
pened otherwise. They concentrated them- | marched upon Novei-bickow. At dayselves with the greatest coolness, and re- break on the 23d, 3,000 Cossacks attacked mained during a whole hour hemmed in on the 3d regiment of chasseurs, and took 100 all sides; having brought down more than of them, among whom were the Colonel 300 horsemen of the enemy, these two and four officers, all wounded. The genecompanies gave the French cavalry time to rale was beat; an action commenced. The debouche.The division Delzon defiled Russian General Sieverse, with two select on the right. The King of Naples directed divisions, began the attack. From eight in the wood and the enemy's batteries to be the morning till five in the afternoon the attacked. In less than an hour all the po- firing was kept up on a strip of wood, and sitions of the enemy were carried; and he at a bridge which the Russians wished to was driven across the plain beyond a small force. At five, the Prince of Eckmuh). river which enters the Dwina below caused three chosen battalions to advance, Witepsk. The army took a position on the put himself at their head, overthrew the banks of this river, at the distance of a Russians, carried their positions, and purleague from the town.--The enemy dis- sued them for a league. The loss of the played in the plain 15,000 cavalry and Russians is estimated at 3,000 killed and 60,000 infantry. A battle was expected wounded, and 1,100 prisoners. We lost next day. The Russians boasted that they 700 killed and wounded. Bagration rewished to give battle. The Emperor spent pulsed, retired upon Bickow, where he the remainder of the night in reconnoitring passed the Borysthenes, to advance towards the field, and in making his dispositious for Smolensk.The battles of Mohilow and next day; but at day-break the Russian Ostrovno have been brilliant and honourarmy was retreating in all directions to- able to our army. We never have had enwards Smolensk.The Emperor was on gaged more than the half of the force which an height very near the 200 Voltigeurs, the enemy presented, the ground not being who alone on the plain had attacked the suitable for greater developements. right of the enemy's cavalry. Struck by their fine conduct, he sent to inquire what corps they belonged to. They answered, "To the 9th; and three-fourths of us are lads of Paris." "Tell them," said the Emperor, "that they are brave fellows:gration speak of the losses sustained by his they all deserve the cross!"The fruits of the three actions of Ostrovno are 10 pieces of cannon of Russian manufacture taken, the cannoniers sabred: 20 caissons of ammunition; 1,500 prisoners; 5 or 6,000 Russians killed or wounded. Our loss amounts to 200 killed, 900 wounded, and about 50 prisoners.The King of Naples bestows particular praise on Generals Bruyere, Pire, and Ornano, and on Colonel Radzivil, commandant of the 9th -Head-quarters at Witepsk, with four Polish lancers, an officer of singular intre-bridges on the Dwina.--The 4th corps pidity.- The red Hussars of the Russian at Samai, occupying Veluj, Porietche, and guard have been cut up. They lost 400 Ousirath.- -The King of Naples at Roumen, many of whom are prisoners. The denu, with the three first corps of cavalry. Russians had three Generals killed or -The first corps, commanded by Marwounded. A considerable number of Co-shal the Prince of Eckmuhl, is at the mouth lonels and superior officers of their army remained on the field of battle.- -On the ·28th, at day-break, we entered Witepsk, a "town of 30,000 inhabitants. It has 20


Eleventh Bulletin of the Grand Army.
Witepsk, Aug. 4,

Intercepted letters from the camp of Ba

corps in the battle of Mohilow, and of the number of desertions from which it has suf fered on the route. Every Pole has remained in his country, so that this corps, which, including the Cossacks of Platow, amounted to 50,000 men, is now reduced to less than 30,000. It will join the grand army on the 7th or 8th of August, at Smolensk.The following is the position occupied by the army on the 4th of August:

of the Beresina, on the Borysthenes, with two bridges over the last-mentioned river, and one bridge upon the Beresini, with double tetes-de-pont.- -The third corps, We have found in it some ma- commanded by Marshal the Duke of Elgazines, particularly one of salt, valued at chingen, is at Liozna.-The eighth corps, 15,000,000. While the army was commanded by the Duke of Abrantes, is at marching on Witepsk, the Prince of Eck- Orcha, with two bridges and tetes-demuhl was attacked at Mohilow.Bagra-pont upon the Borysthenes.The 5th tion passed the Berezina at Bobrunski, and corps, commanded by Prince Poniatowski,

Eighth Bulletin of the Grand Army, Gloubokoe, July 22.

Prince, aged 80 years, has for 50 years been Marshal of the Diet of Poland. The first act of the Diet was to declare the kingdom of Poland re-established. A deputation from the confederation was pre-posed of four divisions of infantry, from 22

sented to His Majesty at Wilna, and submitted to his approbation and protection the Act of Confederation.-To the Act of Confederation, His Majesty replied as follows:-Gentlemen Deputies of the Confederation of Poland,-I have heard with interest what you have related to me.Poles! I would have thought and acted like you; like you I would have voted in the Assembly at Warsaw. Love of the country is the first duty of civilized man.In my situation I have many interests to conciliate, and many duties to perform. Had I reigned during the 1st, 24, or 3d partition of Poland, I would have armed all my people to support you. Immediately that victory enabled me to restore your ancient laws to your Capital, and a part of your Provinces, I did it without prolonging a war which would have continued to spill the blood of my subjects.— I love your nation. For sixteen years I have seen your soldiers by my side, in the fields of Italy, as well as those of Spain. I applaud all you have done; I authorize the efforts you wish to make: I will do every thing that depends on me to second your resolutions.-If your efforts are unanimous, you may conceive the hope of reducing your enemies to acknowledge your rights; but in these countries, so distant and extensive, it is entirely upon the unanimity of the efforts of the population which covers them, that you must found your hopes of success.-I have held to you the same language since my first appearance in Poland: I must add here, that I have guaranteed to the Emperor of Austria the integrity of his dominions; and that I cannot sanction any manoeuvre, or any movement, which may tend to trouble the peaceable possession of what remains to him of the Polish Provinces. Let Lithuania, Samogitia, Wetespsk, Polosk, Mohilow, Volhynia, the Ukraine, Podolia, be animated with the same spirit which I have seen in Great Poland, and Providence will crown with success your holy cause: He will recompense that devotion to your country which has rendered you so interesting and acquired you so many claims to my esteem and protection, upon which you may depend under every cir


The corps of Prince Bagration is com

to 24,000 men strong, of Platow's Cossacks, forming 6,000 horse, and from 4 to 5,000 cavalry. Two divisions of his corps (the 9th and 15th) wished to rejoin him by. Pinsk; they were intercepted, and obliged to return by Wolhynie.- On the 14th General Latour Maubourg, who follows the rear-guard of Bagration, was at Romanoff. On the 16th Prince Poritawowski had his head-quarters there. In the affair of the 10th, which took place at Romanoff, the General Rozniecki, commanding the light cavalry of the four cavalry corps, has lost 600 men killed, wounded, or made prisoners. We have no superior officer to regret. General Rozeniecki states, that the bodies of Count Pahlen, General of Division, and the Russian Colonels Adrenow and Jesowayski have been recognized on the field of battle.The Prince of Schwartzenberg had his head-quarters on the 13th at Prazana. On the 11th and 12th he occupied the important position of Cinsk, with a detashment which took some men, and considerable magazines. Twelve Austrian hussars charged forty-six Cossacks, pursued them during several leagues, and took six of them. The Prince of Schwartzenberg marches on Minsk.. General Regnier returned on the 19th to Slonim, to guarantee the Duchy of Warsaw from an incursion, and to observe the two divisions of the army which had re-entered Wolhynia.-On the 12th, General Baron Pajol, who was at Ighouman, sent Captain Vandois, with 50 cavalry, to Khaloui. This detachment took there a park of 200 carriages, belonging to Bagration's corps, and made prisoners six officers, 200 cannoniers, 300 men attached to the train, and 800 fine artillery horses. Captain Vandois, finding himself fifteen leagues distant from the army, did not think it practicable to carry off this convoy, and burnt it. He has brought with him the horses, and the prisoners.On the 15th the Prince of Eckmuhl was at Igbonmen, Gen. Pajol was at Jachitsie, having posts on Swisloch. Bagration leaving this, renounced the idea of marching to Bobrunsk, and proceeded 15 leagues lower down on the side of Mozier.On the 17th the Prince of Eckmuhl was at Golognino.—On the 15th General Grouchy was at Borisons. A party, which he sent to Star-Lepel, took

considerable magazines and two companies | the water.On the 19th, the Emperor of miners, eight officers, and 200 men.- Alexander was at Wilespk. On the same On the 18th this General was at Kokanow. day Gen. Count Nansouty was opposite PoOn the same day, at two in the morn- lotsk.- -On the 20th, the King of Naples ing, Gen. Baron Golbert entered Orcha, passed the Dwina, and covered the right where he took possession of immense maga- bank of the river with his cavalry.—All zines of flour, oats, and clothing. He af- the preparations the enemy had made to terwards passed the Boristhenes, and pro- defend the passage of the Dwina have been ceeded in pursuit of a convoy of artillery. useless. The magazines he has been form-Smolensk is in alarm. Every thing is ing, at a great expense, for these three years removing to Moscow. An officer, sent by past, have been entirely destroyed. The the Emperor to cause the evacuation of the same has happened to his works, which, magazines of Orcha, was quite astonished according to the reports of the people of the to find the place in the possession of the country, have cost the Russians in one year French. This officer was taken, with his not less than 6,000 men. One can hardly dispatches. While Bagration was brisk- guess on what ground they flattered themly pursued in his retreat, anticipated in his selves that they would be attacked in the projects, separated and removed from the encampments they had intrenched.—Gemain army, that army, commanded by the neral Count Grouchy has reconnoitred Ba Emperor Alexander, retreated on the Dwina. binowitch and Slenno. On all sides we On the 14th, General Sebastiani, following are marching upon the Oula. This river the rear-guard, cut down 500 Cossacks, is joined by a canal to the Beresina, which and arrived at Dronia. On the 13th, runs into the Borysthenes. Thus we are the Duke of Reggio advanced upon Duna- masters of the communication from the berg, burnt the fine barracks which the Baltic to the Black Sea.In his moveenemy had constructed there, took a plan of ments the enemy has been obliged to dethe works, burnt some magazines, and took stroy his baggage, and to throw his artillery 150 prisoners. After this diversion on the and arms into the river. All the Poles of right, he marched on Dronia.On the his army avail themselves of his precipitate 15th the enemy, who was concentrated in retreat to desert, and wait in the woods till his entrenched camp of Drissa, to the num- the arrival of the French.The number ber of from 100 to 120,000 men, being in- of the Poles who have deserted the Russian formed that our light cavalry did not keep army may be calculated to amount at least a strict watch, threw over a bridge, sent to 20,000 men.-Marshal Duke of Belacross 5,000 infantry and 5,000 cavalry, luno, with the 9th corps, is advancing upon attacked General Sebastiani unexpectedly, the Vistula.- -Marshal Duke of Castigdrove him back one league, and caused him lione has set out for Berlin, to take the a loss of 100 killed, wounded, and prison- command of the 11th corps.The couners, among whom were a Captain and a try between the Oula and the Dwina is Sub-Lieutenant of the 11th Chasseurs. very beautiful, and in the highest state of The General of Brigade, Saint Genier, who cultivation. We often meet with beautiful was mortally wounded, remained in the country seats and extensive convents. In power of the enemy.- -On the 16th, the the town of Gleubokoe alone there are two Marshal Duké of Treviso, with a part of the convents, which may contain each 1,200 foot guards, and the horse guards, and the sick. light Bavarian cavalry, arrived at Glubokoe. The Viceroy arrived at Dockeehistie on the 17th. On the 18th, the Emperor removed his head-quarters to Gleubokoe. On the 20th, the Marshals Duke of Istria and Treviso were at Onchatsch, the Viceroy at Kamen, and the King of Naples at Disna. -On the 18th, the Russian army evacuated the entrenched camp of Drissa, defended by twelve palisadoed redoubts, united by a covered way, and extending 5,000 toises on the river. These works cost a year of labour. We have levelled them.- -The immense magazines they contained were either burnt or thrown into

Ninth Bulletin of the Grand Army.

Bechenkoviski, July 25.

The Emperor, taking the road of Outchatz, established, on the 23d, his headquarters at Kamen. The Viceroy occupied, on the 22d, with his advanced guard, the bridge of Botscheiskovo. A reconnoissance of 200 horse, detached on Bechenkoviski, fell in with two squadrons of Russian hussars, and two of Cossacks, charged them, and took or killed a dozen men, of whom one was an officer. The Chef d'Escadron praises the conduct of Captains Rossi and

On the 30th, the Aid

is at Mohilow, with two bridges and teles-military stores.de-pont upon the Borysthenes. The second de-camp Traire, who had been sent forcorps, commanded by Marshal the Duke of ward with the Queen's regiment of DraReggio, is upon the Drissa, advanced be- goons of the Royal Italian Guard, arrived fore Polotsk, upon the road to Sabei.- at Ousyrath, took a Captain and 40 men The Prince de Schwartzenberg is with his prisoners, and possessed themselves of 200. corps at Slonim.- -The seventh corps is carriages loaded with flour. On the upon Rozana.The fourth corps of ca- 30th, Marshal the Duke of Reggio marched valry, with a division of infantry, com- from Polotsk upon Sebei. He met General manded by General Count Mauberg, is be- Wittgenstein, whose corps had been reinfore Brobunsk and Mozier.- -The tenth forced by that of Prince Repnin. An encorps, commanded by the Duke of Taren-gagement took place near the Castle of Jatum, is before Dunaberg and Riga.- coubovo. The 26th regiment of light inThe ninth corps, commanded by the Duke fantry obtained much glory. The diviof Belluno, is assembled at Tilsit.The sion Legrand gloriously bore up against the eleventh corps, commanded by the Duke of fire of the entire of the enemy's corps.' Castiglione, is at Stettin.His Majesty -On the 31st, the enemy marched upon has sent the army into quarters of refresh the Drissa, in order to attack the Duke of ment. The heat is excessively greater than Reggio upon his flank as he marched. The what it is in Italy. The thermometer is at Marshal took up a position with the Drissa' 26 and 27 degrees. The nights even are in his front.- -On the 1st of August the warm. -General Skamenskoi, with two enemy were foolish enough to cross the divisions of the corps of Bagration, having Drissa, and to present themselves in battle been cut off from that corps, and not being array in front of the 2d corps. The Duke able to rejoin it, has entered Wolynhia, ef- of Reggio allowed half their corps to cross, fected a junction with the division of re- and as soon as he perceived about fifteen cruits commanded by General Tormazow, thousand men and fourteen pieces of cannon and marched upon the 7th corps. He sur- over, he unmasked a battery of forty pieces prised and cut off the Saxon Brigadier-Ge- of cannon, which played upon them with neral Klengel, who had under his command grape shot for nearly an hour. At the an advanced guard of two battalions, and same time the divisions Legrand and Vertwo squadrons of Prince Clement's regi- dier made a running charge with the bayoment. After a resistance of six hours' net, and drove the 15,000 Russians into duration, the greater part of this advanced the river. All their artillery and military guard were killed or taken. General Count chests taken, 300 prisoners, among whom Regnier could not come up to their assist- were several officers, and one of General ance sooner than two hours after the affair Wittgenstein, together with 3,500 men was over. Prince Schwartzenberg marched killed or wounded, are the result of this on the 30th of July to join General Regnier, affair. The affair of Drissa, those of and push the war with spirit against the Ostrovno and Mohilow, might have been enemy's divisions.- On the 19th, the in other wars called three battles. The Prussian General Grawert attacked the Duke of Reggio praises much General Count Russians at Eckau, in Courland, overthrew Legrand, who is remarkably cool in the them, took 200 prisoners, and killed a con- field.- -He also highly applauds the considerable number. General Grawert much duct of the 26th light infantry, and the 56th commends Major Stiern, who, at the head of the line.- -The Emperor of Russia has of the 1st regiment of Prussian Dragoons, ordered levies of men in the two Governtook a prominent part in the affair. When ments of Witepsk and Mohilow, but before General Grawert had effected a junction | his Ukases could reach those provinces, we with General Kleist, he drove the enemy were masters of them. These measures before him on the road to Riga, and invest-consequently have produced nothing. ed the tete-de-pont.. On the 30th, the Viceroy sent to Welij a brigade of Italian light cavalry; two hundred men charged four battalions of the depot, who were on their route to Twor, broke them, took 400 prisoners, and 100 waggons loaded with

We have found at Witepsk proclamations issued by Prince Alexander of Wirtemburg, and we have learned that the people of Russia are amusing themselves, singing Te Deum on account of the victories obtained by the Russians.



As illustrated in the Prosecution and Punishment of



In order that my countrymen and that the two sureties in the sum of 1,000 pounds each; world may not be deceived, duped, and cheated that the whole of this sentence has been executed upon this subject, I, WILLIAM COBBETT, upon me, that I have been imprisoned the two of Botley, in Hampshire, put upon record years, have paid the thousand pounds TO THE the following facts; to wit: That, ou the 24th KING, and have given the bail, Timothy Brown June, 1809, the following article was pub- and Peter Walker, Esqrs. being my sureties; lished in a London news-paper, called the that the Attorney General was Sir Vicary Gibbs, COURIER:- "The Mutiny amongst the LO- the Judge who sat at the trial Lord Ellenborough, "CAL MILITIA, which broke out at Ely, was the four Judges who sat at passing sentence Ellen"fortunately suppressed on Wednesday by the borough, Grose, Le Blanc, and Bailey, and that "arrival of four squadrons of the GERMAN the jurors were, Thomas Rhodes of Hampstead "LEGION CAVALRY from Bury, under the Road, John Davis of Southampton Place, James "command of General Auckland. Five of the Ellis of Tottenham Court Road, John Richards " ringleaders were tried by a Court-Martial, and of Bayswater, Thomas Marsham of Baker Street, "sentenced to receive 500 lashes each, part of which Robert Heathcote of High Street Marylebone, "punishment they received on Wednesday, and John Maud of York Place Marylebone, George a part was remitted. A stoppage for their knup- Bagster of Church Terrace Pancras, Thomas "sacks was the ground of the complaint that ex- Taylor of Red Lion Square, David Deaue of St. "cited this mutinous spirit, which occasioned John Street, William Palmer of Upper Street "the men to surround their officers, and demand Islington, Henry Favre of Pall Mall; that the "what they deemed their arrears. The first Prime Ministers during the time were Spencer "division of the German Legion halted yesterday Perceval, until he was shot by John Bellingham, "at Newmarket on their return to Bury."- and after that Robert B. Jenkinson, Earl of LiThat, on the 1st July, 1809, I published, in the verpool; that the prosecution and sentence took Political Register, an article censuring, in the place in the reign of King George the Third, and strongest terms, these proceedings; that, for so that, he having become insane during my impri doing, the Attorney General prosecuted, as sedi- sonment, the 1,000 pounds was paid to his son, tious libellers, and by Ex-Officio Information, the Prince Regent, in his behalf; that, during my me, and also my printer, my publisher, and one imprisonment, I wrote and published 364 Essays of the principal retailers of the Political Register; and Letters upon political subjects; that, during that I was brought to trial on the 15th June, the same time, I was visited by persons from 197 1810, and was, by a Specia! Jury, that is to say, cities and towns, many of them as a sort of depuby 12 men out of 48 appointed by the Master of ties from Societies or Clubs; that, at the expirathe Crown Office, found guilty; that, on the tion of my imprisonment, on the 9th of July, 1812, 20th of the same month, I was compelled to give a great dinner was given in London for the purbail for my appearance to receive judgment; pose of receiving me, at which dinner upwards of and that, as I came up from Botley (to which 600 persons were present, and at which Sir place I had returned to my family and my farm Francis Burdett presided; that dinners and other on the evening of the 15th), a Tipstaff went parties were held on the same occasion in many down from London in order to seize me, per- other places in England; that, on my way home, sonally; that, on the 9th of July, 1810, I, toge- I was received at Alton, the first town in Hamp ther with my printer, publisher, and the news-shire, with the ringing of the Church bells; that man, were brought into the Court of King's a respectable company met me and gave me a Bench to receive judgment; that the three dinner at Winchester; that I was drawn from former were sentenced to be imprisoned for more than the distance of a mile into Botley by some months in the King's Bench prison; that I the people; that, upon my arrival in the village, was sentenced to be imprisoned for two years in I found all the people assembled to receive me; Newgate, the great receptacle for malefactors, that I concluded the day by explaining to them and the front of which is the scene of numerous the cause of my imprisonment, and by giving hangings in the course of every year; that the them clear notions respecting the flogging of the part of the prison in which I was sentenced to be Local Militia-men at Ely, and respecting the em confined is sometimes inhabited by felons, that ployment of German Troops; and, finally, which felons were actually in it at the time I entered is more than a compensation for my losses and all it; that one man was taken out of it to be trans-my sufferings, I am in perfect health and strength, ported in about 48 hours after I was put into the same yard with him; and that it is the place of confinement for men guilty of unnatural crimes, of whom there are four in it at this time; that, besides this imprisonment, I was sentenced to pay a thousand pounds TO THE KING, and to give security for my good behaviour for seven years, myself in the sum of 3,000 pounds, and

and, though I must, for the sake of six children, feel the diminution that has been made in my property (thinking it right in me to decline the offer of a subscription), I have the consolation to see growing up three sons, upon whose hearts, I trust, all these facts will be engraven.

Botley, July 23, 1812.


Published by R. BAGSHAW, Brydges-Street, Covent-Garden.
LONDON: Printed by J. M'Creery, Black Horse-Court, Fleet-street.

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