페이지 이미지

Famae prima Dies.

Haec famae tibi prima dies, haec ultuma vitae :
Nomen erit patriae semper in ore tuum:
Sedula dilectae prolis canit illa triumphos:
Qvot validos proprio straverit ense viros,
Qvas tulerit bello laurus, qvo victor ab hoste
Reddiderit populo libera iura suo.
Occidis; at, dum nos libertas alma tuetur,

Non te mors omnem sub ditione premet.
Qvi tibi profluxit generosus corpore sangvis
Non tulit indignum commaculasse solum:
Illius O nostras opulentent flumina venas,

Vivat et in nostro spiritus ore tuus. Sicubi Mars patrius saevum volvetur in hostem, Sola tuum pugnae tessera nomen erit: Nostra decus tanti celebrabunt carmina leti, Carmina virgineis ingeminanda choris. Magne, tuae fletus essent iniuria famae :

Questubus O nullis dedecorande, Vale.


Natus Perfidiis.

Virgo, desine qvestuum:

Natus perfidiis est et erit puer:

Par nunqvam sibi; at altero

Terras usqve premens, altero aqvas pede.

R. S.

Drinking Song of Munich.

Sweet Iser, were thy sunny realm
And flowery gardens mine,
Thy waters I would shade with elm,
To prop the tender vine;

My golden flagons I would fill
With rosy draughts from every hill;
And under every myrtle-bower
My gay companions should prolong
The laugh, the revel, and the song,
To many an idle hour.

Like rivers crimsoned with the beam
Of yonder planet bright,

Our balmy cups should ever stream
Profusion of delight.

No care should touch the mellow heart,
And sad or sober none depart;

For wine can triumph over woe,

And Love and Bacchus, brother powers,
Could build in Iser's sunny bowers
A paradise below.



Ein Mann von sechzig Jahren ward in dies Grab geseht. Er ward zur Welt geboren, aß, trank, schlief, starb zuleht.


Scolium Monacense.

Si quae rura tuas, flumen amabile,
Lymphas despiciunt, si domino mihi
Parerent iuga prima

Solis luce tepentia ;

Consors hic teneris pluruma vitibus
Ulmus propter aqvam surgeret, aureis
Ferrent dulcia colles

Bacchi munera poculis :

Sub myrto recubans laeta sodalium
Festa luce cohors cantubus et mero
Serae noctis in umbras

Mecum gaudia ducerent.

Ut qvae puniceo sidere flumina
Inlustrata rubent, sic qvoqve currerent
Plenis usqve fragrantes
Nostri deliciis scyphi:

Nunqvam corda dolor tangeret uvida,
Nec tristes animos hinc neqve sobrios
Nox dimitteret unqvam:

Nam vino fugiunt mala,

Nec tu cum sociis, Liber, Amoribus

Hic propter patrii murmura fluminis
Nescis condere felix

In terris nemus Elysi.

E. H. G.

Epitaphium Plurumorum commune.

Vir situ'st in hoc sepulcro septuagenarius :
Natus est, edit, bibit, dormivit, obiit deniqve.


A Farewell.

Flow down, cold rivulet, to the sea,
Thy tribute-wave deliver;

No more by thee my steps shall be,
For ever and for ever.

Flow, softly flow, by lawn and lea,
A rivulet, then a river;

No where by thee my steps shall be,
For ever and for ever.

But here will sigh thine alder-tree,
And here thine aspen shiver,
And here by thee will hum the bee,
For ever and for ever.

A hundred suns will stream on thee,
A thousand moons will quiver;
But not by thee my steps shall be,
For ever and for ever.



What thou art reading o'er my bones
I've often read on other stones;
And others soon shall read of thee
What thou art reading now of me.


Labitur et labetur in omne volubilis Aevum.

Rivule, ad pontum flue frigidaeqve
Dulce vectigal dare perge lymphae ;

Non meos ullo tua ripa gressus

Senserit aevo.

Leniter saltus siluasqve praeter
Rivulus nunc, postmodo rivus, erres,
Nec meos usquam videas neque ullo
Tempore vultus.

Hic tuae custos gemet alnus orae,
Populus molli tremet icta vento;
Hic apis nullo tibi murmurare

Desinet anno.

Solium reddes iubar, unda, centum,
Mile lunarum tremulos nitores,
Me tamen nullo prope te morantem

Videris aevo.


Epitaphium cuivis idoneum.

Qvod legis hic de me, de multis saepe ego legi; Qviqve legis, de te saepe legetur idem.


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