페이지 이미지

TABLE 2.-Estimated costs of land and land acquisition, Agricultural Adjustment land-use projects, Apr. 30, 1937 1

1 Includes expenditures under the following appropriations: "Loans and relief in stricken agricultural areas, Resettlement Administration, submarginal land, 1934 and 1935"; "National Industrial Recovery, Resettlement Administration, submarginal lands, 1933-37"; "Emergency Relief, Resettlement Administration, sanitation, prevention of soil erosion, etc., 1935-37.' Does not include expenditures for acquisition made under the Federal Emergency Relief Administration. 2 Abbreviated.


3 Includes 6,720,934 acres in accepted options for which accounts in payment, totaling 3,936, 439 acres, have been cleared by the General Accounting Office and/or the Treasury.

TABLE 2.-Estimated costs of land and land acquisition, Agricultural Adjustment land-use projects, Apr. 30, 1937-Continued

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TABLE 2.-Estimated costs of land and land acquisition, Agricultural Adjustment land-use projects, Apr. 30, 1937-Continued

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[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

* Cost of acquisition included in figures for the Little Missouri project, LA-ND 1.

6,749, 967

27, 207, 488

2,671, 526

29,879, 014



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