
who haft

YEESEY, 00 t'er chur

Ο JESUS made known to us 0 Toiggal dooinyn jeh

another Death, besides that Baase elley, marish y Vaase which separates our Souls from our Bodies, let thy Grace and Mercy deliver me from the bitter Pains of eternal Death. Amen.

St. Mat. xi. 29. Learn of me;
for I am meek and lowly in
Heart: and ye shall find
Rest unto your Souls.


shen ta scarrey nyn Anmeen. yn veih nyn Gallinyn, lhig da dty Ghrayse as dty Vyghin mish y livrey veih Pianyn sharroo yn Vaase dy bragh farraghtyn. Amen.

Noo Mian xi. 29. Infee-jee voym's; fon ta mee meen as imlee ayns Cree: as yiow shiu Fea da nyn Aimeenyn.


Master and Vainshter Hampleyr Pattern, how am I astofaunyssagh, cre'n Yindys nished, when I confider thy mooar t'orrym, tra ta mee dy Humility, thy Poverty, thy dowin smooinaghtyn er dty InMeekness, thy Resignation in jillid, dty Voghtynid, dty Veenthe midst of Injuries, Op-id, dty Viallys ayns Mean pression, and Wrongs! It Drogh - ghellal, Tranlaase as must be thy Almighty Grace Aggair! She dty Ghrayse which must enable me to fol- ooilley-niartal shegin mith y low thy Example, and fub- niartaghey dy eiyrt er dty mit to this Way of Peace, Hampleyr, as dy my injillaghto which our Nature is so a- ey hene gys y Raad shoh dy verse: For this Grace I now Hee, ta nyn Ghooghys wheesh pray, thro' thy Merits and noi: Son y Ghrayse shoh ta Mediation, O Jesus. Amen. mee nish guee, trooid dty Hoilchinys as dty Lhiaffaghey, O Yeesey. Amen.

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when we provoke that Juf- | dy yannoo, tra ta shin braftice which could not be ap- naghey yn Chairys shen nagh peased, but by the Death of voddagh v'er ny veiyghey, agh the Son of God.----If I have liorish Baafe Mac Yee.-My Enemies, O God, I beseech ta Noidyn avm's, O Yee, ta Thee for them after this mee jannoo Padjer hood er nyn Example, not for Judgment fon lurg y Sampleyr shoh, cha and Vengeance, but for Mer-nee fon Kerraghey as Cooilleen, for their Pardon, and agh son Myghin; fon y Pharfor their eternal Happiness. doon oc, as fon nyn Maynrys Amen. dy bragh beayn. Amen.


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Noo Ean i. 12. Whilleen as ren foiaghey jeh, dauefyn hug eh Pooar (as Cairys) dy ve nyn Mec dy lee, eer dauefyn ta credjal ayns yn Ennym echey.



not live in fin;

I knowing


CHA jean-ym beaghey ayns Peccanh; toiggal, O Yee, am accounted thine. O Je- dy vel mee coontit lhiat's.-----O fus, who hast obtained for Yeesey t'er chosney dooys y us this mighty Privilege, Chairys vooar shoh, cur give me Grace to live, as Grayse dou dy veaghey, myr becomes the Child of fo ta cooie da Lhiannoo Ayr cha great, so good, fo holy a ooafle, cha mie, cha casherick; Father; -That I may ne- ----Nagh jean-ym dy bragh ver abuse this Mercy, nor beg y hoiaghey jeh'n Vyghin forfeit the Right of the In- shoh, ny Cairys y choayl ayns heritance of the Children of Eiraght Cloan Yee, liorish God, by Infidelity, or Dif- Mee-chredjue, ny Mee-viallys ebedience to the Commands gys Saraghyn my Ayr Flauof my Heavenly Father. nyffagh. Amen. Amen.

St. John xiv. 27. My Peace
I leave with you, my Peace
I give unto you.

Noo Ean xiv. 27. My Hee ta mee dy aagail meriu, mv Hee ta mee dy choyrt diu.

IT must be thy Spirit, O SHE dty Spyrryd's, O. Prince of Peace, that must Phrince dy Hee, shegin put us into Poffeffion of this Cairys y choyrt dooinyn ayns thy last and dying Legacy. shoh Leggad jerrinagh dty O give me this Peace, which Vaaish. O cur dou yn Shee the World cannot give: - shoh nagh vod y Seibll y choyrt: Which passeth all Understand- --Ta erskyn dy chooilley Hushing; The Peace and Plea- tey; Yn Chee as yn Eunys dy fure of being in the Favour ve ayns Foayr Yee;---As dy of God;---And that I may voddym my Annym y chumpossess my Soul in Peace, in mal ayns Shee, ayns Mean the midft of the Temptations, Miolaghyn, as Seaghyn, as and Troubles, and Allure-Cleayn y Theihll olk shoh wass. ments of this present evil As lhig da'n Chee shoh t'ou World. And let this Peace, er chionnaghey lesh dty Uill which thou hast purchased gheyr, ve marym's, as marish with thy precious Blood, be dty flane Agglish son dy bragh. with me, and with thy whole Church evermore. Amen.




Spiritual COMMUNION.


Creeftiaght SPYRRYDOIL.

A'N Agglish, fon Geras Vondeish


HE Church, for the Comfort and Advantage of fuch Christians, as thro' any just Impediment, are hindered from receiving the Lord's Supper, (in the manner which she has appointed, that is, from the Hands of Chrift's own Ministers) has, given us this Inftruc-y Choyrle shoh. tion.

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They that composed this Rubrick, had, it is probable, an Eye to the daily Sacrifice, which under the Law of Moses was offered for the whole people of Ifrael; at which all fuch pious Perfons who could not poflibly be present, yet offered their daily Prayers to God in U

lheid ny Creesteenyn, as ta trooid Lhiettrimys erbee lowal, er ny reayll veih goaill Shibber y Chiarn (ayns yn Aght t'eeish er phointeil, ta shen, veih Laueyn Shirveishee Chreest hene) er choyrt dooin

My ta fhin dy firrinagh goaill Arrys jeh nyn Beccah ;--" My ta “ Credjue ain avns Myghin Yee "trooid Creeft, lesb Cooinaghtyn "vooifal jeh e Vaafe, &c. ta "shin gee as giu Corp as Fuill "Chreeft dy vondeishagh, as gys "Slaynt nyn Anmey, ga nagh vel pin goaill y Sacrament lesh nyn "Meeal."

Adsyn ren y Rubrick shoh, te feer laik, dy row Socill oc gys yn Oural gagh-laa, va fo Leigh Vofes er ny hebbal fon flane Pobble Ifrael; ec yn Oural cheddiw dy chooilley Pherfoon crauee nagh voddagh, er Aght erbee, ve kionfenish, ren foaft chebbal Padjeryn gaghlaa gys Jee ayns Unnaneys

nion of Spirit, and in virtue | Spyrryd, as ayns Bree yn Ou


of that Sacrifice offered in the | Oural shen va chebbit ayns Temple, no Doubt of it, were Chiamble, as gyn Dooyt, va accepted of God. Soiaghey jeant jeu liorish Jee.

Now forasmuch as very Nish son wheesh as dy vel many pious Souls do labour ymmodee dv Anmeenyn cravee under this sad Impediment, Thie fo yn Lhiettrimys hrimespecially in many Country shagh shoh, erskyn ooilley ayns Churches, where this Sacra- Kialteenyn Cheercy, raad ta'n ment is but too feldom admi- Sacrament shoh agh ro-anvennistered: To fupply this De- nick er ny hirveish: Dy yanfect, some fuch Help as the noo mie son y Lhiettrimys following may be made use shoh, foddee lheid y Chooney of, on the Lord's Day, or as t'ayns shoh chebbit dhyt ve on any other Holy Day, in er ny chliaghtaghey, er Laa yn order to preserve in our Chiarn, ny er Laa feailley erMinds-The Memorial of our bee elley, dy reayll ayns nyn Redemption, To improve Aignaghyn-----Cooinaghtyn jeh our grateful Affections towards nyn Livrey-ys veih Peccah,--..

Dy yannoo nyn Aignaghyn ny s'booifal da nyn Ver-kionnee, ----Dy reayll seose Caardys chinjagh rish Niau,Dy

our Redeemer, To keep up a continual correspondence with Heaven, To preserve in us a spirit of Piety, Devotion, and Charity, that we chummal aynin Spyrryd dv may always be prepared to Chraueeaght, dy Phadjer, as receive the Lord's Supper, dy Ghiastyllys, dy vod mayd whenever we shall have an ve kinjagh aarloo dy ghoaill Opportunity of doing it in Publick, as a Publick and folemn Acknowledgment of our being in Communion with Christ, and with every Member of the Church of Chrift, and which no good Christian will neglect; on any Pretence of spiritual Communion.

Shibber y Chiarn, ere-erbee yn Traa yiow mayd Caa dy yannoo eh 'fy Cheeill, myr Goaillrith foshlit as arrymagh dy vel shin ayns Sheshaght rish Creest, as rish dy chooilley Olt jeh Agglish Chreeft; as shoh cha jean Creestee mie erbee y lhiggey shaghey, er Leshtal Creeftiaght Spyrrydoil.


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