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United States.

1903. Beals, Elvina S. Some needs of our elementary schools.

nal of education, 23:4-5, November 1917.

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Western jour

1904. Blakely, Paul L. 'Public schools of disloyalty." America, 18: 195-96, December 1, 1917.

Conditions in the schools of New York City.

1905. Bristol, Va. School board. Annual report and partial survey of the Bristol, Va., public schools by the superintendent for 1913-1917. Bristol, Tenn.-Va., The King printing company, 1917. 19 p. diagrs. 12°. Superintendent of schools: F. B. Fitzpatrick.

1906. Finegan, Thomas E. Elementary education. Report for the school year ending July 31, 1916. Albany, The University of the state of New York, 1917. 942 p. illus. 8°. (New York. State department of education. Thirteenth annual report, vol. 2.)

This report contains two distinctly new features: first, that which has to do with the physical training of the boys and girls in all the schools, public and private, and, second, that which is concerned with the training of adult illiterates.

1907. Institute for public service, New York, N. Y. Rainbow promises of progress in education. New York city, Institute for public service, 1917. 88 p. illus. 8°.

A report showing how far existing schools in different sections of the country have already incorporated the 111 different elements of method, content, and purpose which are to be experimented with in the new school of the General education board.

1908. Thomas, Isaac. Dr. Flexner's "A modern school." School and society, 6:605-8. November 24, 1917.

Examines anew Dr. Flexner's paper in order to understand a little more clearly what the school at Columbia is to be and what it proposes to do.

1909. United States. Bureau of education. The public school system of San Francisco, Cal., being a summary of Bulletin . . . 1917. San Francisco, Cal., 1917. 47 p. 8°.

A report to the San Francisco board of education of a survey made under the direction of the United States Commissioner of education. Prepared for the teachers of San Francisco by the Education committee of the San Francisco teachers' association, October 1917, under the direction of Milton E. Blanchard. This summary is condensed to about one-tenth of the full size of the report.

1910. Blake, Sir Henry.

Foreign Countries.

The education of a nation. Nineteenth century, 82: 1055-59, November 1917.

Education in Siam.

1911. Bloss, W. E. The dawn of modern education. School guardian (London) 42:275-79, October 20, 1917.

Emphasis is laid on the endowed schools of England. To be continued. 1912. De Montmorency, J. E. G. National education and national life. Quarterly review, 228: 444-64, no. 453, October 1917.

Discusses the system proposed by the new Education bill now pending in Parliament.

1913. Finley, John H. A message from France. American education, 21: 212-14, December 1917.

Address before the New York state teachers' association, November 1917. The duty of the schools in war times. Tells of the heroic French teachers, who, all along the line of fire, hold their classes within sound of the cannon.

1914. Fisher, Herbert.

Education in England during the war.

School news of

New Jersey, 7:9-10, November 1917.

Extracts from an address in the House of commons, April 19, 1917.

An appreciation of the public elementary schools of England by its minister of education.

1915. Gallouédec, Louis. L'enseignement public au Maroc. 71:313-39, October, 1917.

Revue pédagogique,

Shows the progress made in establishing schools in Morocco during the five years of the French protectorate over that country.

1916. La Grande revue, Paris. [Educational number]

tember 1917.

94:385-592, Sep

Contains: 1. Paul Crouzet: La revision d'ensemble de l'éducation nationale, p. 392-95. 2. Abel Faury: La guerre et l'esprit française, p. 396-413. 3. Albert Favre Les enseignements de la guerre pour l'armée de demain, p. 414-51. 4. J.-P. Bounhiol: Les leçons de la guerre pour l'enseignement supérieur, p. 452-60. 5. J. Bezard, E. Pouthier, J. P. Bounhiol: Les leçons de la guerre dans l'enseignment secondaire, p. 461-88. 6. Emile Bugnon: L'école primaire et les leçons de la guerre, p. 489-511. 7. L. Tripard: L'enseignement technique et la guerre, p. 512-22. 8. G. Maréchal: Enseignements technique et artistique d'après-guerre. 9. "Pages libres "-Enquête sur les leçons de la guerre pour tous nos enseignements, p. 529-91.

1917. Lacabe-Plasteig.

L'école pendant la guerre. Revue pédagogique, 71:

340-77, 493-521, October, November 1917.

Gives results of the exposition of " the school and the war," held by the Ligue de l'enseignement at Paris, May 6-20, 1917.

1918. Talbot, Winthrop. The imperial plan in German schooling. Century magazine, 95 199-204, December 1917.

Introduction by John Dewey.


1919. Aubin, A. Savoir positif et procédés mécaniques d'enseignement. Revue pédagogique, 71: 243-61, September 1917.

Discusses the relative effectiveness of teaching by mechanical methods, and of teaching which makes a subject intelligible to the pupil.

1920. Brown, George J. The private school a power in education. educator, 23:26-27, 24, December 1917.

From the Philadelphia record educational guide.


Claims certain advantages for the private school over the public school.

1921. Burk, Frederic. Education by dynamism.

Journal of the Association of

collegiate alumnae, 11: 217-25, December 1917.

1922. Cloyd, David E. Modern education in Europe and the Orient. New York, The Macmillan company, 1917. 451 p. 12°.

Describes for the normal school and college student the educational systems of England, Scotland, France, Germany, Switzerland, Holland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Japan, and China.


1923. Dearborn, George Van Ness. The new education and practical affective wisdom. Atlantic educational journal, 13: 119-21, November 1917. Thinks that the new experimental school course might include instruction in the emotions-something of the nature, the force, and the dangers of the emotions.

1924. Florer, Warren Washburn. Modern elements in Luther's educational writings. Monatshefte für deutsche sprache und pädagogik, 18: 277–80, November 1917.

Undertakes to restate Luther's conception of education in the light of modern reform movements.

1925. Guthrie, Kenneth Sylvan. Teachers' problems and how to solve them;

a handbook of educational history and practice, or comparative pedagogy, with an appendix on the mission and limits of the history of education. Grantwood, N. J., Comparative literature press [1917] 170 p. 12°.

1926. Harberton, Ernest Arthur George Pomeroy, Viscount. How to lengthen our ears; an enquiry whether learning from books does not lengthen the ears rather than the understanding. London, C. W. Daniels, ltd., 1917. 234 p. front. 12o.

Aims to show that more is owed to unlearned people than to the sons of learning, and that "the whole education craze is a wicked mistake."

1927. La Rue, Daniel Wolford. The science and the art of teaching. New York, Cincinnati [etc.] American book company [1917] 336 p. illus., diagrs. 12°.

Bibliography: p. 319-25; references also at end of each chapter. 1928. Mercier, Charles A. The principles of rational education.

High Holborn,

W. C., The Mental culture enterprise, 1917. xi, 87, 15 p. 12°. 1929. Miller, Irving Elgar. Education for the needs of life; a textbook in the principles of education, for use in elementary classes, in normal schools and colleges and in institutes and reading circles. New York, The Macmillan company, 1917. vii, 353 p. 12°. (Home and school series, ed. by P. Monroe)

Conceives of education as an integral phase of the life process. Conscious, or intentional education gives guidance and direction to the natural learning


1930. Talbot, Anna H. The work-study-play plan vs. the old-time formalism. Education, 38: 197-204, December 1917.

A general discussion of the Gary plan. Says that the "work-study-play method assembles excellent features which have never before been brought together in one system.


1931. Baldwin, Bird T.

Educational psychology. Psychological bulletin, 14:

341-51, October 1917.

Reviews the texts, treaties, monographs, and manuals issued during the past two years on educational psychology. Bibliography: p. 347-51. 1932. Feldman, W. M. The Jewish child; its history, folklore, biology, and sociology. With an introduction by Sir James Crichton-Browne. Lon

don, Baillière, Tindall and Cox, 1917. xxvi, 453 p. illus. 8°. 1933. Fillers, H. D. Oral and written errors in grammar. Educational review, 54: 458-70, December 1917.

A study based upon the assumption that if children are permitted "to speak or write fluently and without restraint, they will make the errors which are most natural, and thus reveal their true weakness in language." 1934. Gifford, R. W. Is the child to blame. Southern school journal, 30: 36-40, November 1917.

A consideration of some problems of childhood.

1935. Johnson, Buford Jennette. Experimental study of motor abilities of children in the primary grades. Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins press, 1917. 62 p. diagrs. 8°. (The Johns Hopkins university studies in education, no. 2)

1936. Lickley, Ernest J. Causes of truancy among boys. Los Angeles, Cal., University of Southern California press, 1917. 12 p. 8°. (Studies in sociology, vol. 2, no. 2, November 1917)

Based on a study of 1554 cases.

1937. Meier, Laura A. Concerning the pupil. Education, 38: 220-28, December 1917.

Deplores the lack of initiative on the part of the pupil. Attributes it to the formalism of the school.

1938. Mitchell, David.

October 1917.

Child psychology. Psychological bulletin, 14: 351-61,

Bibliography: p.

Review of literature on the subject during recent years. 358-61.

1939. Suggestions of modern science concerning education, by Herbert S. Jennings, John B. Watson, Adolf Meyer, William I. Thomas. New York, The Macmillan company, 1917. vii, 211 p. pl., fold. tab., diagr. 12°. "Joint committee on education," a selfForeword signed: E. S. D. [i. e. Mrs.

Lectures delivered before the organized body of Chicago citizens. E. S. Dummer] for the committee.

CONTENTS. The biology of children in relation to education, by H. S. Jennings. Practical and theoretical problems in instinct and habits, by J. B. Watson. Mental and moral health in a constructive school program, by A. Meyer. The persistence of primary-group norms in present-day society and their influence in our educational system, by W. I. Thomas.-Modern conceptions of mental disease, by A. Meyer.

1940. White, William A. The mechanism of transference. Psychoanalytic review, 4:373-81, October 1917.

Contains suggestions on education. Says that the positive and negative attitudes of children towards their teachers are but outward signs of the capacity of the particular teachers in question to really help the children.


1941. Cornell, C. B. A graduated scale for determining mental age. Journal of educational psychology, 8:539-50, November 1917.

"The author describes a new scale for mental age, and presents the results of its use with over 400 children. The merits claimed for the scale are employment of the point scale principles. appeal to the interest of the child, measurement of native ability, speed of application, and ease of evaluation." 1942. Courtis, Stuart A. Measurement of the relation between physical and mental growth. American physical education review, 22: 464-81, November 1917.

Read at the Middle west society of physical education and hygiene at their' fourth annual conference, Chicago, April 13, 1917.

1943. Henmon, V. A..C. The measurement of ability in Latin. Part I.


cabulary. Journal of educational psychology, 8: 515-38, November 1917. "Presents a detailed study of the Latin-English, English-Latin vocabulary of 252 first-year high school pupils in ten high schools. The method of constructing the vocabulary tests is described, the results are presented, and the words are arranged in order of increasing difficulty."

1944. New York (State) Board of charities. Bureau of analysis and investigation. Mental examinations. Albany, N. Y., 1917. 73 p. 8°. (Eugenics and social welfare bulletin, no. 11)


Contains accounts of examinations of orphan asylum children, delinquent girls, delinquent women, public school children, and Indian children; report of mental reexamination of 37 children ten months after the first examination; report on a special class of 11 defective children.

Performance norms for thirteen tests. Albany, N. Y., 1917. 142 p. 8°. (Eugenics and social welfare bulletin, no. 8)

Describes tests which are a part of those used by the Bureau to supplement the Binet-Simon measuring scale for intelligence.

1946. Palmer, A. N. Standards for the evaluation of efficiency in Palmer method handwriting. First-eighth grade. New York, Boston [etc.] The A. N. Palmer company, 1917. 8 leaflets. 4°.

1947. Tidyman, W. F. and Brown, Helen A. The extent and meaning of the loss in "transfer" in spelling. Elementary school journal, 18: 210-14, November 1917.

An experiment to determine just what part of the skill gained in the column presentation of words is carried over into contextual use. The class that participated in the experiment was grade 6. Hart school, Stamford, Conn.

1948. Uhl, W. L. The use of standardized materials in arithmetic for diagnosing pupils' methods of work. Elementary school journal, 18: 215-18, November 1917.

1949. Updegraff, Harlan. Educational measurements. Old Penn, 16: 220-23, November 30, 1917.

A lecture delivered November 24. in the series of free public lectures by members of the faculty in Houston Hall, University of Pennsylvania.

Speaks of the character and scope of some of the typical educational measures that have thus far been evolved, and shows their practical use.

1950. Wallin, J. E. Wallace.

The phenomenon of scattering in the Binet-Simon

scale. Psychological clinic, 11: 179–95, November 15, 1917. 1951. Woody, Clifford. Educational measurements in the state of Washington. Northwest journal of education, 29: 12-15, December 1917.

The prominence of the measurement movement, the different reactions which have been made to the question, and the need for cooperative work on the part of the school men of Washington state.

1952. Zimmerman, Joseph. The Binet-Simon scale and the Yerkes point scale. A comparative study based on the examination of 100 cases. Journal of educational psychology, 8:551-58, November 1917.

"The author concludes that the results are practically identical for the first two years; that after the tenth year the reliability of the Binet Scale greatly decreases; and that the Yerkes Scale gives satisfactory results for at least four years beyond the point where the Binet Scale fails."


1953. Clark, Ridgley C. Reading by the intelligence method. 205-207, December 1917.

Education, 38:

Presents the theoretical and practical advantages of the intelligence method. As regards the latter, the writer says that by it children learn 2,000 words a year easily.

1954. Titsworth, Paul E. Devices for classroom procedure. Modern language journal, 2: 68-77, November 1917.

Devises for oral and written composition, for reading, for grammar work, for dictation work, and for word study in the teaching of modern languages.


1955. Avent, Joseph E. The social demand for arithmetic. Virginia journal of education, 11:163-67, December 1917.

The results of a study made to find out to what extent arithmetic is used in everyday life and the kind of problems that are most frequently used.

1956. Ballard, P. B. How to write with the left hand.

School world (London)

19:365-68, November 1917.

To be continued.

1957. Bonner, Campbell. A question of emphasis. Classical journal, 13: 20611, December 1917.

Writer thinks that too much emphasis is being laid in school and college teaching upon what may be called the externals of Greek and Roman life. 1958. Camp, Pauline B. Correction of speech defects in a public school system. Quarterly journal of public speaking, 3: 304-9, October 1917.

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