
Devil) who tempted them to shoh va giallit, ren Jee Gondant Sin;- In Confideration of this Noa y yannoo roo, myr Saafe promifed Seed, God entered dy yannoo Lhiassaghey fon y into a New Covenant with them, by way of Remedy, for what was past, and could not be undone.

We have reason to believe, that this New Covenant was more fully explained to Adam, than is set down in this short Account given us by Mofes, and as it is more fully explained in the Gospel; and which was to this Purpose:


Peccah va hannah jeant oc, as nagh voddagh nish v'er ny raffey.

Ta Oyr ain dy chredjal, dy row Tushtey smoo er ny choyrt da Adam jeh'n Chonaant Noa shoh, na ta foit sheese ayns y Choontey giare shoh t'er ny choyrt dooin liorish Mofes, as myr te ny s'baghtal er ny hoilshaghey ayns y Tushtal; as

on Condition of their fincere Re-shen va er yn Aght shoh :-----pentance, and fincere Obedience afterwards, they should be reStored to the Favour of God: and after Death, to that Life and Happiness, which in their State of Innocence was promised to them without tasting of Death; which Favour they had forfeited by their Disobedience.

Er Coontey nyn Arrys creeoil, as nyn Miallys firrinagh ny lurg shen, dy beagh ad reelht goit ftiagh ayns Foayr rish Fee: as lurg Baafe, dy voghe ad yn Vea as y Vaynrys shen, va giallit daue ayns nyn Stayd dy Neuloghtynys fegooish blashtyn jeh'n Vaafe; yn Foayr cheddin v'ad er choayll liorish nyn Meeviallys..

As tra ta shin goaill gys nyn Gree, dy row nyn gied Ayr as Moir, nish jeant nyn Beccee, feme Lhiassaghey ve jeant er nyn fon, n'egooish choud as v'ad fo Jymmoose Yee, beign da cer nyn Mioys hene ve ny Errey daue; 28 fon wheesh as dy row eh farit liorish Jee, myr

And when we confider, that our first Parents, now become Sinners, stood in need of an Atonement, without which, while under the Displeasure of God, their very Lives must be a Burthen; and it being decreed by God, as it afterwards appeared, that without shedding of Blood there was to be no Re-ve ny lurg shen er ny hoil

mission of Sin; i. e. without the Death of the Sinner, or fome one in his Stead: We

shaghey, Fegooish Deayrtey foalley nagh row Leib Peccah edyr dy ve; ta shen, fegooish Baase


do therefore conclude, that, at y Pheccagh, ny Baase Fer enthis Time, God did appoint nagh er e hon: Ta shin er-ySacrifices, or Sin-offerings, to fa shen goaill fon fhickyrys dy make an Atonement for the nee, ec y Traa shoh, doardee Soul, and to foreshew the Sa- Jee Ourallyn ny Chebballyncrifice of Jesus Christ, (which peccah, dy yannoo Lhiassaghey we now commemorate) until fon yn Annym, dy chowraghhe should be offered in behalf ey yn Oural veagh jeant jeh of them and all their Pof- Yeesey Creest (ta shin nish terity. freayll Cooinaghtyn jeh) derrey veagh eh er ny hebbal afs y lieh ocfyn as ooilley nyn Sheeloghe.

As ta shoh er ny akin liorish ny ta fcruit ayns y chiarroo Chabdil jeh Lioar Genesis, raad

And this appears from what follows in the next Chapter of Genesis, where we find Abel, by Faith, (that is, believing ta shin feddyn Abel liorish and depending upon this Or- Credjue (ta shen dy ghra, creddinance of God, for the Re- jal as treifhteil ayns yn Oarmiffion of Sins, until the pro- daghey shoh dy Yee, son Leih mised Redeemer should come; Peccaghyn, derrey harragh yn we find him) offering a Sacri- Fer-kionnee va giallit; ta shin fice which was acceptable to feddyn eh) chebbal Oural taitGod, that is, a Sin-offering, nyssagh da Jee, ta shen, Ouralwhich his Brother not doing, Peccah, fon gyn jannoo shoh was rejected. va e Vraar er ny gheyrey. Agh ayns shoh gow tastey as cooinee, nagh voddagh ny

But, here take notice and remember, that these Sacrifices could not take away Sin, but Ourallyn shoh goaill erfooyl

only through Obedience to the Ordinance of God, and through Faith in the promised


Peccah, agh ynrycan trooid Biallys gys Oardaghey Yee, as trooid Credjue ayns y Sluight va giallit.

V'ad dy jarroo Ynfaghey feer chooie dy leeideil Peccee gys Arrys as Lhiassaghey Bea, tra honnick ad, nagh voddagh nyn

They were indeed very instructive and proper to lead Sinners to Repentance, and Amendment of Life, when they faw, that their Sins could Beccaghyn v'er nyn leih, agh not be forgiven, but by the licrish Baafe y Chretoor gynDeath of an innocent Creature, loght va'n uill dy lhiggey ass, as bleeding bleeding and dying before their Eyes, to make an Atone

ment for their Sin.

goll dy baase kiongoyrt rish nyn Sooillyn, dy yannoo Lhiaffaghey fon nyn Beccah.

And as all good Men, before the Coming of Christ, did most religiously keep up the Remembrance of the promifed Seed, and obtained the Pardon of their Sins, and Acčeptance with God, upon offering Sacrifices through Faith in a Redeemer which was to come; -So all Christians, fince the Coming of that Redeemer, are obliged, as they hope for Pardon, and Favour from God, to keep up the Remembrance of God's great Mercy, in fend- seose Cooinaghtyn jeh Myghin ing us a Redeemer, and of vooar Yee ayns coyrt hooin what that Redeemer has done Fer-kionnee, as jeh ny ta'n Ferto save us; and this in the kionnee shen er n'yannoo dy Manner which He himself hath | hauail shin; as shoh er yn aght ordained. t'eh hene er n'oardrail.

As myr shen dy chooilley Ghooinney mie, roish my daink Creeft, dy feer chrauee freayll feofe Cooinaghtyn jeh'n Sluight v'er ny ghialdyn, as dy dooar ad Leih fon nyn Beccaghyn, as Soiaghey jeant jeu liorish Jee, liorish chebbal Ourallyn trooid Credjue ayns Fer-kionnee va ryheet; ---Myr shen, neayr as haink y Fer-kionnée cheddin, ta dy chooilley Chreestee kianit, myr t'ad jerkal rish Pardoon as Foayr veih Jee, dy chummal

Nish dy vod Tushtey share y ve ayd's jeh, as oo ny s'booifal da Jee son, shoh e Chenjallys ghraihagh erskyn-earroo, as dy vod Credjue s'trofhey y ve ayd jeh nyn Ymmyrch as Bannaght yn Er-kionnee, lhifagh oo toiggal as dy dowin smooinaghtyn, nagh daink nyn, Saualtagh as

Now that you may be more sensible of, and thankful to God for, this his infinite Loving-kindness, and that you may be fully convinced of the Neceffity and Bleffing of a Redeemer, you ought to know and consider, that our Saviour and Redeemer came not, until Man had been tried nyn Ver-kionnee, derrey va in all Conditions, IN A Dooinney er ny phrowal ayns STATE OF INNOCENCE, - dy chooilley Stayd - bea,-UNDER THE GOVERN AYNS STAYD DY NEUMENT OF HIS OWN REA- LOGHTYNYS,-----FO REILL SON,-and UNDER THE YN RESOON ECHEY HENE, LAW GIVEN BY MOSES: - --- AS FO YN LEIGH V'ER All which Methods of Provi- NY CHOYRT LIORISH MOC dence, dence, thro' the perverse Will SES:----Ooilley ny Saaseyn of Man, had been rendered cheddin jeh Ard-chiarail Yee, ineffectual for the Amendment trooid Aigney vee - reiltagh of the World. Notwithstand- | Dooinney haink dy ve neuing which, such was the vreeoil dy lhiassaghey yn Seihll. Goodness of God, that He -Ny-yeih lheid shen va Miefent, after all, his only beloved ys Yee, lurg ooilley dy dug eh Son, to take our Nature upon e Vac ynrycan ennoil, dy him, and to affure Mankind ghoaill y Dooghys ainyn er, of the tender Love which he as dy chur Shickyrys da Sheelhad for his poor Creatures naue jeh e Ghraih veiygh da e who were ruining themselves, Chretooryn boghtey, va dy without perceiving the Danger chur naardey ad hene, fegooish they were in. Ennaghtyn jeh'n Dangeyr v'ad


This was the Promised Seed! Shoh va'n Sluight giallit!---Promised to Adam, as He Giallit da Adam, myr Fer yinthat should break the Ser-nagh broo Kione yn Ard-nieu, pent's Head, or Power of the ny Pooar y Drogh-spyrryd:--Devil:-Promised to Abra- Giallit da Abraham, imyr Eshyn ham, as He in whom all the ayn veagh ooilley Ashoonyn ny Nations of the Earth should be Hooirey er nyn mannaghey :--bleffed:-Promised to the Peo- Giallit da Pobble Ifrael, myr y ple of Ifrael, as that Prophet Phadeyr shen beign daue clashwhom they should hear and tyn rish as ve biallagh da er obey at their Peril:---Lastly, Gaue anmey:---Er-jerrey ooilpromised to David, as one ley, giallit da David, myr Esbyn, whose Kingdom should have no er e Reeriaght nagh beagh FerEnd,And indeed it was with this Promise that God supported the Spirits of all that feared him, and were in Fear for themselves, until the Fulness of the Time for his Appearance should come.

And now this Promised Redeemer being come, He first shewed by his own Example,

rey erbee, As dy jarroo she lesh y Gialdyn shob ren Jee cummal seose ny Creeaghyn ocsyn ooilley va goaill aggle roishyn as v'ayns Aggle er nyn son hene, derrey harragh yn flane Traa mygeayrt dasyn dy hoilshagheyeh - hene da'n Theihll.

As nish dy vel y Fer-kionnee Giallit er jeet, Hoilshee eh hoshiaght liorish y Sampleyr echey


recorded in the Gospel, how | hene, ta fcruit ayns y Tushtal, Men must live, so as to please kys lhifagh Deiney gymmyrkGod. And the Law of ey nyn Mea dy ve taitnyflagh Nature, as well as the Law of da Jee.--As myr va Leigh Mofes, having thro' Sin been Dooghys chammah as Leigh much obfcured and perverted, Vofes, dy mooar er ny gholley he explained them, and gave as er ny chaffey trooid Peccah, us fuch other Laws and Rules, hoilfshee efhyn y Bun oc,as hug as were abfolutely necessary eh dooin lheid ny Leighyn as to mend our Nature, -to re- Saraghyn elley shen, as va flane store us to the Image of God, ymmyrchagh dy lhiassaghey -to keep us from Backsliding, and--to fit us for Heaven and Happiness.

nyn Ghooghys,---dy hyndaa shin reesht gys Caflys Yee,--dy reayll shin veih skirraghtyn, as--dy yannoo shin cooie fon Niau as Maynrys.

As er-yn-oyr liorish Oardaghyn Yee, myr dooyrt shin roïe, fegooish Deayrtey foalley

And because in the Decrees of God, as was before obferved, without fhedding of Blood there could be no Remission of nagh row Leih Peccab dy ve Sin; and it being impoffible ayn; as myr ve neu-phossible that the Blood or Life of any dy voddagh Fuill ny Bioys Creother Creature, or of any toor erbee elley, ny Fuill mortal Man, could take away Dooinney erbee marvaanagh, the Guilt and Punishment due goaill erfooyl Loght as Kerto Sin;--our gracious God, raghey Peccah; nyn Yee both to give to Mankind the grayfoil, chammah dy chur da greatest Token of his Love, Sheelnaue yn Cowrey smoo and at the fame time, to shew jeh e Ghraib, as ec y Traa how great his Hatred to Sin cheddin, dy hoilshaghey cre is, by the Greatness of the wheesh as va e Ghwoaie er Punishment it required, He Peccah, liorish Mooadys yn fent his own Son to be the Pro- Cherraghey va foit er, Hug eh pitiation for our Sins; that is, e Vac hene dy ve ny Oural-fhee to make Satisfaction to his Justice, and to take off the just Displeasure which he had declared against Sinners.

[blocks in formation]

son ny Peccaghyn ain; ta shen,
dy yannoo Lhiassaghey da e
Chairys, as dy veiyghey e
Yymmoofe cairal v'eh er n'ock-
ley-magh noi Peccee.
As e VAC (bannit dy bragh


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