페이지 이미지




558. Course pennant signals are used primarily to change course by ships in succession, ships of the unit performing the evolution being in column.

559. If the fleet is unformed, or if formed and the admiral wishes merely to announce the exact course, the course pennant over three numerals means "Course is as indicated."

560. Used in connection with the formation pennant in "Change front signals,' the course pennant with numerals 1 to 18 or 000 to 359 indicates the new course (relative or compass). In this case the change of course is made by ships if in a simple formation or by columns if in a compound formation.

Course pennant......

.Resume former course, ships turning in succession.

Course pennant, answering Column right 5o.


Course pennant 1 to 18.....Column right the angle indicated in tens of degrees. Course pennant 000 to 359. Column right to true compass course indicated. (See article above.)

Answering pennant, course Column left 5°.


1 to 18 course pennant......Column left the angle indicated in tens of degrees. 000 to 359 course pennant..Column left to true compass course indicated.

G course pennant 000 to Course of guide is as indicated.


Interrogatory course pen- What is your course (or that of ship or unit desig



Interrogatory G course pen- What is course of guide?

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Interrogatory G course pen- What is course and speed of guide? nant, speed pennant.

M course pennant 000 to My course (or that of ship or unit designated) is as 359. indicated.

S course pennant 000 to Steer course indicated (true).


U course pennant.

W course pennant,

X course pennant.

Y course pennant.


561. The bearing indicated by emergency pennant signals refers to the bearing from the ship making the signal unless another ship or unit is designated.

562. The number of vessels, mines, etc., reported may be indicated by numeral signal, either as a separate hoist or under a tack line.

563. A gun or blasts on the whistle may be used to call attention to an emergency signal.

Emergency pennant...

"Attention-silence, or cease signaling, and be on the alert for important signals."

Emergency pennant 0 to 18. Attention called to danger or emergency, on relative bearing as indicated in tens of degrees, counting from ahead and to the right.

0 to 18 emergency pennant.Attention called to danger or emergency, on relative bearing as indicated in tens of degrees, counting from ahead and to the left.

Emergency pennant 000 to Attention called to danger or emergency to starboard 359. on true compass bearing as indicated.

000 to 359 emergency pen- Attention called to danger or emergency to port on nant. true compass bearing as indicated.

Emergency pennant H......Help. I need immediate assistance.

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(Under negative,

"Report of mine

(submarine or tor

pedo) was in er


Emergency pennant M.....Mine sighted to starboard.
M emergency pennant, Mine sighted to port.
Emergency pennant S...... Submarine sighted to starboard.
S emergency pennant.... ..Submarine sighted to port.
Emergency pennant B.. .....Am aground.

Emergency pennant C...... Am (have been) in collision.
Emergency pennant J...... Have a serious fire on board.
Emergency pennant L......
...Have been mined and am sinking.
Emergency pennant R...... Danger; proceed with caution.

[blocks in formation]

W emergency pennant.. .Submarine reported is apparently a dummy peri




Form pennant.............

.Resume former formation. (For use as the second step in changing front.)

Form pennant 0 to 18...... Form on relative bearing from guide of fleet or unit addressed as indicated in tens of degrees, counting from ahead and to the right.

Form pennant 000 to 359. Form on right of guide of fleet or unit addressed on true compass bearing from guide as indicated.

O to 18 form pennant.

.Form on relative bearing from guide of fleet or unit addressed as indicated in tens of degrees, counting from ahead and to the left.

000 to 359 form pennant...Form on left of guide of fleet or unit addressed on true compass bearing from guide as indicated. Take formation No.

.Take formation previously prescribed.

.Take group formation No.-.
.Take mine-sweeping formation No.-.
Take patrolling formation No.-.

Form pennant J..

Form pennant R..

Form pennant S..
Form pennant T.
Form pennant V.

Form pennant W.

Form pennant Y.



Position pennant.....

[blocks in formation]

.Take proper or assigned position or station.

Position pennant 0 to 18....Take station on relative bearing from this or designated ship or unit, as indicated in tens of degrees, counting from ahead and to the right.

Position pennant 000 to Take station to the right and on true compass bear359. ing from this or designated ship or unit, as indicated.

0 to 18 position pennant....Take station on relative bearing from this or desig. nated ship or unit, as indicated in tens of degrees, counting from ahead and to the left.

000 to 359 position pen- Take station to the left and on true compass bearing nant. from this or designated ship or unit, as indicated. .Exchange stations.

Position pennant X.

Position pennant Y.

Position pennant Z......

Resume stations.

.Regain relative positions occupied before last maneu


Speed pennant 0.



Speed pennant 1...........Steam at one-third speed.

[blocks in formation]

Speed pennant 6 to 40.......
..Standard speed in knots is as indicated.

[blocks in formation]

Interrogatory, speed pen- What is your speed (or that of ship or unit designant.


Interrogatory G, speed pen- What is speed of guide?


[blocks in formation]
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