Hymn of Rebecca the Jewess, Adam and Eve's Alternate Hymn, Praise and Gratitude on Jehovah's Page. "Every plant which my heavenly Father hath not planted shall be rooted up," "It is good to be here," Despondency corrected, The Folly of Atheism, Sabbath Hymn, Public Worship, Light from Religion, Love to God, Sabbath Hymn, . Cunningham. 259 Herbert Knowles. 260 Ε. Τ. 270 Wadsworth. 262 Bowring. 263 Mrs. Barbauld. 267 Sir J. E. Smith. 268 Bowring. 269 Mrs. Barbauld. 271 Bernard Barton. 271 H. 272 Id. 273 Milton. 274 J. Bowring. 276 Id. 277 Sabbath Days-Modernized from "Son-Dayes," in Vaughan's "Silex Scintillans," The Spiritual Law-Deut. xxx. 11-14, The Happiness of the Godly, Morning Hymn,. The Cross of Christ, "God is Love," Hymn "It is I; be not afraid," Sir James E. Smith. 278 The Creator's Works, Hymn,. The Bible, Love of God, To a Butterfly resting on a Skull, A Thought on Death, #The Widow of Nain, The Autumn Evening, Wallace. 279 Thompson. 279 Comper. 283 Caroline Fry. 284 Anonymous. 285 Mrs. Barbauld. 286 Furness. 287 Peabody. 288 TABLE OF FIRST LINES. A cloud lay cradled near the setting sun, Page. 123 Ah! when did wisdom covet length of days, 166 Ah me! these youthful bearers, robed in white, 171 All I feel, and hear, and see, 27 A mother's love-how sweet the name, 44 And is there care in heaven? and is there love, 98 And Rachel lies in Ephrath's land, 203 A Parish Priest was of the pilgrim train, 178 As the good shepherd leads his sheep, 17 At the close of the day, when the hamlet is still, 137 Ay, there ye shine, and there have shone, 139 Begin, my soul, the exalted lay! 141 288 58 Bereft of all, when hopeless care, Build'st thou on Wealth?-its wings are ever spread, 241 But who shall see the glorious day, 139 Child of the dust, I heard thee mourn, Page. Few are thy days, and full of wo, 117 Forgive thy foes; -nor that alone, . 220 From early childhood, even, as hath been said, 126 From Greenland's icy mountains, 173 Group after group are gathering, such as prest, 51 Heave! mighty ocean, heave! 63 Here, in a little cave, 202 He sung of God, the mighty source, 242 He who delights to trace, with serious thought, 243 192 How shall I know thee in the sphere which keeps, 19 How shall I praise thee, Lord of light? "Humility," said Lena, as she drew, I love to muse, when none are nigh, I seek the mountain cleft: alone, Is there a time when moments flow, Is there a lone and dreary hour, It is not that my lot is low, It is the one true Light, It must be sweet in childhood to give back, It thunders! sons of dust, in reverence bow! I will not sing a mortal's praise, 37 Look on him-through his dungeon grate, 27 Lord, who art merciful as well as just, 242 Low in the dim and sultry west, 149 Nay, William, nay, not so; the changeful year, 72 No moon hung o'er the sleeping earth, 18 Now breathes the ruddy Morn around,. 213 Oh mighty is the Lord of Hosts, 20 Oh! weep for those that wept by Babel's stream, O, the wrath of the Lord is a terrible thing! 233 O think that, while you're weeping here, 113 O thou whose lips can well repeat,. 193 O Thou whom eye hath seen not-nor shall see, 209 O Thou Great Being! what thou art, 226 ?! would you be assured you love your God, 284 |