
New Interior official's 'shocking suggestions'

Dary Nows Stat

When newly appointed As sistant Secretary of the Intori or Lesbo Turner visited Guam in July, she promised a new era of rolatious between the foder al and local govornmoot

"Just watch us," Turner challongod the Quain comminunity. Judge us by what we do." Yesterday, Turner took hor first action with roepoct to Guoin's land issues since making that statement - and Guain officials definitely didn't liko what they hoard..

Although she did not appoar In person, Turnor submitted written testimony for yostor day's congressional hearing in Washington, D.C., on a bill to return 3,200 acres of federal ox

coss land to Guan.

In that lostimony, Tumor said to Department of Interior la in support of the land return. Howovor, sho also recommondod that the land tomporarily bo transferred to the Interior Dopartinont until Guain comes up will a uso plan for the proportion.

In addition, she recommend.. ed that that plan be approved by dio Socrotary of the Interior bo foro lands am returned to in sure the public bene. fit guidolinos.

It was shocking that she would come up with such a sug gostion," said Speaker Joe T. San Agustin, who testified at the hearing.

"It's like going back to the proOrganic days when we wore

subject to the scrutiny of a bu
reaucratic chilor"

axchanges, privetoty ownoc lands within die War in the Pa ao National Historical Park

So much for the honeymoon," commonted L Gov. Frank F. "It would be improdont of the Blas, coinparing Tumors carll Foderal government, in thesc or lodgos on Guain to her writince of severely lightened biu ton statomonts, which he de- geta, to release valuable jandi scribed as an insult to the peo- without compensation, only to po of Guam. I was dofinitely turn around and appropriat short-livod." now funds to pay for the pur chase of al privnic inholdings ir the park, Turner wrote

Turnor also recoininonded that GovGunun bo required to pay fair market value for any proportios not used according to the agreed upon plan. She or plained such a clause would "ensure that the transfer is for publie bonofit use and to guard. against turn-around sales to for sign intorests."

Finally, Turnor suggostod that some of the axosa landa be used to acquire, through land

Guam Del. Robert Undor. wood said he wasn't exactly sure what message Turner intender to convey will her testimony since she wasn't at the hearing to explain harif.

However, regardless of intent, Underwood said Turner's idoas were unacceptabia. "There ob viously has to be a lot of educa on," said Underwood.

PACIFIC DAILY NEWS, Saturday, July 31, 1993

Land plan frustrates officials

Daly News Stad

Guam officials yesterday said
they were extromoly frustrated
with tomtimony on the excess
lande bill that federal officials
dolivorod at a congressional
hoaring in Washington, D.C.

Island officials also ank thoy word worried that tho tostimony-which rocommondod that Who Codaral governmont have more control but less financial rosponsibility for the return of the lands to Guam-would dolay the bill's approval,

It's the same old thing. Just as we are getting close to getting something, they throw In a some wrench and we get screwed.'

However, Guam Dal. Robort Underwood, the bill's author, said ho was still confident that Who UB. Congroen would ult. matoly give the bill a positivo volo ospecially since the fodoral government dealared the property to be excoss more than 15 years ago.

"I don't think it (the toothmany) will hurt our case," and Underwood, who was one of sover. al Guam officials who tosulfed an the bill bofare this Subcommiltoe on Insular and Interna Honal Affairs. Tho commillee mobors "axpressed strong sup port for the legislation as it la

Among the tostimony of the hoaring, according to Guam offckala, was Navy foar Adm. Bu ward IL Kristenson's surgeation that the government of Guam ofthor pay for the cost of transfor 1ing the proporty or buy the land.

According to Kristensen, fair markot valuo of Use 3,200 acros is $900 million, or about. $280,000 par nere.

"That's ridiculous," said Goy. Joseph F. Ada, who did not at tond to hearing but received

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copios of the testimony. "Wo won the NAS baso olostro at no cost, And that's an active military facility. Now Hoy want us to pay $900 million for land that has boen undarutilized for years." Akhough ho did not appear in porson at the hoaring, Assistant Interior Soarolary Lostle Tun or's wriiton tostimony added fual to Guam's Are. Turner rocommondod that the lands be trans farrod to the Department of the Intortor until a land uso plan for the property is approved by the Boorotary of the Interior.

"It's botharsomo that some people in Washington, D.Q. still considor Gaam too immaturo to dooide themsolvos what to do. with the land," said Lt. Gov. Frank Blae, who lostified at the hoaring. "It's also a dolay tactie."

Othor offatale-in particular the governor said the gor ornmont was placing obstacios In the path of the land return. "It's the samo old thing," said Ada. "Juel as wo are golling close to gotting samothing, thoy throw in a some wronch and we got scrowed."

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A Gennett Newspapor


Admiral's tenor irks delegates

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Antonio Eolavea shows the 40-year-old documents that uphold his claim his family's land, which is included in the 3,200 acres declared surplus n Itary land 10 vears ago. Family says militar quest is Wro

Land: One idea 'like robbing Peter, and robbing Paul'

Continued from Page 1
roasoning for fodoral oversight
plishod by legislation.
In a land transfor boing accom-

A loglalativo transfor moans
the land le "freo" to Chuam, aug
gosting a fedoral right to supor
for costs liko onvironmental
vivo, and a right to imposo "trans-
deanup, according to the admiral;
Tho altornativo with no
strings attachod - would bo an
administrativo transfor, ho ex-
plained, and that would requiro
falr markot valuo.
the government of Guam to pay

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