페이지 이미지

XII Office of Defense Mobilization

The Office of Defense Mobilization has economic functions which have an overseas impact. It directs and controls the mobilization activities of the executive branch of the Government, including the acquisition and maintenance of adequate reserves of strategic and critical materials and it directs the General Services Administration with respect to the purchase, storage, refinement, rotation and disposal of the stockpile. Since well over half of the stockpile, involving hundreds of millions of dollars, has been, and is being, procured overseas, this is a program involving foreign economic activities of sizeable proportions, the actual dimensions of which, however, are classified information.

Its overseas economic functions are not duplicated by other agencies of the Government.




XIII. General Services Administration

While not engaging directly in any foreign aid program, the General Services Administration, through its Emergency Procurement Service, does serve as a procurement agent both for FOA and for ODM in connection with foreign aid and economic activities. In the 1954 fiscal year, the Emergency Procurement Service received $763,400 in reimbursement from FOA for the administrative costs of its purchasing operations, covering 158 positions, including two in London, and 29 in Tokyo. The reimbursement is calculated on the basis of 12 percent service charge against all FOA requisitions to purchase.

Its overseas economic functions are not duplicated in any other agency.

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