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tifully told in this pamphlet, to which we refer the reader of taste : our limits not allowing a quotation at length, and to abridge it, were injustice.

Art. 53. The Stone-eater, an Interlude: As it is acted at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. By C. Stuart. 8vo. 6d. Symonds. 1788.

A ftone-eater having undertaken to divert his Majesty's fubjects with the facetious operation of grinding pebbles between his teeth, it is no wonder that the theatre, ever on the watch for novelty, fhould lay hold of this extraordinary phenomenon. In this little piece, a father believes that his daughter is to marry a ftoneeater, and is happy in the idea that he can easily provide for his fonin-law. Captain O'Thunder was born at Stoney Batter, and has lived by the Black Rock, near Dublin. This the old man fancies must be the ftone-eater: but Captain Leek was born in Flintshire : this must be another ftone-eater. To decide between them a collation of marble is ordered; and with fuch farcical and laughable mummery, a piece is made to fuit the manners, and perhaps the tafte, of the times.

Art. 54. Tit For Tat; a Comedy in three Acts. Performed at the Theatres Royal, Haymarket, Drury Lane, and Covent Garden, &c. 8vo. Is. Dilly. 1788.

This piece is taken from the French of Marivaux; the original is called Le Jeu de l'Amour et du Hazard: It is not a clofe or fervile tranflation, but we doubt whether, in the transfufion, fome of the fpirit has not evaporated. Marivaux fhines in delicacy of fentiment, and his expreffion is elegant. The hinge, on which the fable turns, is the fame in both plays. An old father is wishing to` give his daughter in marriage to his friend's fon, and neither he nor the daughter has ever feen the fon. The match is to be concluded if the young couple like each other. To try this experiment, the daughter, with her father's confent, changes clothes with her maid, who is to perfonate the gentlewoman, while her mistress in disguise is to obferve the lover. She accordingly prepares: the lover arrives, having taken a fimilar refolution. His man reprefents the gentleman, and the mafter paffes for the fervant. The incidents, that grow out of this contrivance, form the fable; and a fable of the fort which, with a variety of fituations, and occafional mifunderftanding between the parties, may furnish a pleafing entertainment on the stage.


Art. 55. The Effects of the Paffions; or, Memoirs of Floricourt. From the French. 12mo. 3 Vols. 9s. fewed. Vernor. 1788. Our friends and neighbours, the French (we date our friendship from the fettling of the commercial treaty), have ever, in their writings, reprefented the paffions with a more than ordinary degree of kill. In proof of this we may refer to the romances of J. J. Rouffeau, Crebillon, le Jeune, the Abbé Prevost, &c. &c. In the prefent performance, the wild and ungovernable impulfes of youth, together with their confequences, are delineated with confiderable

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fire and spirit. The writer is evidently a perfon of fenfibility, and a nice obferver of the conduct of mankind.

The fcene of this novel is frequently in one or other of the monafleries of France. Of this kind of inftitution the author appears to be a biter and implacable enemy. He has drawn a very dreadful picture of the miferies to which the occupiers of thefe fepulchres of the living are fubjected, at the caprice of thofe who are flyled fuperiors of the place. How far the reprefentation may be faithful, we cannot wholly determine. We hope, however, that the colouring is heightened; and that it is fomewhat beyond the exact truth. The tranflation is of a fuperior caft.

Art. 56. Heloife; or, the Siege of Rhodes. A Legendary Tale, by the Author of Maria, or, the generous Ruftic. Small 8vo. 2 Vols. 35. 6d. Boards. Elliot, &c. 1788.

Though the author of thefe little volumes has with-held his name, he is, notwithstanding, like the beautiful fair described by Terence,

Ubi, ubi eft, diu celari non poteft.

Merit will force its way, and Mr. Berkley is now well known to be the person who has obliged the public with this most agreeable novel; very different from the trash that iffues from the prefs, under the title of CRUEL FATHERS, REFORMED RAKES, and CONSTANT LOVERS. The practice of virtue is here inculcated, and the truth of imitation preferved. The fcene is laid in the days of chivalry, and the adventures are fuch as might happen in feudal times. The incidents are contrived with art; the diction is elegant, yet natural; the fentiments are always interefting, often pathetic, and fometimes fublime If the celebrated Bishop Berkley was, in fact, the author of Gaudentio di Lucca, it is palpable, from this work, that a confi. derable portion of ætherial fire has defcended to the grandfon. Mr. Berkley needed no apology for his work appearing in the form of a novel Montefquieu, Jonnfon, and others of that clafs, have appeared before him on the fame fairy ground. The following paffage may ferve as a fpecimen of the author's tafte and manner: Whilft he ftopped to refresh his fteed at a fmall cottage, an old peafant approached him, whofe hoary locks and emaciated figure pleaded ftrongly in his favour: he extended his hand to folicit charity, but knowing human nature, he extended it with doubt. A big tear gliftened in his eye, uncertain whether it was to fall, as the tribute of Gratitude, or as the effufion of Disappointment. He was relieved; the tear fell, but it was not loft; it was recorded in the presence of him, who inculcates the practice, and will reward the exertions, of charity. These are the delicate touches, that distinguish Mr. Berkley. Ex pede Herculem.


Art. 57. The Country Curate, or Letters from Clericus to Benevolus. 12mo. 25. fewed. Longman, &c. 1788. This Country Curate is intended to refemble the famous Yorick, of benevolent and facetious memory. Each of his letters contains

• See Review, vol. lxxi. p. 387.


fome flight adventure, calculated to introduce a fmall tale of a pathetic turn, touched off in the evanefcent manner of Sterne: and to fuch as never read Triftram Shandy, and the Sentimental Journey, if any fuch there are, they may appear more eafy and natural, than to those who perceive the traces of imitation, down to the very unmeaning breaks and dafhes, that begin, end, and divide every paragraph, to no better purpose than to disgust the Reader at the fervility of the Writer. If a man has any thing to offer to the public attention, his own manner, it is to be hoped, will fit much more becomingly on him, than any affectation or mimicry whatever. Art. 58. The Affectionate Father, a Sentimental Comedy: together with Effays on various Subjects. By James Nelfon, Author of an Effay on the Government of Children *. 8vo. 5s. fewed. DodЛley. 1786.

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[An accident has delayed the appearance of this Article.] The moral of this Comedy is worthy of the pen of a writer, who has at heart the true intereft of his fellow-creatures. It teaches, in the words of the Author, that virtuous principles produce virtuous actions; and virtuous actions are the fureft ground on which to build the happiness of fociety.' Mr. Nelfon's fcenes aim at the nobleft end, and in a moral fenfe are fuperior to the wit and brilliancy of a Congreve. Whether the plot is conducted with that dramatic artifice, which enfures fuccefs on the stage, need not be made a queftion, when the piece is only offered to the reader in his clofet. This mode of conveying inftruction is well chofen ; the characters are produced in action, and may therefore be attended with a better effect than in the way of effay-writing. On the other fubjects, not fufceptible of the dramatic form, Mr. Nelfon has given feveral differtations t, and made an ufeful mifcellaneous collection. The lift of his fubscribers is numerous, and may be confidered as an honourable suffrage to the character of a man, who employs his moments of relaxation from bufinefs in works that may contribute to the entertainment, and certainly will to the morals and inftruction, of his readers. Art. 59. Differtations on the Origin, Nature, and Pursuits of intelligent Beings; and on Divine Providence, Religion, and religious Worship: in the Course of which, the Honour and Dignity of the Supreme Being is vindicated from the abfurd, if not impious Suppolition, that by a particular or partial Providence, he interferes, influences, and directs the Thoughts and Determinations of Individuals, and the political Government, Changes, and Events of States and Kingdoms. To which is added, A neceffary and most

* See Review, vol. ix. p. 161.

The titles of these are, Reflections on Men and Manners.' 'On the Danger of Copper Veffels.' 'Letter to Mr. Gilpin, on the Hobby-horse.' Dialogue between a Painter and a Cheefemonger.' 'Seven Letters to Mr. Nelfon, relative to the high Price of Provifions.' Memoirs of Mifs Anaftafia Robinson, afterwards Countefs of Peterborow.' Memoirs of Henry Mill, Efq.' And,

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equitable Suggestion and Plan for the Relief of the present Exigencies of the State, the Burdens of the People, and a more honourable Mode for fupporting the Clergy. Alfo an effential Sketch for a more rational Form of Worship, and a new Liturgy. By J. Z. Holwell, F. R. S. Moft humbly infcribed, with all Duty, Loyalty, and Reverence, to the King (as fupreme Head of the Church), and the Legislature of Great Britain and Ireland. 8vo. 2s. 6d. Cadell, &c.

We should leave this fingular performance to fpeak for itself, in the above preamble, if the Author had not omitted to inform the Fublic, that the first principle on which his plans proceed is, that men are failen angels, condemned to fuffer in human bodies for the fins of their former ftate. According to Mr. H. every man is poffeffed by, or rather is, an evil spirit, and the true caufe of all the corruptions and miferies we complain of is-that the devil is in us all. Perhaps the world will be disposed to give our Author the retort courteous, when they are informed, that the first propofition in his plan for the reformation of the church is, that the dignified clergy of every denomination fhall be divefted of all rank, precedence, and title, in church and state, saving and except that of Doctor of Divinity, which fhall be common to all the clergy. This is levelling with a witnefs! We give Mr. H. much credit for his good intentions; but we would advise him to leave the work of reformation to cooler heads.

Art. 60. Memoirs of an English Miffionary to the Coast of Guinea; who went thither for the fole Purpose of converting the Negroes to Chriftianity. 8vo. IS. Shepperfon and Reynolds. 1788. Extracted from the Rev. Mr. Thompfon's Account, firft publifhed in 1758; fee Rev. vol. xx. p. 81. This abridgment affords us but little information with respect to the capacity of the Negroes for mental improvement. Their extreme ignorance, and their deplorable fuperftitions, feem indeed almoft, if not abfolutely, infurmountable obftacles to the task of religious converfion, especially in their own country. If any great good is to be done in this way, we fuppofe it must be where they are held in flavery, under Chriftian mafters and judicious inftructors. But of this matter the Writer of the prefent article confeffes him felf an incompetent judge, having no perional acquaintance with the Weft Indies, or any other places where that fpecies of fervitude is known.

Art. 61. Memoirs of the late War in Afia. With a Narrative of the
Imprifonment and Sufferings of our Officers and Soldiers. By an
Officer of Colonel Baillie's Detachment. 8vo. 2 Vols.
Boards. Murray. 1788.


The anonymous Author of this work declares it to be the object of these Memoirs, (at the fame time that they illuftrate the connection of military affairs with politics, the nature and relations of different actions to one another, and their influence on the general refult of the war ;) to defcribe not only our own, but the valour and addrefs of our enemies, and to particularife the merits and the hardships of our countrymen, and others in our fervice; for the promotion of

their intereft, if they have furvived their fufferings, for perpetuating their names if they have not; and in both cafes, for the fatisfaction or confolation of their anxious relations and friends.'

The volumes accordingly contain rather plain journals of events, than details of the cabinet caufes of thofe events; and the relations are highly favourable to the Indian administration of Mr. Haftings. The mifcellaneous nature of the tranfactions will render them efpecially amufing to thofe to whom Oriental affairs are interefting; though the language may not always exhibit them to the best advantage. The narratives of the brutal treatment of fuch of our countrymen as were captured by thofe favage tyrants, Hyder Ali, and his fon Tippoo Saib, extracts from which have appeared in many of the periodical prints, will affect every heart fufceptible of humane impreffions. Several characters, both European and Afiatic, are introduced, and defcribed with great freedom; and fome Eastern cuftoms and scenes are delineated, particularly a vifit received by a Mahometan gentleman from an English officer, to whom he was under peculiar obligations, and whom he admitted into his haram, and prefented to his wives and family :-a most extraordinary inftance of condefcenfion, indeed!

An index to this book is wanted, for occafional confultation: No work of any confequence should be laid before the Public with this deficiency.

Art. 62. A fhort Account of the Prince of Wales's Island, or Pulo Peenang, in the East Indies, given to Capt. Light by the King of Quedah. Ornamented with an elegant Engraving, reprefenting a View of the North Point of the Prince of Wales's Inland, and the Ceremony of Christening it. Taken on the Spot by Elisha Trapaud, Efq; Captain in the Engineer Corps on the Madras Establishment. Alfo a Chart, including the Plan of the Island. 8vo. 2s. 6d. fewed. Stockdale. 1788.

The island of Pulo Peenang came to Capt. Light as a marriage portion with a Princefs of the royal houfe of Quedah, a kingdom on the coaft of Malaya. Capt. Light had affifted the King in quelling fome troubles in his dominions, and received this diftinguished reward for his fervices. In recommendation of the island, we underftand that it affords a convenient fhelter for our fhips during tempeftuous weather, at the fhifting of the monfoons, when our fhips are obliged to quit the coaft of Coromandel, where there is no harbour to protect them, and go round to Bombay, particularly if they have occafion to refit in time of war: whereas, by the quantity of wood on the island, even fhips of war may winter and refit here. Many other advantages are pointed out, that invite us to fettle and cultivate this fpot, both of a commercial and political nature: and the Eaft India Company, we are informed, offer encouragement for this purpose. Among Mr. Dalrymple's valuable charts, is one of the Strait between Pulo Peenang and the adjacent coaft of Quedah, which is added to the above pamphlet for thofe purchafers who chufe it, at the additional price of fixpence,

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