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ing, and leaving the questions wo are concorned with just where they were. For it is still to ask: whenco this rich endowment of matter? Whence comes that of which all we see and know is the outcome? That to which potency may in the last resort be ascribed, Prof. Tyndall, suspending further judgment, calls mystery-using the word in one of its senses, namely, something hidden from us which we are not to seek to know. But there are also mysteries proper to bo inquired into and to be reasoned about; and, although it may not be given unto us to know the mystery of causation, there can hardly be a more legitimate subject of philosophical inquiry. Most scientific men have thought themselves intellectually authorized to have an opinion about it. "For, by the primitive and very ancient men, it has been handed down in the form of myths, and thus left to later generations, that the Divine it is which holds together all Na ture;" and this tradition, of which Aristotle, both naturalist and philosopher, thus nobly speaks '-continued through succeeding ages, and illuminated by the Light which has come into the world-may still express the worthiest thoughts of the modern scientitie investigator and reasoner.

1 Παραδίδοται δὲ ὑπὸ τῶν ἀρχαίων καὶ παμπαλαίων ἐν μύθου σχήματι καταλελειμένα τοῖς ὕστερον, ὅτι περιέχει ΤΟ ΘΕΙΟΝ τὴν ὕλην φύσιν. Arist. Metaphys., xi. 8, 19.


Accident Incidental to design, 154–157.
Agassiz L, view of apecien, 19, 16, 163,
Jul, 200; how ho diverges from Dar.
win, 16, 117, 120, 199; correspondenco
of his capital facts with Darwin's, 19;
theory theistle to excess, 14, 20-22,
154, 200; relation of tertiary to exist.
ing species, 49, 110; on age of Florida, |
100; on prophetic types, 116; on in-
telligence of animals, 172; on destruc
tion of species, 120; on geological
time, 100, 162; on dealgu in Nature,
1:4 134.

Aliska, Sequola fossil in, 224,
Aldrovanda, insectivorous, 322.
Analogy, use of, by Darwin, 47, 105; in
proof of design, 565,

Argyll, Duke of, on creation by law, 275,
Aristotle, his definition of Nature, 359;
his theistic view of Nature, 390,
Atheism, relations of Darwinism to, 55,
bs, 69, 18% aq., 151, 254, 206 »q., 260, 270,
279, 379; to doubt ordinary doctrine
of final causes not atheistical, 18,
Augustine, St., on the method of crea-
tion, BOT.

Austin, Mra,, on the California pitcher-
plant, 130.

Bacon, Ford, view of Providence, 144.
Baird, Prof, on variation in the birds of
North America, 244.

Bartram, Wills, on Insectivorous
plants, 805.

Beech, species of, now extending their
limits, 1-6.

Bentham, on the derivative hypothesis,
26, 242.

Bible, does not determine the mode of
creation, 181, 291; a mirror of Provi
dence, 142; Interpretation of partly a
matter of probabilities, 261.
Billiard balls illustrate the proof of do-
sign, 62 64, 69 74, 77.
Birds, instinct of, 171.

Bladderwort, insectivorous, 323,
Boomerang, Illustrating the method of
proving design, 72.

Breeding, thorough, 30; tendency of, to
reveralon, 811; close, evil effects of,


British florn, discrepancy of views re-
Karding, 84.


Broccoli, origin of, 111.
Brongulart, Adolphe, on distribution of
Apecies in tertiary period, 114.

Brown, Robert, scleutilis sagacity of

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Budding, propagation by, relation of to
deterioration of varieties, 811,

Butler, Bishop, definition of natural,
61, 160, 259, 209,

Butterwort, insectivorous, 325; diges
tion of, 325.

Cabbage, origin of, 111.

California, gigantic trees of, 207, are Be-
quola; general characteristics of flora
of, 208, 215; like that of the Atlantic
coast, 217.

Canby, observations of, on sundew, 293,
80, 822; on Sarracenia, 330.
Catastrophes in geology, 120,
Cattle, origin of breeds of, 111; increase
of, in South America, 39, 117; exist
ence sometimes dependent on insects,


Cauliflower, origin of, 111.

Caulophyllum, and relatives, dispersion
of, 12.

Cause, efficient, three theistic views of

Cedar, species of. 188.

Chair, classification of, 167.

Chance, not wilmissible, 42, 55, 59, 68,
76-54, 147, 178, 165, 170, 23853.
China, relation of flora of to that of
North America, 214 mq.

Classification, difference of opinion upon,
24; expresses judgments, hot facts,
85, 122, 1×4, 203, 2-0; expresses only
the coarser gradations, 126, 142; co
Species, and Gradation.

Climate, as affecting the numbers of a

apecles, 40; acts indirectly, 41; of the
north in early periods, 114, 224,
Climbing plants, 831-837; feel as well as
grow, 332; comparative advantage of
their habits, 334; cause of motion, 334,
Cobbe, Frances Power, on the relation
of God to the Universe, 234.
Cohn, Prof, on Utricularia, 324.

| Complexity of Nature, 41.
Competition sharpest between allied
apecion, 4..

Condor, rate of increase, 89,

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based on, 52, 54, 74, 84, 80;"imingled
with design, 274.
Continuity of Nature, 123, 190, 234, 255,
278. 2-9, 823, 891, 879,

Creation, three views of, theistle, 158,

Cretaceous flora, relation of, to present
flora, 283.

Cross-breeding, essential to longevity
and vigor of species, 33, 346, 84.
Curtis, Rev. Dr., M. A., his account of
Dionaa, 298.

Cuvier, on the part animals have to play
in nature, 850,

Cypress, the bald, relation of, to Sequoia,
213, 225, 250,

Darwin, Charles, standing as a naturalist,
188, 258 m., 257, 297; how his view of
Apecies differs from the ordinary views,
18, 16; how from Agassiz's view, 16,
117, 129; summary of arguments, 86,
109-116; his distinctive work, 37, 61,
278, 30-309, 327, 837 ; where his argu-
ment weakest, 47, 169; where strong-
est, 121; his candor, 169, 286; harmo
nizes teleology and morphology, 52
121, 231, 217, 288, 822, 187, 857, 875;
does not deny creative intervention,
61, 93, 143, 149; does not sucer at the
doctrine of design, 139, 140; never de-
pended exclusively on natural_selee-
tion, 101; view of instinct, 178; no
atheistical intent, 25, 26-270, 274;
experiments with Dionta, 291, 821,
Darwinism, still an hypothesis, 3 ..
119, 128, 1835, 179, 274; compatible with
atheism, but not inconsistent with
theism, 54, 180, 159, 255, 279, 879; more
compatible with theism than the the
ory of gravitation, 69, 285; relation to
teleology, 57, 54-86, 121, 145, 151-18,
176, 281, 247, 255, 271, 272, 2-4, BIT,
857; premonitions of, ~%, 94, 21%; res
lations to Lyell's geological theorles,
103, 100, 110; objections to, 16% 177;
Argument for, from the distribution of
the species of the oak, 190; na stated
by Wallace, 191; present attitude of
naturalists to, 234, 236-254, 279; Im-
plications of, regarding the indefinite
Vitality of species, 34%,

Darwinian Teleology, accounts for abor
tive and useless organs, 371; for the
apparent waste of Nature, 376, 877; for
imperfections and failures, 178.
Dawson, on derivation of species, 236,

De Candolle, Alph., on the oak, 178;
definition of species, 201, 202; deriva-
tion of species, 1×6, 200, 236, 289; on
multiple origin of species, 191, 240,
De Candolle, conception of the struggle
for existence, 37.

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Den Hayes, on gradation of species in
the tertiary period, 49, 110,
Design verain" Necessity, 412-86; dlatin-
guished from purpose, His, Bia; how
proved, 70-76, 61, 1500-152, 164, 801,
862, 865, 871; natural selection i
aubstitute for it, 69; can never bo des
monstrated, 70, 865; method of proof
illustrated by pump, 71; by boome
rang, 72; by movement of billiard balls,
62-01, 69-74, 77; by the eye, 7TD-NE;
by machinery, 85, 275; may not
through variation and natural relees
tion, 11, 217, 272, 275, 2~~; evidenco
of complete in the individual, 151, 864,
366; All Nature a manifested design,
152, 158, 174, 271, 887, 879; manifest in
insectivorous plants, 200, 201, 814, 822;
in climbing plants, 85, 86; consistent
with three views of efficient cause, 15A
IT. 272; not disproved by negativo in-
stances, 86, 870, 8×0,

Dionua, necount of, 291-295, 820; digents
animal food, 819, 821.

Diseases, contagious, relation of, to nat
ural selee.ion, 241.

Divergenco, how produced by natural
selection, 91.


"Division of labor " in the organic world,
43, 91.

Dogs, of diverso origin, 27.

Domestication, effect of, upon variation,
26, 29, 82, 1×4, 8: 9, 840,
D'Orbigny, on destruction of speeles, 120,
Drosera, 291, 296–3301, 810; beinitiveters
of, 812, 17.

Dubuque, address of Professor Gray at,

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Fulmar putrul, the remarkable increase Herschel, Sir John, on the relation of
ur, 80.

Gaston de Aaporta, Count, on the origin
of tertiary species, 197, 195.

Genealogical tree, 17.

God to Nature, 215,

Hilaire, Geoffroy St.-, opposition of, to
teleology, 856,

Hooker, Dr. J. D., on Nepenthes and
Harracenis, 831.

Genesis, the account of creation in, 181, Hume, ou proof of design in Nature, 363,
201, 205,

Genus, diffent to dofine, 184, 204.
Geology, Incompleteness of record, 48,
109, 209,

Ginseng, common to America and North-
ern Asia, 222.

Glacial period, ka accounting for the dis
tribution of species, 114, 115, 224 ; effect
of, on mammoth and elephant, 198-196.
Glyptostrobus of China, relation to Be
quola, 214, 225, 230,

God, relation of, to Nature, 54, 59, 144–
168, 199, 281, 257, 275; to the universe,
GA); his presence required in a long
process of adaptation as well as in a
short one, 60, 119 mg., 281, 256; Imma-
hence in Nature, 61, 179; his thoughts
eternal, yet manifested in succession,
167; veracity of, in the works of Na!
ture, 871.

Geppert on the antiquity of Taxodium
distichum and other plants, 224.
Gradation, from tertiary species down.
ward, 84, 101, 114, 115, 200; extent of,
In fossils of consecutive formations, 45;
between the tertiary and the present,
49, 110, 112; principle of, in organie
Nature, 128, 129; between plants and
Animals, 124, 2×0, 80-, 809, 823; ungu-
lata, 244; towards individuality, 125;

Coarser in systems of classification than

In Nature, 126, 112, 151, 2-9; in climb
Ing plants, 8835; in insectivorous plants,
827; of, in the speeles of oak, 150, 203;
between the gretaceous and tertiary

formations, 197.

Grady, Mr. B. F., on luro in Sarrace
#777, 303, 805,

Greenland, fossil plants of 231,
Crafting, effe et où longevity of a apecios,
1141 IT.

Grinchach, Prof., on geographical distri-
bution of apocien, 220,

Hayden, on fossil Moquola in the Rocky
Mountains, 225.

Henslow, Rev, George, on evolution and
theology, 252, 254,

Heer, on origin of speelen, 192; on the

Antiquity of Taxodium and other apo-
eles, 227 #q.

Hobbes, theory of society, 87, SO.
Hoge, Dr. Charles, on 'evolution and
theology, 203, 207-261; on Darwinist,

Houses, increase of, in South Amerten,
89, 117; a former species existed in
South America, 118,

Hybrids, 60; how to test sterility, 51;
sterility of, 175,

Hypothesis, domain of, 103, 119, 131, 132,
250, 259, 200.

Increase, rate of, in elephants, 39; among

cattle and horses in South America,
89, 117, 118; causes affecting, 40,
Individuality, attained gradually, 125,
843; not fully attained by plants, 341.
Inductive science, domain of, 14, 95;
limitation of, 47; process of, 23, 70
#q., 98, 101, 107, 108, 112, 201, 202, 214,
250; Darwin's method conformnablo
to, 87, 108, 111, 113, 114, 115, 119, 122,
211, 200; postulates the veracity of
Nature, 871.

Inheritance, more mysterious than non-
inheritance, 29; the only known cause
of likeness in living species, 227.
Insects, agency of, in fertilization, 257.
Insectivorous plants, 259-305; and climb-
Ang, 80, 8387.

Instinct of animals, 171; of the Talegal,

Intelligence of the higher animals, 172–

Intention, ace Design.

luterbreeding, when close, diminishes
vigor and fertility, 32, 257.
Ivy, Poison (Run Toricodendron),
common to America and Japan, 221.

Jackson's "Philosophy of Natural Tho-
ology," 863.

Japan, relation of flors to that of North-
America, 215 nq, ; Grisebach on, 226,
Jussieu, A. La, deilultion of species, 163,

Kale, origin of, 111.

Kingsley, Rev. Charles, on "Evolution
and Theology," 209, 2*1.
Knight, Andrew, on effect of budding,

Kohlrabi, origin of, 111.

Lamarck, his theory of transmutation,
23, 62, 171.

Lo Conte, Prof. Joseph, on religion and
melence; 252, 202.

Leibnitz charges Newton with subvert-
ing natural theology, 187, 254,
Lesquereux, on fossil Sequota, 229, 232;
on the relation of present flora to that
of the cretaceotis åge, 238.
Libocedrus, distribution of, 230.

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Lindley, on the persistence of varieties, | Nettle-ating, an example of the natural


Linnas, definition of species, 12, 201;
diagnosis of the thive kingdoms of
Nature, Bos,

Lyell, Sir Charles, on the imperfection
of the geological record, 45; on gra
dation of species in later formations,
49, 110; theory of geological changes,
103, 109; acceptance of Darwinism, 238.

Macbride, Dr. James, observations on
Sarraccifa, 304.

Machinery, does not dispense with de-
sign, 83.

Malthus, on struggle for existence, 87, 59.
Mammoth, Falconer on, 1963-196,
Man, separation of, from the quadru
mana, b; mental power of, not
necessarily acquired, 19; may be an
exception to the rule, 92, 93, 256;
unity of origin, 99, 176; antiquity of,


Materialism, philosophy of, rejected, 126,
15, 174; note, 176, 285, 250,
Mellichamp, Dr., on pitcher plants, 329,
Mill, J. S., on creation by intelligence,
861, 374.

Morphology, 52, 121, 122; reconelled
with teleology, 121, 254,
Mysteries, of natural operations, 53, 159,
817, 81, 827; of Providence and Na
ture the same, 153; in the action of
sundew, 812, 817; in similarity of off-
spring to parents, 3:3; proper to bo
fuquired into, 890.

Nature, definition of, 61, 100, 250, 269,

8-9; theistic views of 18-168, 249,
257, 890; see Continuity of; veracity
of 870.

Natural history, province of, 209, 200,


Natural selection, 84, 59; method of op
eration, 41; a very expansive prin
elple, 274; supposed récent Illustra
tions of its effect, 45; still an hypoth
esin, 54, 185, 274; not inconsistent with
natural theology, MT mg, 1887 m., 200,
272, 3-6; how it produces divergence,
43, 91; not disproved by special mirte
ulous exceptions, 185; not the exclusivo
cause of modification, 104, 195, 187,
E6; extent of operation, 101 109, 278;
not to be confounded with variation,

Natural theology unshaken by physical
science, 22, 183, 84, 80, 95, 187, 150, 181,
152, 259, 887.

Naudin, Charles, vlows regarding the
evolution of species, 319 y.
Neet wine, origin of 111.

Neconaity peraue doulien, 02-40; how re-
lated to Darwinism, 90, 75,

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production of a complex organ, 8×7.
Newberry, on the antiquity of Bequola,

Newton, Mir Ianna, charged with sub-
verting natural theology, 187, 04.
North America, botany of, god; former
climate of, 224; birds of, 214.
Novelties, difficult to accept, 67, 103, 247.

Oak, Do Candolle on, 178, 203; Linnus
on, 187; as illustrating the origin of
species, 179; a waning genus, 1-6;
dispersion of aperies, 184; In the Ter
tlary deposits, 159; waste of pollen in,

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Parsimony, law of, 860 (wce Continuity
of Nature).

Peach, origin of, 111.
Perfection, relative, 141,
Phyllotaxis, Faw of, 198,

Pictet on Darwinism, 105, 108, 100, 112,
127; on geological time, 162,

Pigeon, known extent of variation, 27;
why chosen for experiments, 25; run
version of, 31.

Pinguicula, Insectivorous, 425.
Pitcher Plant, ace Marracenia,
Plants, insectivorous and climbinje, 249–
10,80 1887.

Pleuronecta, facts concerning, 172, M&A,
Presumption against novelties, 87, Bitt,

Probability, how far a gulde, 47, 107, 2601
an clenient in scriptural Interpreta

tion, 200,

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