "P" is the "priority" sign and signifies "priority. 431. It is to be used only by the authority of the commanding officer and then only in connection with dispatches, the delivery of which he considers to be of sufficient importance to expedite.

432. "P" used as the "priority" sign precedes the signal sign. "P" used in the sense of "preparatory" follows the signal sign.


433. The letter "Q," used as a dispatch in itself, signifies "Wait."

Example (a).

B 25 having been called by B 34, but being unable to take a dispatch from B 34 at the time, answers B 34 thus:


When ready to receive, B 25, after calling B 34, makes:


434. A ship directed by another ship to wait, should not recommence transmission with that ship until directed to do so by the procedure sign "K" (go on).

435. Should it appear, however, after a reasonable interval that the "go ahead" sign (K) has been overlooked, the ship which has been directed to wait should call up and ask permission to communicate by making "INT K."

436. When more ships are calling a certain ship than the latter can answer, such ships as can not be answered at the time should be directed to "wait" by making their calls followed by the procedure sign "Q." At the proper time the receiving ship should direct them to proceed with their dispatches by calling them and telling them to go ahead" (K). After a sufficient interval and if the "K" has not been received a ship may request permission to

proceed by making "INT K." (INT K when used as a signal meaning "What is uniform," is invariably preceded by the signal sign.) 437. The letter "Q" is not used in the heading as a procedure sign.

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438. The letter "R," used as dispatch in itself, signifies "Dispatch received. It is the signalman's acknowledgment to the transmitting ship that he has received the dispatch.

Example (a).

B 34 has sent a plain language dispatch to B 25 as follows:

B 25

B 34 II Text of P/L dispatch 2030 AR.

B 25 having received the dispatch makes:


439. The letter "R," followed by a four-figure numeral group (time of origin), or by two four-figure groups separated by "break (office reference number and date group) and "time of origin" or by a dispatch serial number such as Alatl 52, signifies "Dispatch has been received."

Example (a).

B 25 wishing to inform B 34 that Alnav 60 has been received, makes:

[blocks in formation]

440. The letter "R" is not used in the heading as a procedure sign.


441. The letter "T," used in the preamble, signifies "Relay following to

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Example (a).

B 34 has a dispatch for B 25 and wishes to send it to B 36 for retransmission to B 25.

B 34 makes:

B 36 B 34 IIT II B 25 V B 34 II GR 10 II Report probable time at which anchor will be clear 0935 AR.

B 36 transmits the dispatch to B 25 as follows:

B 25

B 36 II Z II B 25 V B 34 II GR 10 II, etc.

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