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(Names given first are Chairmen.)

1. Executive Committee.

Appointed Members.

William H. Staake, Chairman, 501 Franklin Building, Philadelphia, Pa.
Francis B. James, 1004-5 Mercantile Library Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio.
Peter W. Meldrim, Savannah, Georgia.


Amasa M. Eaton, Providence, Rhode Island, President.
John C. Richberg, Chicago, Illinois, Vice-President.

Talcott H. Russell, 42 Church Street, New Haven, Conn., Treasurer. Charles Thaddeus Terry, 100 Broadway, New York, N. Y., Secretary. 2. Commercial Law.-Francis B. James, James Barr Ames, W. O. Hart, Ernest W. Huffcut, Charles F. Libby, Walter George Smith, Talcott H. Russell.

3. Wills, Descent and Distribution.-W. O. Hart, Frank M. Higgins, Clarke H. Johnson, Edward Kent, John Morris, Roscoe Pound, Charles E. Shepard.

4. Marriage and Divorce.-Walter George Smith, James Barr Ames, P. W. Meldrim, C. La Rue Munson, T. Moultrie Mordecai, John C. Richberg, William H. Staake.

5. Conveyances.-H. E. Burnham, C. R. Brooks, E. E. Ellinwood, C. E. Flandrau, Edward Kent, Charles Thaddeus Terry, J. W. Wright.

6. Depositions and Proof of Statutes of Other States.-Ira A. Chase, E. E. Ellinwood, John R. Hardin, C. La Rue Munson, A. A. Phlegar, F. L. Siddons.

7. Insurance.-Charles F. Libby, C. La Rue Munson, Frederick H. Nash, John C. Richberg, Talcott H. Russell, John L. Webster, Robert W. Williams.

8. Congressional Action.—F. L. Siddons, Robert T. Barton, Fabius H. Busbee, Emlin McClain, William H. Staake, John G. Pollard, Stevenson W. Williams.

9. Appointment of New Commissioners.-Amasa M. Eaton, Walter E Coe, W. O. Hart, William H. Staake, Walter George Smith, Charles E. Shepard, Charles Thaddeus Terry.

10. Purity of Articles of Commerce.-William H. Staake, Erliss P. Arvine, Aldis B. Browne, John Morris, J. R. Thornton, Walter C. Clephane, Walter E. Coe.

11. Uniform Incorporation Law.-Frank Bergen, Erliss P. Arvine, Frederick V. Brown, Charles Monroe, John H. Mosier, John C. Richberg, Seth S. Wheeler.

12. The Torrens System and Registration of Title to Land.-W. O. Hart, Erliss P. Arvine, Walter E. Coe, George E. Gardner, A. R. Moore, Frederick H. Nash, Charles Thaddeus Terry.

Banks and Banking.-Ralph W. Breckenridge, James Barr Ames, Ernest W. Huffcut, Francis B. James, Thomas J. Kernan, Talcott H. Russell, Walter George Smith.

Special Committee on Vital and Penal Statistics.-F. L. Siddons, Aldis B. Browne, Walter C. Clephane.


St. Paul, Minnesota,

Saturday, August 25, 1906, 10 A. M.

The Sixteenth Annual Conference of the Commissioners on Uniform State Laws convened in the Senate chamber of the Capitol of Minnesota at St. Paul, on Saturday, August 25, 1906, at 10 A. M., the President, Amasa M. Eaton, in the Chair.

The President introduced the Governor of Minnesota, John A. Johnson, who welcomed the Commissioners on behalf of the state, and assured them of the co-operation of its people in their work to bring about uniformity of legislation.

The stenographer of the Conference, Mr. Charles A. Morrison, was elected temporary Secretary, the Secretary of the Conference not being present.

The temporary Secretary called the roll of states.

(See list of Commissioners and of others present at this Conference.)

The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed with, they having been printed and distributed. among the members.

On motion of W. O. Hart, of Louisiana, the Chair appointed the following committee of five members to nominate officers for the ensuing year: W. O. Hart, of Louisiana; Francis B.. James, of Ohio; Rome G. Brown, of Minnesota; Walter E. Coe, of Connecticut, and Clarke H. Johnson, of Rhode Island The President then delivered the annual address.

(The Address follows these Minutes.)

John D. O'Brien, of Minnesota, on behalf of the Minnesota members of the Conference, offered their services in carrying out the purposes of the Conference and placed at their disposal the State Library and the committee rooms in the Capitol, as

well as his own office in the Insurance Department with its stenographers, etc.

The President thanked Mr. O'Brien, on behalf of the Conference, for his very cordial and courteous offer.

On motion of Walter George Smith, of Pennsylvania, those portions of the President's annual address which recommend the consideration of special matters were referred to the appropriate committees, with the request that they make report thereon to the Conference before its adjournment.

On motion of W. O. Hart, of Louisiana, a committee of three was appointed by the Chair, consisting of W. O. Hart, William H. Staake and Charles Thaddeus Terry to draft and present suitable resolutions respecting members deceased since the last Conference.

The next business in order being the report of the Executive Committee, on motion of the Chairman, William H. Staake, it was temporarily passed, to allow it to be read and signed at a meeting of this committee to be held this evening.

The Committee on Commercial Law, through its Chairman, Francis B. James, of Ohio, reported as follows:

This committee has had in its hands the drafts of four acts, the Sales Act, the Warehouse Receipts Act, the Bill of Lading Act and the Partnership Act. In accordance with a resolution passed at the last Conference, the committee has printed two thousand copies of the Sales Act and the Warehouse Receipts Act and has distributed nearly all of them among the members of the Conference, commercial organizations, lawyers, judges, law teachers and law writers, inviting criticism and suggestions. The Bill of Lading Act and the Partnership Act have been delivered to the committee within a few days only, and consequently there has been no time to print and distribute them. All this has involved much correspondence. The Ohio Bankers' Association, the Ohio State Board of Commerce, the Kentucky Bankers' Association and the American Warehousemen's Association have given consideration to the Sales Act and to the Warehouse Receipts Act. A joint meet

ing has been held in New York city of the committee of the American Bankers' Association, the committee of the American Warehousemen's Association and the Committee on Commercial Law of this Conference, at which meeting the Warehouse Receipts Act was very fully discussed. And finally this Committee on Commercial Law has been in session two days in St. Paul before this Conference, considering these various acts. The committee recommends considering first the Warehouse Receipts Act, the draftsmen, Professor Williston and Mr. Mohun reading it, section by section, informing the Conference of changes made at the committee meeting. It can thus be passed upon by the Conference, section by section, with full knowlege of what has been done and the reasons therefor.

The detailed consideration proposed of the acts from the Committee on Commercial Law was passed until a later time. The President: The next committee to be heard from is the Committee on Wills, Descent and Distribution.

W. O. Hart, of Louisiana, a member of the committee, reported the death of its Chairman, Edwin Burritt Smith, of Illinois, and that there had been no meeting of the committee during the year.

The President: The next committee to be heard from is the Committee on Marriage and Divorce.

John C. Richberg, of Illinois, a member of the committee, reported the death of its Chairman, Walter S. Logan, of New York, and that there is no report.

The President: Is there any report from the Committee on Conveyances? There does not seem to be any.

Is there any report from the Committee on Depositions and Proof of Statutes of other states?

Is there any report from the Committee on Insurance?

Charles F. Libby, of Maine, Chairman, submitted the report of that committee and added verbally that since it was written a meeting had been held in St. Paul, August 22, 23 and 24, 1906, of the committee of the Insurance Convention appointed

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