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of notice, shall be made the order of the day next succeeding that on which it shall have been made.

27. No Committee, other than a Joint Committee or a Special Committee of this Board, shall be allowed to occupy the Senate Chamber without leave of the Board.

Of Bills and Resolves.

28. All resolves shall be twice read, and no resolve, having for its object the payment or appropriation of money, shall pass until one day after it shall have been first introduced.

29. All bills and resolves from the House of Representatives, after they are read a first time, shall be committed to a committee of this Board, except when said bills or resolves shall have been reported by a joint committee.

30. All bills in the third reading and resolves in the second reading, shall be committed to the committee on bills in the third reading, whose duty it shall be to compare their relations with the constitution, and any existing laws relating to the same subject matter, and to see that all such bills and resolves are in the technical form.

31. No bill shall pass to be engrossed without three readings; and bills in the second and third readings, and resolves in the second reading, shall be made the order of the day for the day next succeeding that on which leave shall have been given to read them a second or third time, and the president shall order them accordingly; and after entering upon the orders of the day, they shall be disposed of in course;

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and matters passed over in the orders of the day shall go to the foot of the list, and shall not be considered till the next day.

32. All engrossed bills and resolves shall be committed to the standing committee on engrossed bills, whose duty it shall be strictly to examine the same, and if found by them to be rightly and truly engrossed, they shall so report to the board, and the final question shall be taken thereon without any further reading, unless, on motion of any member, a majority of the Senate shall be in favor of reading the same as engrossed.

33. No engrossed bill shall be amended.

34. A measure once rejected shall not be revived in the Senate, during the same session, except by reconsideration, and this rule shall apply as well to measures originating in the House as to those originating in the Senate.

Elections by Ballot.

35. In all elections by ballot, a time shall be assigned for such election, at least one day previous thereto.

Senate Library.

36. The books belonging to the Senate Chamber, shall be in the care of the Clerk, who shall keep an accurate list thereof; and no book shall be taken from the Senate Chamber by any person without giving notice thereof to the Clerk, who shall enter in a book to be kept by him, the name of the book, and the name of the person taking the same.




The following Joint Standing Committees shall be appointed at the commencement of the January session, viz :ï

A Committee on Accounts;

A Committee on Roads and Bridges;

A Committee on Railways and Canals;

A Committee on Towns;

A Committee on Claims;

A Committee on the Militia;

A Committee on Parishes and other Religious So


A Conimittee on the Fisheries;

A Committee on Banks and Banking;

A Committee on Mercantile Affairs & Insurance;

A Committee on Public Lands ;

A Committee on Manufactures;

A Committee on the Library;

A Committee on Prisons;

A Committee on Agriculture; and

A Committee on Public Charitable Institutions; And each of said Committees shall consist of two on the part of the Senate, and five on the part of the House, except the Committee on the Library, which, by law, is to consist of three on the part of each House, and no Member of any Committee shall receive compensation for personal services on such Committee, during the Session of the Legislature.


The Joint Committees of the two Houses may report by bill, resolve, or otherwise, to either House, at their discretion; and all bills and resolves reported by them, shall be written in a fair round hand, Joint Rules and Orders of both Houses. 11

without interlineation, on not less than a sheet of paper, with suitable margins, and spaces between the several sections or resolves.


All papers, while on their passage between the two Houses, may be under the signature of the respective Clerks, except Bills and Resolves, in their last stage.


After Bills shall have passed both Houses to be engrossed, they shall be in the charge of the Clerks of the two Houses, who shall deliver the same to the Secretary of the Commonwealth, to be engrossed in the manner prescribed by law; and when engrossed, the said Clerks shall forthwith deliver the same to the Committee of the House of Representatives on Engrossed Bills; and when the same shall have passed to be enacted in that House, they shall, in like manner, be delivered to the Committee of the Senate on Engrossed Bills.


After Bills shall have passed both Houses to be enacted, the Clerk of the Senate shall cause them to be laid before the Governor for his approbation, an indorsement being first made thereon, by the Clerk of the House, in which the same originated, certifying in which House the same originated, which indorsement shall be entered on the Journals by the Clerks respectively, and the Clerk of the Senate shall enter on the Journal of the Senate the day on which the same were laid before the Governor.


All resolves and other papers, which are to be presented to the Governor of the Commonwealth, shall be presented for his approbation, in the same manner as prescribed in the case of Bills.

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