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This report summarizes the results of a field study of the business of the United States courts by a staff member of this committee.

On the basis of information contained in the report, it seems clear that substantial savings can be effected through the employment of better administrative direction and procedures throughout the whole judicial system. As an example, the report shows that in the fiscal year 1958 over $1 million of an appropriation of approximately $3,128,000 for petit jurors was paid prospective jurors on days when they were called but neither served nor were challenged, and that some district courts regularly called a great many more jurors than were ever needed.

Obviously, an even more important result of such improved administration would be a more effective system of justice.

I believe that this report contains valuable information for the Judiciary Committees of the Congress and the Judiciary itself, as well as for the Appropriations Committees, and it is recommended for their attention.

CARL HAYDEN, Chairman.


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