

thor of the Book, entituled, Athena Oxoni- Proceedenfes, Volume II. exhibited as aforefaid in ings against Anhis Cuftody and Keeping, and altered the thony à aforefaid original Papers, by inferting and razing out many Lines, Sentences and Words, relating to the Character or Characters of Edward late Earl of Clarendon, without the Knowledge or Confent of Mr. Wood aforefaid. Et ponit ut fupra.


Item. That the Claufes and Sentences mentioned in the third and fourth Articles of the Articles exhibited in this Caufe, (ad quos quidem Articulos pars fe refert, &c.) and pretending to be reflecting and libellous upon Edward late Earl of Clarendon, were and are inserted by fome one of the Perfons above-mentioned, or by the Printer or Printers of the faid Book, without the Knowledge and Confent of the faid Mr. Anthony Wood. Et ponit ut fupra.


Item. That during the Time of printing the faid Book, entituled, Athena Oxonienfes, Volume II, exhibited as aforefaid, the Author of the aforefaid Book was abfent and distant several Miles from the Printing-Prefs all the Time the faid Book was printing, Prout ex Claufula circa Principium diƐti Libri in Excufatione Erratorum Typographicorum


ings a

Proceed adducta plenius liquet & apparet. Ad quem Librum & ad Claufulas prædictas pars se refert & pro hic lectis & infertis habet & haberi petit quatenus, &c. Et ponit ut fupra.

..gainst An

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Item. This Proponent doth farther alledge, that between the Time of the Reftauration of King Charles II, and the Year of our Lord 1667, (the Time deduced and objected in the 8th Article of certain Articles exhibited in this Cause) there were other Lord Chancellors, befide the Right Honourable Edward Earl of Clarendon, deceased; and particularly, that the Author or Authors of the Book, entituled, Athena Oxonienfes, Volume II, exhibited as aforefaid, were of that Opinion, as appears by Column 228 of the Athene Oxonienfes, Volume II. and Page 804 of the Fafli Oxonienfes annexed to the faid Book, and exhibited as aforefaid, Ad quam quidem Columnam & Paginam dictorum Librorum pars proponens fe refert & pro bic lecta habet & baberi petit qnatenus, &c. Et ponit ut fupra.


Item. That the pretended libellous Words objected in the 4th Article of certain Articles exhibited in this Caufe, did, and do refer to Life, Chancellor or Commiffioner of the great Seal, and not to the Lord Chan


gainft An


cellor Hyde, as is falfely fuggefted in the Proceedaforefaid Articles, Prout ex verbis anteceden- ings atibus dictam Claufulam in dicto Articulo ob- thouy à jectam in Columna Libri exhibiti 269, facta Collatione cum Sententiis ad dictum Lifle referentibus in Columna 228 dicti libri, entitulati, Athenæ Oxonienfes, Volume II. plenius liquet & apparet, ad quæ quidem omnia pars proponens fe refert & pro bic lectis babet quatenus, &c. Et ponit ut fupra.


Item. That the Copies in Print of a certain Epistle or Preface compofed in Writing, and pretended to be printed by Mr. Wood the Defendant, with his pretended Picture and Coat of Arms, were delivered with Directions to be inferted before the Preface only of the first Volume of Athena & Fafti Oxonienfes, Prout ex dicta Epiftola ex parte partis promoventis in hac Curia exhibita plenius liquet, &c. ad quam Epiftolam pars fe refert & pro hic lecta habet quatenus, &c. And this Proponent doth farther alledge, that the firft Volume of Athene Oxonienfes was printed and published by the Space of two Years before the fecond Volume of Athena Oxonienfes exhibited as aforefaid. Ponit tamen pars de quolibet alio temporis Spatio minori, &c. Et ponit ut fupra.

XVI. That

Proceedings against An

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That the faid Mr. Anthony Wood hath
not had any Lodging or Diet, or any
Right to any Lodging or Diet, in
lege or Hall within the Univerfity of Ox-
ford for thefe twenty Years laft; ponit ta-
men pars de quolibet alio temporis fpatio ma-
jori, &c. neither has he had any Name in
any Buttery-Book of any College or Hall
for the Time aforefaid (ponit tamen pars, &c.
neither hath he frequented any Publick Af-
femblies of the faid Univerfity, as a Mem-
ber thereof, or had any Right to frequent
the fame, as a Member thereof, for the
Time aforefaid; and that for the Time a-
forefaid the faid Mr. Anthony Wood has been
reputed and taken to have forfaken all Title
or Interest as a Member of the faid Univer-
fity. Ponit tamen pars de alio temporis fpe-
tio majori, &c. et ponit ut fupra.


Item quod præmiffa omnia funt vera, &c.

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N Dei Nomine, Amen. Auditis, vifis, Proceedintellectis, ac plenariè & maturè difcuffis per nos Georgium Gardiner, L. L. Doctorem, thony à ac venerabilis et egregii Viri Henrici Aldrich Wood. S.. T. P. & Alma Univerfitatis Oxonienfis Cancellarii Affefforem feu Deputatum legitimè conftitutum; meritis circumftantiis cujusdam negotio reformationis morum quod coram nobis in Judicio inter Honoratiffimum D. D. Henricum, Comitem de Clarendon, pártem officium noftrum promoventem ex una, & Antonium à Wood, Univerfitatis prædictæ in Artibus Magiftrum partem, contra quam hujufmodi negotium promovetur ex altera, partibus aliquandiu vertebatur & adhuc vertitur, adpendet indecifum rite & legitime procedendum, partibufque prædictis eorum Procuratores legitimos coram nobis in judicio ritè & legitimè comparentes, parteque dicti Honoratiffimi Viri ac Domini Henrici, Comitis de Clarendon, pro parte fua fententiam ferri & promulgari, parte vero dicti Antonij à Wood juftitiam fieri parte fua inftanter & refpective poftulandam & petendam, rimatoque primitus per nos toto & integro proceffu, ita dicto negotio facto, & diligenter recenfito fervatifque per nos de jure in hac parte fervandis, ad noftræ Sententiæ definitivæ, five noftri finalis De


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