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covered up by the luxuriance of nature; the winding walks were grown dark; the brook assumed a natural sylvage; and the rocks were covered with moss. Nothing now remained but to enjoy the THE theatre, like all other amusements, has its beauties of the place, when the poor poet died, and fashions and its prejudices; and when satiated with his garden was obliged to be sold for the benefit its excellence, mankind begin to mistake change of those who had contributed to its embellishment. for improvement. For some years tragedy was "The beauties of the place had now for some the reigning entertainment; but of late it has entime been celebrated as well in prose as in verse; tirely given way to comedy, and our best efforts and all men of taste wished for so envied a spot, tion. The pompous train, the swelling phrase, are now exerted in these lighter kinds of composiwhere every urn was marked with the poet's pen- and the unnatural rant, are displaced for that eil, and every walk awakened genius and medita

tion. The first purchaser was one Mr. True-natural portrait of human folly and frailty, of penny, a button-maker, who was possessed of three which all are judges, because all have sat for the thousand pounds, and was willing also to be pospicture. sessed of taste and genius.

But as in describing nature it is presented with double face, either of mirth or sadness, our modern writers find themselves at a loss which chiefly to

exhibition of human distress is likely to afford the mind more entertainment than that of human absurdity?

"As the poet's ideas were for the natural wild- a ness of the landscape, the button-maker's were for the more regular productions of art. He conceiv-copy from; and it is now debated, whether the ed, perhaps, that as it is a beauty in a button to be of a regular pattern, so the same regularity ought to obtain in a landscape. Be this as it will, he employed the shears to some purpose; he clipped up the hedges, cut down the gloomy walks, made vistas upon the stables and hog-sties, and showed his friends that a man of taste should always be doing. "The next candidate for taste and genius was a captain of a ship, who bought the garden because generals upon the stage, it is out of its walk, since the former possessor could find nothing more to low life and middle life are entirely its object. The

of the frailties of the lower part of mankind, to disComedy is defined by Aristotle to be a picture tinguish it from tragedy, which is an exhibition of fore ascends to produce the characters of princes or the misfortunes of the great. When comedy there

mend; but unfortunately he had taste too. His principal question therefore is, whether in describgreat passion lay in building, in making Chinese ing low or middle life, an exhibition of its follies temples, and cage-work summer-houses. As the place before had an appearance of retirement, and inspired meditation, he gave it a more peopled air; every turning presented a cottage, or ice-house, or a temple; the improvement was converted into a little city, and it only wanted inhabitants to give it the air of a village in the East Indies.

"In this manner, in less than ten years, the improvement has gone through the hands of as many proprietors, who were all willing to have taste, and to show their taste too. As the place had received its best finishing from the hand of the first possessor, so every innovator only lent a hand to do mischief. Those parts which were obscure, have been entightened; those walks which led naturally, have Deen twisted into serpentine windings. The colour of the flowers of the field is not more various than

be not preferable to a detail of its calamities? Or, in other words, which deserves the preference-the weeping sentimental comedy so much in fashion which seems to have been last exhibited by Vanat present, or the laughing and even low comedy, brugh and Cibber?

If we apply to authorities, all the great masters in the dramatic art have but one opinion. Their the great, so comedy should excite our laughter, rule is, that as tragedy displays the calamities of by ridiculously exhibiting the follies of the lower critics, asserts, that comedy will not admit of tragic part of mankind. Boileau, one of the best modern distress:

Le comique, ennemi des soupirs et des pleurs,
N'admet point dans ses vers de tragiques douleurs.

Nor is this rule without the strongest foundation

he variety of tastes that have been employed here, in nature, as the distresses of the mean by no and all in direct contradiction to the original aim of the first improver. Could the original possessor but revive, with what a sorrowful heart would he look upon his favourite spot again! He would scarcely recollect a Dryad or a Wood-nymph of his former acquaintance, and might perhaps find himself as much a stranger in his own plantation as in the deserts of Siberia."

means affect us so strongly as the calamities of the great. When tragedy exhibits to us some great man fallen from his height, and struggling with want and adversity, we feel his situation in the same manner as we suppose he himself must feel, and our pity is increased in proportion to the height

• 1773.

from which he fell. On the contrary, we do not and if they are delightful, they are good.


so strongly sympathize with one born in humbler success, it will be said, is a mark of their me circumstances, and encountering accidental dis- and it is only abridging our happiness to deny as tress: so that while we melt for Belisarius, we an inlet to amusement.

scarcely give halfpence to the beggar who accosts These objections, however, are rather speciens us in the street. The one has our pity; the other than solid. It is true, that amusement is a great our contempt. Distress, therefore, is the proper object of the theatre, and it will be allowed that object of tragedy, since the great excite our pity by these sentimental pieces do often amuse us; but their fall; but not equally so of comedy, since the the question is, whether the true comedy would not actors employed in it are originally so mean, that amuse us more? The question is, whether a cha they sink but little by their fall. racter supported throughout a piece, with its ridicule still attending, would not give us more delight than this species of bastard tragedy, which only is applauded because it is new?

Since the first origin of the stage, tragedy and comedy have run in distinct channels, and never till of late encroached upon the provinces of each other. Terence, who seems to have made the A friend of mine, who was sitting unmoved at nearest approaches, always judiciously stops short one of the sentimental pieces, was asked how he could be so indifferent? "Why, truly," says he, before he comes to the downright pathetic; and yet he is even reproached by Cæsar for wanting the "as the hero is but a tradesman, it is indifferent to vis comica. All the other comic writers of anti- me whether he be turned out of his counting-house quity aim only at rendering folly or vice ridiculous, on Fish-street Hill, since he will still have enough but never exalt their characters into buskined left to open shop in St. Giles's." pomp, or make what Voltaire humorously calls a tradesman's tragedy.

The other objection is as ill-grounded; for though we should give these pieces another name, it will not mend their efficacy. It will continue a kind of mulish production, with all the defects of its opposite parents, and marked with sterility. If we are permitted to make comedy weep, we have an equal right to make tragedy laugh, and to set down in blank verse the jests and repartees of all the attendants in a funeral procession.

Yet, notwithstanding this weight of authority and the universal practice of former ages, a new species of dramatic composition has been introduced under the name of sentimental comedy, in which the virtues of private life are exhibited, rather than the vices exposed; and the distresses rather than the faults of mankind make our interest in the piece. But there is one argument in favour of sentiThese comedies have had of late great success, per- mental comedy which will keep it on the stage in haps from their novelty, and also from their flatter- spite of all that can be said against it. It is of all ing every man in his favourite foible. In these others the most easily written. Those abilities plays almost all the characters are good, and ex- that can hammer out a novel, are fully sufficient ceedingly generous; they are lavish eneugh of their for the production of a sentimental comedy. It is tin money on the stage; and though they want only sufficient to raise the characters a little; t humour, have abundance of sentiment and feeling. deck out the hero with a riband, or give the heroine If they happen to have faults or foibles, the spec-a title; then to put an insipid dialogue, without tator is taught, not only to pardon, but to applaud character or humour, into their mouths, give them them, in consideration of the goodness of their mighty good hearts, very fine clothes, furnish a hearts; so that folly, instead of being ridiculed, is new set of scenes, make a pathetic scene or two, commended, and the comedy aims at touching our with a sprinkling of tender melancholy conversapassions without the power of being truly pathetic. tion through the whole, and there is no doubt but In this manner we are likely to lose one great all the ladies will cry, and all the gentlemen ap source of entertainment on the stage; for while the plaud. comic poet is invading the province of the tragic muse, he leaves her lovely sister quite neglected. Of this, however, he is no way solicitous, as he measures his fame by his profits.

Humour at present seems to be departing from the stage, and it will soon happen that our comie players will have nothing left for it but a fine coat and a song. It depends upon the audience whether But it will be said, that the theatre is formed to they will actually drive those poor merry creatures amuse mankind, and that it matters little, if this from the stage, or sit at a play as gloomy as at the end be answered, by what means it is obtained. tabernacle. It is not easy to recover an art when If mankind find delight in weeping at comedy, it once lost; and it will be but a just punishment, would be cruel to abridge them in that or any other that when, by our being too fastidious, we have innocent pleasure. If those pieces are denied the banished humour from the stage, we should our name of comedies, yet call them by any other name, selves be deprived of the art of laughing.


he carried her down in a post-chaise, and coming back she helped to carry his knapsack.

Miss Racket went down with her lover in their

As I see you are fond of gallantry, and seem own phaeton; but upon their return, being very willing to set young people together as soon as you fond of driving, she would be every now and then can, I can not help lending my assistance to your for holding the whip. This bred a dispute: and endeavours, as I am greatly concerned in the at- before they were a fortnight together, she felt that tempt. You must know, sir, that I am landlady | he could exercise the whip on somebody else beof one of the most noted inns on the road to Scot-sides the horses. lard, and have seldom less than eight or ten couples Miss Meekly, though all compliance to the will a-week, who go down rapturous lovers, and return of her lover, could never reconcile him to the change man and wife. of his situation. It seems he married her supposing she had a large fortune; but being deceived in their expectations, they parted; and they now keep separate garrets in Rosemary-lane.

If there be in this world an agreeable situation, it must be that in which a young couple find themselves, when just let loose from confinement, and whirling off to the land of promise. When the post-chaise is driving off, and the blinds are drawn up, sure nothing can equal it. And yet, I do not know how, what with the fears of being pursued, or the wishes for greater happiness, not one of my customers but seems gloomy and out of temper. The gentlemen are all sullen, and the ladies discontented.

The next couple of whom I have any account, actually lived together in great harmony and uncloying kindness for no less than a month; but the lady who was a little in years, having parted with her fortune to her dearest life, he left her to make love to that better part of her which he valued more.

The next pair consisted of an Irish fortune-hunter, and one of the prettiest modestest ladies that But if it be ing down, how is it with them ever my eyes beheld. As he was a well-looking coming back? Having been for a fortnight together, gentleman, all dressed in lace, and as she was very they are then mighty good company to be sure. It is then the young lady's indiscretion stares her in the face, and the gentleman himself finds that much is to be done before the money comes in.

For my own part, sir, I was married in the usual way; all my friends were at the wedding: I was conducted with great ceremony from the table to the bed; and I do not find that it any ways diminished my happiness with my husband, while, poor man! he continued with me. For my part, I am entirely for doing things in the old family way; I hate your new-fashioned manners, and never loved an outlandish marriage in my life.

fond of him, I thought they were blessed for life. Yet I was quickly mistaken. The lady was no better than a common woman of the town, and he was no better than a sharper; so they agreed upon a mutual divorce: he now dresses at the York Ball, and she is in keeping by the member for our borough to parliament.

In this manner we see that all those marriages in which there is interest on the one side and disobedience on the other, are not likely to promise a large harvest of delights. If our fortune-hunting gentlemen would but speak out, the young lady, instead of a lover, would often find a sneaking As I have had numbers call at my house, you rogue, that only wanted the lady's purse, and not may be sure I was not idle in inquiring who they her heart. For my own part, I never saw any were, and how they did in the world after they left thing but design and falsehood in every one of I can not say that I ever heard much good them; and my blood has boiled in my veins, when come of them; and of a history of twenty-five that I saw a young fellow of twenty, kneeling at the feet I noted down in my ledger, I do not know a single of a twenty thousand pounder, professing his pas couple that would not have been full as happy if sion, while he was taking aim at her money. I do they had gone the plain way to work, and asked not deny but there may be love in a Scotch marthe consent of their parents. To convince you of riage, but it is generally all on one side. it, I will mention the names of a few, and refer the rest to some fitter opportunity.


Of all the sincere admirers I ever knew, a man of my acquaintance, who, however, did not run away with his mistress to Scotland, was the most so. An old exciseman of our town, who as you may guess, was not very rich, had a daughter, who, as you shall see, was not very handsome. It was the opinion of every body that this young woman would not soon be married, as she wanted two main articles, beauty and fortune. But for all this, Miss Rachel Runfort went off with a grenadier. a very well-looking man, that happened to be travThey spent all their money going down; so that elling those parts, came and asked the exciseman

Imprimis, Miss Jenny Hastings went down to Scotland with a tailor, who, to be sure, for a tailor, was a very agreeable sort of a man. But I do not know, he did not take proper measure of the young lady's disposition; they quarrelled at my house on their return; so she left him for a cornet of dragoons, and he went back to his shop-board.

for his daughter in marriage. The exciseman done. He never measures the actions and powers willing to deal openly oy him, asked him if he had of others by what himself is able to perform, nor seen the girl; "for," says he, "she is hump-makes a proper estimate of the greatness of his backed."."-" Very well," cried the stranger, "that fellows by bringing it to the standard of his own will do for me."-"Ay," says the exciseman, "but incapacity. He is satisfied to be one of a country my daughter is as brown as a berry."-" So much where mighty things have been; and imagines the the better," cried the stranger, "such skins wear fancied power of others reflects a lustre on himself. well."-"But she is bandy-legged," says the ex-Thus by degrees he loses the idea of his own inciseman."No matter," cries the other; "her pet- significance in a confused notion of the extraorditicoats will hide that defect,”—“But then she is nary powers of humanity, and is willing to grant very poor, and wants an eye."-"Your description extraordinary gifts to every pretender, because undelights me," cries the stranger: "I have been acquainted with their claims. looking out for one of her make; for I keep an exhibition of wild beasts, and intend to show her off ier a Chimpanzee."


This is the reason why demi-gods and heroes have ever been erected in times or countries of ignorance and barbarity: they addressed a people who had high opinions of human nature, because they were ignorant how far it could extend; they addressed a people who were willing to allow that men should be gods, because they were yet imperMANKIND have ever been prone to expatiate in fectly acquainted with God and with man. These the praise of human nature. The dignity of man impostors knew, that all men are naturally fond is a subject that has always been the favourite theme of seeing something very great made from the little of humanity: they have declaimed with that osten- materials of humanity; that ignorant nations are tation which usually accompanies such as are sure not more proud of building a tower to reach heaven, of having a partial audience; they have obtained or a pyramid to last for ages, than of raising up a victories because there were none to oppose. Yet demi-god of their own country and creation. The from all I have ever read or seen, men appear more same pride that erects a colossus or a pyramid, inapt to err by having too high, than by having too stals a god or a hero: but though the adoring savdespicable an opinion of their nature; and by at-age can raise his colossus to the clouds, he can extempting to exalt their original place in the creation, alt the hero not one inch above the standard of hudepress their real value in society. manity: incapable, therefore, of exalting the idol,

The most ignorant nations have always been he debases himself, and falls prostrate before him. found to think most highly of themselves. The When man has thus acquired an erroneous idea Deity has ever been thought peculiarly concerned of the dignity of his species, he and the gods bein their glory and preservation; to have fought come perfectly intimate; men are but angels, angels their battles, and inspired their teachers: their are but men; nay, but servants that stand in waitwizards are said to be familiar with heaven, and ing, to execute human commands. The Persians, every hero has a guard of angels as well as men to for instance, thus address the prophet Hali: "Isaattend him. When the Portuguese first came lute thee, glorious Creator, of whom the sun is but among the wretched inhabitants of the coast of Afri- the shadow. Masterpiece of the Lord of human ca, these savage nations readily allowed the strangers creatures, Great Star of Justice and Religion. The more skill in navigation and war; yet still consid-sea is not rich and liberal, but by the gifts of thy ered them at best but as useful servants, brought to munificent hands. The angel treasurer of Heaven their coast, by their guardian serpent, to supply reaps his harvest in the fertile gardens of the purity them with luxuries they could have lived without. of thy nature. The primum mobile would never Though they could grant the Portuguese more dart the ball of the sun through the trunk of Heariches, they could never allow them to have such a ven, were it not to serve the morning out of the king as their Tottimondelem, who wore a bracelet extreme love she has for thee. The angel Gabriel, of shells round his neck, and whose legs were messenger of truth, every day kisses the groundset covered with ivory. of thy gate. Were there a place more exalted than

In this manner examine a savage in the history the most high throne of God, I would affirm it to of his country and predecessors, you ever find his be thy place, O master of the faithful! Gabriel, warriors able to conquer armies, and his sages ac- with all his art and knowledge, is but a mere scholar quainted with more than possible knowledge; hu- to thee." Thus, my friend, men think proper to man nature is to him an unknown country; he treat angels; but if indeed there be such an order thinks it capable of great things because he is ig- of beings, with what a degree of satirical contempt norant of its boundaries; whatever can be con- must they listen to the songs of little mortals thus ceived to be done, he allows to be possible, and flattering each other! thus to see creatures, wiser whatever is possible he conjectures must have been indeed than the monkey, and more active than the

oyster, claiming to themselves a mastery of Heaven! | weakness being forgotten, while nothing but their minims, the tenants of an atom, thus arrogating a partnership in the creation of universal nature! surely Heaven is kind that launches no thunder at those guilty heads; but it is kind, and regards their follies with pity, nor will destroy creatures that it loved into being.

power and their miracles were remembered. The Chinese, for instance, never had a god of their own country; the idols which the vulgar worship at this day, were brought from the barbarous nations around them. The Roman emperors who pretended to divinity, were generally taught by a But whatever success this practice of making poniard that they were mortal; and Alexander, demi-gods might have been attended with in bar- though he passed among barbarous countries for a barous nations, I do not know that any man became real god, could never persuade his polite countrya god in a country where the inhabitants were re-men into a similitude of thinking. The Laredefined. Such countries generally have too close an monians shrewdly complied with his commands by inspection into human weakness to think it invest- the following sarcastic edict:

ed with celestial power. They sometimes, indeed, admit the gods of strangers or of their ancestors, who had their existence in times of obscurity; their

Εί Αλέξανδρος βουλεται είναι Θεος, Θεος αστώ.


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