Suffolk, ss. January 22, 1841. Personally appeared the abovenamed Directors, Thomas West, Amos Abbott, Samuel A. Walker, Enoch Silsby, and Daniel Hammond, and made oath that the above report was true according to the best of their knowledge and belief. Before me, EDW. PICKERING, Justice of the Peace. Whereas, at a meeting of the Stockholders of the Boston and Portland Rail-road Corporation, holden at Andover, on the fourth day of May last, it was voted unanimously, that the Directors of the Boston aud Portland Rail-road Corporation be authorized to contract with the Boston and Maine Rail-road, to transport all their passengers and freight over said Boston and Maine Rail-road from the line of the State to Dover : Provided the same can be done by paying the Boston and Maine Rail-road, a sum not exceeding seven per cent. interest per annum on a sum not exceeding five hundred thousand dollars, and also to keep said road in repair. And whereas, at a meeting of the Stockholders of the Boston and Maine Rail-road, held at the Swamscot House, in Exeter, on the twenty-ninth day of July last, it was voted that the Directors of the Boston and Maine Rail-road be authorized to contract with the Boston and Portland Rail-road Corporation for the transportation of all their passengers and freight over the Boston and Maine Rail-road for a term not exceeding ten years, from the time of its completion to Dover, for not less than seven per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually, on five hundred thousand dollars, or the cost of the road, should it not amount to that sum; the Boston and Portland Rail-road Corporation keeping said road in repair : Now, therefore, this agreement made and entered into by the Directors of the Boston and Portland Rail-road Corporation, of the one part, and the Directors of the Boston and Maine Rail-road, of the other part, Witnesseth, That when the Boston and Maine Rail-road shall be fully completed in all respects, and ready to be opened for use, with convenient depots, side-tracks, turn-tables, and necessary accommodations from the depot on Front street, in Exeter, to such convenient place in the town of Dover, as is best calculated to accommodate the business and travel of said town and vicinity : In consideration of the sum hereinafter mentioned, the Boston and Portland Rail-road Corporation shall take and hold full possession thereof for and during the term of ten years from the time of taking possession thereof; that the Boston and Portland Rail-road Corporation shall pay for the use of said Boston and Maine Rail-road, seven per cent. interest per annum, payable semi-annually, on the cost of the same, from the line of the States of Massachusetts and New Hampshire to Dover, as aforesaid, keeping said Rail-road in repair : Provided the entire cost of said road and its accommodations from the line of the States to Dover, shall not exceed five hundred thousand dollars, or seven per cent. on the actual cost, in case it shall be less than five hundred thousand dollars: it is understood and agreed that the said Boston and Maine Rail-road between Exeter and Dover shall be constructed in the same manner and style, and be laid with the same kind of iron rail, as the part now finished between the line of the States and Exeter. It is further agreed by the parties aforesaid, that in case of failure in any part of the construction of the Boston and Maine Rail-Road, by reason of defect in the original construction of the road, the same is to be repaired at the expense of that corporation. Dated at Boston, this first day of August, A. D. 1840. HOBART CLARK, Pres. of B. and M. Rail-road. By order of Directors, THOS. WEST, Committee of the Directors of the B. and P. R. R. Corp. Witness, GEO. W. GORDON, CHAS. CONNER. NINTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BOSTON AND PROVIDENCE RAIL-ROAD CORPORATION. To the Honorable Legislature of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts: The Directors of the Boston and Providence Rail-road Corporation do hereby make their Ninth Annual Report of their acts and doings, receipts and expenditures, as required by law. On the twenty-third day of March, the fare of passengers between Boston and Providence was reduced to one dollar and fisty cents, and pro rata for the intermediate distances; and on the 17th of April, the freight of a ton of merchandize between Boston and Providence, was reduced from five dollars to three dollars a ton, and in proportion for way stations. This reduction, the opening of the Norwich and Worcester Rail-road, and other peculiar circumstances, caused a diminution of the income during the first six months of the year, and rendered it necessary to encroach upon the reserved fund in making the July dividend. The increase of business, however, during the last six months, has enabled the Directors to declare a dividend to be made exclusively from the profits that have accrued during that time, and convinced them that such an encroachment will not again be necessary. The whole amount of the Capital of the Corporation The whole amount of their expenditures the past year is as follows : Repairs of Road, Repairs of cars and engines, : $1,782,000 00 13,280 89 16,755 36 Fuel, oil, salaries, wages, and other miscellaneous expenses, Amount paid Rhode Island Company for lease of their road, bridge and depot, Amount paid for use of Ferry between India Point and Stonington Rail-road, For construction of road, including expenses for purchase of land, second track, &c. Amount paid for use of ferry and wharves, between India Point and Stonington Railroad, in the years 1838 and 1839, $78,413 27 5,659 58 5,000 00 $12,018 45 12,000 00 24,018 45 $143,127 55 The amount received during the past year, is for The first dividend being declared in January, and the second in July, the first being four and the last three per cent. on the amount of capital stock paid in. Boston, January 26, 1841. Suffolk, ss. JOSIAH QUINCY, JR. IGNATIUS SARGENT, Directors. January 26, 1841. Then personally appeared the above mentioned J. Quincy, Jr., I. Sargent, J. Grinnell and H. Cabot, and made oath, that this report is true according to the best of their knowledge and belief. Before me, EDW. PICKERING, Justice of the Peace. NINTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BOSTON AND WORCESTER RAIL-ROAD CORPORATION. To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts: The Directors of the Boston and Worcester Rail-road Corporation, respectfully submit the Ninth Annual Report of their proceedings, and of their receipts and expenditures. Within the past year, the Directors have made more convenient arrangements at Worcester, by the erection of a new depot building, and a new engine house, in connexion with the Norwich and Worcester Rail-road Company, and by the laying of additional tracks for the union of the line of travel upon the Rail-road, with that of the Norwich and Worcester and the Western Rail-roads. They have made purchases of land adjoining both the passenger and freight depots in Boston, for the purpose of providing the necessary accommodations for the increased business, and have adapted plans which are partially executed, for the erection of further buildings for the accommodation of passengers and merchandize, and also of passenger and freight cars. This enlargement of the depot accommodations has been deemed necessary, for adapting them to the increased business which is already realized in part from the extension of the line of Rail-road, by means of its union with the Western and Norwich Rail-roads, and to a still greater increase which it is reasonable to anticipate on the completion of the Western Rail-road. The purchases of land in Boston, and the erection of buildings, which have thus become indispensable, have called for a considerable increase in the investment of capital, as will be seen in the statement of expenditures charged to the account of construction. |