페이지 이미지


for money made on Secretary.

All moneys drawn for ships to be under one



funds on hand

to accompany


Funds for



pository, may be repaid into the Treasury and carried to his credit and to the credit of the proper appropriation.


1321. (1) All requisitions for public funds belonging to naval appropriations, without any exception whatever, shall be made upon the Secretary of the Navy through the office of the Paymaster General.

(2) Unless specifically authorized by the Department, transfers of public funds between pay officers in the United States, except when made by fleet paymasters on duly approved requisitions, are prohibited.

1822. All money drawn by pay officers of ships should be required and taken up by them under the head of "General account of advances."

1323. When a pay officer presents a requisition for money for the approval of his captain, he shall furnish therewith a statement of the amount of public money then in his possession. Such requisition requires the approval of the senior officer present.

1324. (1) When money is needed for ships out of the United ships on foreign States, pay officers shall procure it by requisition upon the fleet paymaster, if in presence of the flagship or conveniently accessible thereto.

Funds for purchasing pay off


Funds for pay


(2) When not in presence of the flagship, pay officers of ships may transfer money to each other for disbursement, upon requisitions and receipts in the usual form, with the approval of the senior officer present.

1325. Purchasing pay officers shall be furnished with funds upon requisitions prepared in the office of the Paymaster General, due notification of the drawing of which shall be sent to the purchasing officer.

1326. (1) Paymasters of navy yards will be furnished with officers of shore funds for the payment of labor rolls upon requisitions prepared in the office of the Paymaster General, due notification of the drawing of which shall be sent to such pay officers.

Requisitions must be limited.


required with


(2) An estimate of funds required for the payment of the rolls of each department, showing the amounts to be required under the different appropriations for the ensuing month, shall be forwarded on or before the third of each month by the heads of the several departments to the bureau having cognizance of such appropriations.

1327. Pay officers are strictly enjoined to limit their requisitions on the Department to such amounts as are absolutely neces sary.

1328. Disbursing officers of the Navy and Marine Corps makrequisitions for ing requisitions for funds for the payment of salaries or for labor shall state what period the payments are to cover, and when they have balances on hand shall, in addition to stating the amount of such balances, explain the purpose to which they are to be applied.


of authority to draw bills of exchange.


1329. (1) When a pay officer is ordered to a seagoing ship, it becomes his duty before leaving the United States to make written application to the Secretary of the Navy for authority to draw

bills of exchange to supply himself with funds for disbursement

during his cruise.

master General.

(2) When such authority is granted, the pay officer will be duly Blanks furnotified by the Secretary, who will also direct the Paymaster Gen-nished by Payeral to forward to him blank sets of bills with a sufficient supply of letters of advice and accounts of sale.

of exchange.

(3) The bills shall be kept in the pay officer's exclusive posses- Accountability sion, and all remaining at the end of the cruise shall be returned for blank bills immediately to the Paymaster General with a letter stating the exact number of blank sets. If relieved during the cruise, he shall take a receipt from his successor and make a similar report to the Paymaster General.

Specimen signatures to he

(4) Immediately after receiving authority to draw bills, the pay officer must forward to the Secretary of the Navy, on a sepa- forwarded. rate blank sheet, specimens of the official signatures of himself and of the officer in whose name he is required to draw, for transmission to the foreign agents of the Department.

(5) No pay officer shall draw bills without authority from the Secretary of the Navy; nor shall he draw them except in cases of absolute necessity and when not in the presence of the fleet paymaster.

of exchange.

1330. In the absence of the fleet paymaster if, in the opinion Negotiation of the captain, a delay would be detrimental, the pay officer of the of bills ship shall draw and negotiate bills of exchange in conformity with the following instructions:

(a) Bills must invariably be made payable to the order of the commander-in-chief of the station if the vessel is a flagship, or of the captain of the ship if otherwise; and his endorsement on the bills is taken as his approval of the pay officer's act in drawing them.

(b) When a pay officer needs funds for which he will have to draw exchange, he shall inform the endorsing officer of the fact, upon the form prescribed for money statements pertaining to exchange.

(c) If the sale of exchange is authorized, the pay officer shall make diligent inquiry of bankers, merchants, and others as to the best obtainable rates, kind of money, and time and place of payment, and shall then, with the approval of the endorsing officer, negotiate the same.

(d) Bills shall be drawn either upon the foreign financial agents of the Navy Department or upon the Secretary of the Navy, preferably on the latter when the rates of exchange are equal, and also at sight or at such time after sight as may be most advantageous to the Government. In comparing the rates of exchange, the commission of one-half of one per cent paid to the foreign financial agents must be taken into consideration. To make up the whole sum required, as many different sets may be drawn as may be most easily negotiated, or as the purchaser or purchasers may request for their accommodation.

(e) Before leaving a port the pay officer shall fully inform himself of the probable course of exchange and facilities for drawing in the places he expects to visit, and also as to the money usually current there, so that he may know when and where to draw most favorably and avoid, as far as possible, taking away from a port, either at home or abroad, coin which elsewhere can only be used at a disadvantage.

Deposits with pay officers.


(ƒ) Immediately after negotiating any bill of exchange, the pay officer shall transmit to the Secretary of the Navy letters of advice, to which the original (so marked) shall be forwarded through the proper channels by the earliest opportunity, and the duplicate (also marked) similarly forwarded by the next succeeding mail. When the bills are drawn upon the Secretary, a triplicate letter shall also accompany each different set.

(g) Whenever bills are drawn upon the foreign agents, letters of advice to them must also be made in duplicate for each set, of which the original is to accompany the bills, and the duplicate to be sent direct by the earliest opportunity.

(h) For each series of bills, an account of sale and letter of advice must be forwarded to the Auditor for the Navy Department as soon as the bills are negotiated, and the account of sale must include the certificate of two respectable merchants resident at the place where the bills were sold, stating the current rates of exchange, both on London and on Washington at that time for the kind of money received. A duplicate of the account of sale must be forwarded to the Navy Department for the Paymaster General, and a copy must be forwarded to the commander-in-chief for the files of the fleet paymaster.

(i) Unless otherwise especially directed, all bills of exchange must be drawn under General account of advances.”

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1331. The pay officer of a ship shall receive money from members of the crew for safe keeping at the risk of the individuals, it being so stated in the memorandum which the pay officer is authorized to give, and he shall take every precaution for its safe keeping.

Deposits re- 1332. All funds placed with the pay officer by enlisted men as verting to United security for their return from absence on leave and forfeited by desertion, and all money refunded by minors or others discharged from the service, shall be credited to their respective accounts on the pay roll, and taken up by the pay officer on his account current under "General account of advances."

Deposits by


Deposits not compulsory.

1333. (1) Enlisted men of the Navy, and enlisted men of the Marine Corps serving afloat, may, on the first day of each month, and that day only, with the captain's approval, deposit with the pay officer upon whose books their accounts are borne, any portion of the savings accruing from their pay and savings from other sources on board ship, in sums not less than five dollars; the same to remain so deposited until final payment on discharge: Provided, That the sum required by the regulations (art. 839, par. 2) shall remain to the credit of such depositors on the rolls of the pay officer.

(2) No enlisted man shall be compelled to deposit any part of his savings, but when sums shall be due them they may make application to the captain, not oftener than once in every month, to have such sums as they desire, not less than five dollars, and for no fractional part of a dollar, charged against their pay ac count and credited to their deposit account; and this request shall be granted in all cases, unless there shall appear reasons for not doing so, in which case the facts shall be reported to the

Navy Department. To effect this transfer, special money requisitions marked "For deposit" shall be prepared. The pay officer shall check against the men's accounts, in the checkage column of the pay roll, the amount deposited, writing the word “Deposit " in red ink over the entries. (Art. 1370.)

(3) When a deposit is made in cash, and not by checkage on the pay roll, the depositor shall certify the entry made in the record book of his deposit account by signing his name in the place provided.

(4) For any sum not less than five dollars, deposited for the period of six months or longer, depositors, on final discharge, shall be paid interest at the rate of four per cent per annum.

(5) All money so deposited shall be accounted for in the same manner as other public funds, and shall pass to the credit of the appropriation for "Pay of the Navy," or "Pay, Marine Corps,” and shall not be forfeited by sentence of court-martial, but shall be forfeited by desertion, and shall not be paid until final payment on discharge, or to the heirs or representatives of a deceased depositor, and it shall be exempt from liability for such depositor's debts. The Government shall be liable for the amount deposited to the person so depositing the same.

(6) Upon final discharge, the pay officer having the account of depositors shall make payment in full, with interest, of all sums deposited during enlistment, in the manner prescribed by article 1370, paragraph 3.

(7) Deposits by enlisted men of the Marine Corps serving on shore may be made as provided in article 1414, paragraph 9.


1334. The proper pay officer shall issue money to enlisted men and marines only in such sums and at such times as shall be directed in writing by the commanding officer in accordance with the provisions of article 839.

Deposits in



Deposits, how accounted for.

Payment on discharge.

Deposits by marines on


Payments to



1335. The pay officer shall, except when prevented by an exiPay officer to be present at gency of the service, to be determined by the captain, be present issues, unless. and personally superintend all issues of money. 1336. (1) Monthly and special money requisitions, in dupli- Money requicate, with the men's names arranged consecutively in the order of their pay numbers, shall be prepared by the executive officer and submitted to the captain of the ship, who, after approving the same, shall forward them to the pay officer. Immediately after the payments are made, the pay officer shall return one copy of the requisition to the commanding officer, with a certificate by the pay officer thereon that all the sums shown uncanceled in the column "Amount allowed" were actually paid. (2) Under no circumstances shall any person connected with the pay department prepare a monthly or special money requisition.

Receipts for

1337. (1) All payments in cash, i. e., currency, to enlisted men and marines shall be receipted for upon individual receipts payments. on prescribed form, filled out in ink, signed by the man to whom payment is made, and bearing an officer's signature as witness to the genuineness of that of the man. All pay receipts when paid shall be stamped "Paid," with the actual date of the payment, and initialed by the officer witnessing the payment.

No receipts for payments by check.

Payments to officers.

(2) No receipt shall be required or taken for payments made by check, on account of pay; but a description of each check so issued shall be entered in the proper account on the roll.

(3) In no case shall money be paid to any other than the person against whose account the same is charged.

1338. (1) The laws in most cases provide simply for the payment of an annual sum to officers; but both public and private convenience require, and custom has fully established, the prac tice of paying officers once a month, and this is now to be regarded as the authorized rule of the service.

(2) Officers traveling abroad or residing in remote parts of the country for their own pleasure or convenience, where the ordinary methods of payments can not apply, must themselves bear the delay, inconvenience, and expense which may be caused thereby, and they must also evidence the fact of their right to payment by their official signature made on the date to which payment is desired.

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