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celed license for which a license of a higher grade is issued before the expiration of the five years' term of license shall be submitted to the supervising inspector of the district for his review, to determine whether both licenses have been issued in accordance with the rules and regulations and whether they are in proper form. The supervising inspector shall personally, carefully examine every canceled license submitted to him. The canceled license shall be promptly examined by the supervising inspector and returned to the local inspectors. (Secs. 4405, R. S.)


11. It shall be the duty of all inspectors, before renewing an cxisting license to a master or pilot of steam vessels, for any waters, who has not been employed as master or pilot on such waters during the three years preceding the application for renewal, to satisfy themselves, by an examination in writing, or orally, to be taken down in writing by the inspectors, that such officers are thoroughly familiar with the pilot rules upon the waters for whch they are licensed. (Secs. 4439, 4442, R. S.)


12. Every master, mate, pilot, and engineer of vessels shall, when receiving an original license, a renewed license, or a raise of grade of license, be furnished by the inspectors with a copy of the Laws Governing the Steamboat-Inspection Service, and a copy of the General Rules and Regulations Prescribed by the Board of Supervising Inspectors, and every master and pilot of vessels and operator of motor vessels shall, when receiving an original license, a renewed license, or a raise of grade of license, be furnished by the inspectors with a pamphlet copy of the rules and regulations governing pilots and of the statutes upon which such rules are founded, applicable to the waters on which their licenses are intended to be used, as stated in the body thereof. (Sec. 4405, R. S.)


13. When the license of any master, mate, pilot, or engineer is revoked such license expires with such revocation, and any license subsequently granted to such person shall be considered in the light of an original license except as to number of issue. And upon the revocation or suspension of the license of any such officer said license shall be surrendered to the local inspectors ordering such suspension or revocation.

When the license of any master, mate, engineer, or pilot is suspended, the inspectors making such suspension shall determine the term of its duration, except that such suspension shall not extend beyond the time for which the license was issued.

The suspension or revocation of a joint license shall debar the person holding the same from the exercise of any of the privileges therein granted, so long as such suspension or revocation shall remain in force. (Sec. 4450, R. S.)


14. Whenever a supervising, local, or assistant inspector of steam vessels, or any of them, shall find on board any vessel subject to the provisions of Title LII of the Revised Statutes any licensed officer under the influence of liquor or other stimulant to such an extent as to unfit him for duty, or when any licenced officer shall use abusive or insulting language to any inspector or assaults any such inspector while on official duty, the local inspectors or the supervising inspector shall immediately suspend or revoke the license of the officer so offending without further trial or investigation.

The fact of a licensed officer being under the influence of liquor in the presence of the inspector or inspectors to such an extent as to unfit him for duty while on board a vessel shall be sufficient cause for such suspension or revocation. (Secs. 4405, 4450, R. S.)


15. Any person who has served at least one year as master,

commander, pilot, or engineer of any steam vessel owned and operated by the United States in any service in which a license as master, mate, pilot, or engineer was not required at the time of such service, shall be entitled to license as master, mate, pilot, or engineer, if the inspectors, upon written examination, as required for applicants for orginal license, may find him qualified: Provided, That the experience of any such applicant within three years of making application has been such as to qualify him to serve in the capacity for which he makes application to be licensed. (Secs. 4439, 4440, 4441, 4442, R. S.)


16. The licensed officer in command of any vessel subject to the inspection of the Steamboat-Inspection Service shall report in writing and in person to the board of local inspectors nearest the port of first arrival any accident to said vessel involving loss of life, or damage to property to an approximate amount exceeding $100, and shall also report in the same manner any casualty cr loss of life from whatever cause of any person on board such vessel. If the accident happens upon the high seas or without the jurisdiction of inland waters, the board to whom the report is first made shall make the investigation, but if the accident occurs within the jurisdiction of inland waters, the report shall be transmitted to the board within whose jurisdiction the accident occurred, which board shall make the investigation except in cases where, in the judgment of the Supervising Inspector General, better results may be obtained by another board conducting the investigation, in whch case the Supervising Inspector General is authorized to direct such investigation by another board: Provided, That when from distance it may be inconvenient to report in person it may be done in writing only, and the report sworn to before any person authorized to administer oaths.

Whenever a vessel subject to the inspection of the SteamboatInspection Service collides with lightship, buoy, or other aid to navigation under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Lighthouses,

or is connected with any such collision, it shall be the duty of the licensed officer in command of such vessel to report the accident to the nearest board of local inspectors. When any collision of this character is reported to a board of local inspectors, those officers shall immediately transmit such information to the lighthouse inspector of the district in which the collision occurred. (Secs. 4405, 4448, R. S.)



17. Masters and pilots of steamers carrying passengers shall exclude from the pilot houses and navigator's bridge of such steamers, while under way, all persons not connected with the navigation of such steamers, except officers of the Steamboat-Inspection Service, Coast Guard, and engineer officers of the United States Army in charge of the improvement of that particular waterway, when upon business: Provided, That licensed officers of steamboats, persons regularly engaged in learning the profession of pilot, officers of the United States Navy, United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, and Lighthouse Service, assistant engineers of the Engineer Department of the United States Army connected with the improvement of that particular waterway, and the engineer officers connected with the construction and operation of the Panama Canal may be allowed in the pilot house or upon the navigator's bridge upon the responsibility of the officer in charge.

The master of every such passenger and ferry steamer shall keep three printed copies of this section of Rule V posted in conspicuous places on such steamer, one of which shall be kept posted in the pilot house.

Such printed copies shall be furnished by the Department of Commerce to local inspectors for distribution. (Sec. 4405, R. S.)


18. It shall be the duty of the officer in charge of every

steamer carrying passengers to cause to be prepared a station bill for his own department, and one also for the engineer's department, in which shall be assigned a post or station of duty for every person employed on board such steamer in case of fire or other disaster, which station bills shall be placed in the most conspicuous places on board for the observation of the crew. And it shall be the duty of such master, or of the mate or officer next in command, once at least in each week, to call all hands to quarters and exercise them in the discipline, and in the unlashing and swinging out of the lifeboats, weather permitting, and in the use of the fire pumps and all other apparatus for the safety of life on board of such vessel, with especial regard for the drill of the crew in the method of adjusting life preservers and educating passengers and others in this procedure and to see that all the equipments required by law are in complete working order for immediate use; and the fact of the exercise of the crew, as herein contemplated, shall be entered upon the steamer's log book, stating the day of the month and hour when so exercised; and it shall be the duty of the inspectors to require the officers and crew of all such vessels to perform the aforesaid drills and discipline in the presence of the said inspectors at intervals sufficiently frequent to assure the said inspectors by actual observation that the foregoing requirements of this section are complied with; the master shall also report monthly to the local inspectors the day and date of such exercise and drill, the condition of the vessel and her equipment, and also the number of passengers carried, and any neglect or omission on the part of the officer in command of such steamer to strictly enforce this rule shall be deemed cause for the suspension or revocation of the license of such officer.

The general fire-alarm signal shall be a continuous rapid ringing of the ship's bell for a period of not less than 20 seconds, and this signal shall not be used for any other purpose whatsoever. The master of any steamer carrying passengers may establish such other emergency signals in addition to the ringing of

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