YN PHADJER. OYEESEY, ter choyrt Graih dooin, as er nice shin veih nyn Beccaghyn, as er chosney shin dhyt hene lesh dty Uill,-- as doardee yn Sacrament shoh, dy reayll shin shickyr dhyt hene, liorish Cooinaghtyn booisal y ve ain jeh ny tou er n'yannoo as er hurranse er nyn fon, cur dou Ennaghtyn firrinagh jeh dty Ghraih's, as jeh'n Stayd hrimshagh ainyn, va feme lheid yn Oural. Lhig dooys dy kinjagh goaill yn Cowrey shoh jeh dty Ghraih, Ny Chebbyn dy Vyghin, dy Phardoon, as dy Ghrayse, t'er nyn goyrt dooin ayns yn Oardaghey casherick shoh, lesh Cree booifal, as ayns Cooinaghtyn Jeed's nyn ynrycan Charrey share; ayns Cooinaghtyn jeh dty Hampleyr casherick,---- Jeh dty Ynsaghey May I always receive this Pledge of thy Love, The Offers of Mercy, Pardon and Grace, tendered to us, in this holy Ordinance, with a thankful Heart, and in Remembrance of Thee our great and best Benefactor; in Remembrance of thy holy Example, Of thy Heavenly Doctrine-Of thy laborious Life Of thy bitter Paffion Flaunyfagh-Jeh dty Vea and Death Of thy glorious | Gheinagh,-Jeh dty Hurranse Refurrection Of thy Af- as dty Vaase sharroo-Jeh cension into Heaven and of thy Coming again to judge the World. And may I never forget the Obligations thou hast laid upon us, to live as becomes thy Difciples, and to forsake every Course of Life contrary to thy Gospel!---Cease not, O Lord, to love us; and by the Grace' dty Irree-seose-reesht gloyroil-Jeh dty Gholl-feofe gys Niau-as jeh dty Heet-reesht dy vriw nys y Theihll. As ny lhig dou dy bragh jarrood ny Kianglaghyn t'ou er chur orrin, dy leeideil Bea myr ta cooie dauesyn ta credjal aynyd, as dy hreigeil dy chooilley Aght Bea ta noi dty Hushtal! Lhig da dty Ghraih, O Hiarn, vouchsafed vouchsafed in this Ordinance, ❘ ve dy kinjagh marin, as liorish caufe us to love Thee with all y Ghrayses cooidsave lhiat shirour Hearts. Amen. veish orrin 'fyn Oardaghey shoh, cur orrin ve graihagh ort lesh ooilley nyn Gree. Amen. САВ. III. In Agbt lhifagh Creestee eh-hene y gheddyn aarloo cour y Sacrament shob. YR ta'n Coontey shoh rick shen aashagh dy ve toiggit, dy jarroo liorish y Chreeftee floo dy Ynsaghey; myr shen ta'n Aarlaghey ymmyrchagh er y hon lheid, as nagh jean goll erskyn y Tushtey, ny laadey yn Chooinaghtyn, ny goaill seose rouyr jeh'n Traa ocfyn smoo ta geiyrt er Aghtyn-beaghee ymmyrchagh y Vea shoh. Va Sooill ec yn Agglish gys ooilley e Holtyn, tra hug ee yn Choyrle ghiare as aashagh shoh dauesyn ta geddyn aarloo dy gholl gys Shibber y Chiarn. Dy jean ad ad-hene y eysht, Vel ad goaill Arrys firrinagb fon nyn Beccaghyn t'ad bannab er n'yannoo ? Vel ad dy fhickyr kiarail Bea noa y leeideil? Vel Gredjue bioal oc ayns My ghin Yee trovid Creeft ? Whether Vel Cooinaghtyn booifal oc jets Whether they have a thankful Remembrance of his Death? e Vaafe? As, And, Whether they be in Charity with all Men? Vel ad ayns Giastyllys rish dy chooilley Ghooinney? Nish, fon wheesh as dy veľ dy chooilley Chreestee, oddys feysht ad hene as nyn Gooinsheanseyn, kianlt dy gholl gys y Sacrament shoh, myr t'ad jerkal rish Saualtys trooid Now, forasmuchas all Chriftians, who are capable of examining themselves and their own Confciences, are bound, as they hope for Salvation through Christ, to go to this Sacrament: And because young Greest: As fon wheesh as dy People are often at a Loss how vel Sleih aegey dy mennick to examine themselves upon mee - hushtagh kys dy gholl these several Heads: Here | mysh feysht ad hene er dagh follow a few plain Directions, which they that can read, should read with Care; and they that cannot, if they have a true Concern for themselves, will find fome good Christian, who will be glad to read it to them, and do thereby a Work which must be well-pleasing to God. Banglane jeu shoh:-Yiow ad ny-yeï shoh Coyrle ghiare aashagh, lhisagh adsyn oddys thaih y lhaih dy kiaralagh; as adfyn nagh vod lhaih, my ta scansh firrinagh oc jeu hene, yiow ad Creeftee coair ennagh, ghoys Boggey dy lhaih eh daue, as liorish shen jannoo obbyr feer vooifal da Jee. pentance no Man must hope to | yrys ain myrgeddin, as shoh be faved. So that if either the Fear of God's Displeafure, or a Love of Him, who has been so good to you, will weigh with you, you will most heartily condemn yourself for every thing you have done contrary to his Will and Command. liorish Spyrryd Yee, fegooish Arrys firrinagh nagh nhegin da Dooinney erbee jerkal dy ve er ny hauail. Nish liorish Arrys t'ou dy hoiggal, Dooinney ta deyrey eh hene fon dy vel eh er n'yannoo Nhee erbee noi Aigney Yee;-edyr lheid as ta Jee er lhiettal, dy reayll shin veih shin, hene y chur naardey, ny lhiggey shaghey ny Curmyn shen t'eh er harey, dy yannoo shin cooie son Maynrys tra yiow mayd Baafe. Myr shen my t'ou jannoo Soiaghey erbee jeh Aggle roish Jymmoose Yee, ny Graih dafyn t'er ve cha mie rhyt, nee oo dy arryltagh oo hene y gheyrey son dy chooilley Nhee t'ou er n'yannoo noi e Aigney as e Harey. You will also beg him most Nee oo myrgeddin dy feer carnestly to forgive you what jeean guee er dy leih dhyt ny is past, and you will promise t'er n'gholl shaghey, as giallee and resolve, through his Grace oo as kiaree oo, trooid e and Help, not wilfully to offend Ghrayse as e Chooney, nagh Him again. jean oo jeh dty Yioin Jymmoose y chur er reefht. And lastly, you will not forAs lurg ooilley, cha jarrood get to pray for his Grace every oo dy ghoaill Padjer son e Day of your Life, without Ghrayse dy chooilley Laa jeh which your best Resolutions dty Vea, n'egooish hed ny Gialdynyn share ayd naardey. Shoh yn Arrys shen, mychione t'ou farit dy exfht oo hene, roish my hed oo gys will come to nothing. This is that Repentance, concerning which you are required to examine yourself, before you go to the Lord's Supper. Shibber y Chiarn. E Moft Most People, 'tis true, are ready to own that they are Sinners, and cry, Lord, forgive us; and this too often without any great Concern, or Purposes of Amendment. But this you will not think fufficient, when you serioufly confider that the End and Punishment of Sin are not to be seen in this Life. S'feer eh, dy vel y chooid fmoo dy Leih aarloo dy ghoaill rish dy nee Peccee ad, as eieee ad magh, Hiarn, leih dooin ; as shoh ro- vennick fegooish Scansh vooar erbee, ny Kiarail dy Lhiassaghey Bea. Agh cha jean uss smooinaghtyn dy vel shoh dy liooar, tra t'ou goaill gys dty Chree nagh vel Ferrey ny Kerraghev Peccah dy kinjagh er ny akin ayns y Vea shoh. If therefore you stand in aShen-y-fa my t'ou shaffoo ny Fear of the Judgement of ayns veg yn Aggle roish BriwGod, set yourself feriously to nys Yee, gow dy creeoil mysh confider your past Life; fee smooinaghtyn er dty Vea t'er whether you have not lived, or n'gholl shaghey; jeeagh nagh do not now live, in any known vel oo er veaghey, ny nagh vel Sin, or evil Habit: Of Lying, oo ec y Traa t'ayn beaghey, for Example; -or Swear- ayns Peccah ny Drogh-chliaghing, or Drinking-or filthy tey erbee er-fys dhyt: Lheid as Talking; Of Uncleanness,--Of Ginsh Breagyn, ny Loo, ny keeping loose and profane Com- Meshtyrys, -ny Glare feobdagh; pany,----Of following unwar----Neu-ghlennid,---Freayll Sherantable Pleasures and Di- haght rouanagh as mee-chrauee, versions, or of leading an-Geiyrt da Eunyffyn as Cliaghidle, ufeless, finful Life. taghyn neu-lowal, ny leeideil Bea litcheragh, gyn ymmyd, as peccoil. 4 My she shoh t'er ve dty Stayd, kiare dy vrishey jeh If this hath been your Cafe, refolve to break off all these, and all fuch-like ooilley ny Raaidyn olk shoh, evil Ways, which are dif- as ooilley nyn lheid elley, ta noi pleafing to God; condemn Aigney Yee; jean oo hene y yourself for having fo def- gheyrey son dy vel oo cha dowil perately broke the Commands er vrishey ny Annaghyn echeyof one who can destroy both fyn oddys stroie ehammah Callin Body and Soul in Hell. as Annym ayns Niurin.--SmooinConfider the Vows that are see er ny Breearaghyn t'ou fo, upon |