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Mineral Treasures of Pennsylvania.

throw together such thoughts as this inquiry suggests, and to glance at the past fortunes and present prospects of the port, in the belief that both the retrospect and the anticipation justify and demand a serious effort for their introduction.

In the solicitude I may discover to build up the fair renown and true grandeur of Philadelphia to the proportions of which she is so easily capable, you, at least, will not believe that I am influenced by a sordid or pecuniary object. I am not a merchant, and have no motive to sensibility for the spot we inhabit, but the interest and attachment which spring from the associations of birth, the ties of kindred, and the memory of honored ancestors for six generations. These make me alive to her honest fame and just rank in the great community of cities; they certainly render me partial, but I hope neither extravagant nor foolish, notwithstanding the sentiment

Non simul cuiquam conceditur amare et sapere.

The extension of our commerce lies near to my heart only in connection with its results; with that enlargement of spirit which great opulence usually engenders, and those richer blessings of a high civilization which it secures, multiplies, and diffuses.

For nearly a century Philadelphia was regarded in Europe, not only as the great city, but the focus of refinement and civilization in the western world. It is a mortifying truth, that though in all respects eminently entitled to her former repute, except, perhaps, in numerical precedence, she has so dwindled in English and European estimation as to be viewed only as a speck in the commercial horizon-an insignificant point on the American map. It is my purpose to show how she has thus receded from the transatlantic vision, why her foreign commerce has declined, the means of retrieving it, and how necessary its restoration is to her prosperity. I shall do this, mainly to invoke your influence with British capitalists, to aid the introduction into her port of a line of steam vessels of the largest class.

We are all aware of the cloud, which, to the eyes of many Englishmen, is still suspended over the venerable House of Pennsylvania, conjured up by the idle story of an intended repudiation of the


public debt. To this delicate topic I may, in the course of my letter, incidentally refer. Permit me, for the present, to expatiate upon the text proposed for elucidation.

I will assume, then, thant he ancient reputation of Pennsylvania for good faith and integrity, though deliberately fired at, was not mortally wounded, by the facetious bullets of the late reverend Canon of St. Paul's. The militant creditor was as wide of the mark in aiming at so small a sect as "the drab-coated gentry," and holding them amenable for the supposed delinquencies of the state, as he certainly missed it, in so precipitately selling his Pennsylvania bonds under par! But to proceed to the main subject of my epistle.


Pennsylvania was the colony of mark in the western world. Though the last settled but one of the English provinces, she soon outran them all in the race of population and the arts of life. Threequarters of a century younger than Virginia, and sixty-two years younger than Massachusetts, she distanced, within the lapse of the former period from her settlement, all the other colonies but "the ancient dominion." Every bound of the young giant was hailed as an omen of future greatness, by the parent country. She and her sisters were ranked among the fairest flowers of the regalia. ingenious sons-her Rittenhouse, her Franklin, her West, et Dii Minoreswere received in London with caresses as British subjects, and conducted to such honors as learned appreciation and polite society could confer. The literature of England at that day conferred upon them celebrity, or echoed the justice of their domestic fame, until the keen-sighted discoveries of subsequent years, detected the orthodoxy of opposite sentiments. The same writers who had been eloquent in their praisesmade less kind by political changescould see little merit in philosophers or artists who had ceased to be British subjects, and in a country which had ceased to belong to the British crown.

But, notwithstanding the chills and damps of British criticism, Philadelphia continued to maintain her good-humored complacency, and a healthy commercial prosperity. She was so disloyal as to supply many of the sinews of war, to sustain the new government. As the seat of the American Congress, and

the chief city of the United Colonies, she alluring in their promises, that the pub-
was freely exposed to the perils of lic mind seized upon them with avidity.
the conflict. But she participated in The first difficulty was to subdue those
the benefits of that unrestricted com- wild and magnificent fortresses of na-
merce which the Revolution secured. ture-those inaccessible walls of rock
Her exports, which were less than eight and mountain-with which she delight-
millions of dollars in 1790, rose in 1796 ed to guard her treasures. To penetrate
to the sum of $17,523,866. Chiefly their recesses, to scale their conglo-
with Philadelphia capital, Pennsylvania merate ramparts, and convey the hidden
made the first turnpike road, excavated mineral to market over a country whose
the first canal, and constructed the first undulations of surface seemed to laugh at
railway, of any magnitude, in this coun- the effort-was ridiculed as the dream
try. The importance of internal im- of fanaticism or the dictate of folly.
provements employed the tongues and But impediments seemed only to stimu-
pens of her best speakers and writers, at late activity, to quicken the spirit of
an early day. These sentiments con- speculation, to open the purse of en-
curring with the influence of her exam- terprise. Much of the capital which
ple and the experience of its effects, dif- had been successfully employed in for-
fused a similar spirit through New-York eign commerce, was thus diverted from
and New-England. You will not ac- its accustomed channel, and taught to
cuse me of indulging in a boastful or wander to the hills, the ravines, and the
vain-glorious spirit, in noting what his rivers of the Lehigh, the Schuylkill, and
tory records. It is simply the truth that the Susquehanna.
Philadelphia, in all the duties of a large Many millions of dollars were buried
community-in the construction of hy- in the recesses of these mountains, or in
draulic works for the introduction of attempts to wind round their valleys, or
pure water from without her municipal improve the navigation of their streams.
limits-in sanitary measures-in a Perhaps a HUNDRED MILLIONS and I
complete system of subterranean drain- do not lightly hazard this estimate
age-worthy of imperial Rome for soli- does not exceed the sum which was
dity of structure-was equally in ad- transferred from the concerns of mer-
vance of her sister cities. Her progress cantile activity, and absorbed in unpro-
required and sustained these improve- ductive investments, made to develop
ments. The rich trade of the West the trade, the agriculture, and above all,
seemed destined by nature, aided by the mineral wealth of the interior. But
the facilities of improved roads, to centre
in Philadelphia. As the metropolis of
the colonies, she became the capital of
the United States, under the laws of the
Federal Union. Her trade to China and
South America was large, and secured
golden returns. The vessels of her mer
chants unfolded their canvas in almost
every sea. Colossal fortunes were
amassed by an expanded, intelligent,
and successful commerce. Under the
genial influences of kindly wealth,
heaven-blessed charities were founded,
and conveniences, arts, and elegancies
were multiplied. It forms a portion of
the letter I inflict on you, to recount the
means by which these advantages were
lost, and how they can be restored, with
those accretions which time has accu-

While thus prosperous, and her commercial progress eminently onward, Philadelphia became informed of the rich mineral wealth of the interior. The vast deposits of coal and iron were so

prodigies were achieved in various
parts of the state. The Schuylkill and
Susquehanna rivers were first united by
a canal, and both afterwards connected
by the same kind of highway with
Philadelphia. That vast arm of the At-
lantic, the Chesapeake Bay, was joined
by canal with the Delaware, whose no-
ble waters find a ready outlet to the sea.
The Ohio River, at Pittsburgh, was made
to communicate, by aqueduct, with the
great northern lakes, at the town of Erie.
One of the great coal-fields of the state
was brought to the gates of Philadelphia
by a fine canal and a noble railway;
and innumerable other works, of present
expense and future utility, were under-
taken and completed. Fifty miles at
least of underground rail-roads, are said
to exist in Schuylkill county alone.
The locks of the Lehigh canal are the
deepest and finest in the world; and
nothing can exceed in solidity and beau-
ty, the inclined planes and other artifi-
cial works of that opulent region. Of

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Coal Trade-Erie Canal-Bank of the United States. 479

construction of the great highway, which was made to Pittsburgh, the western trade refused the conveyance,-a conveyance, which was, in truth, of such a nature as to confirm it inalienably to New-York.

the coal mines and iron mines, of the canals and railways of the state, which were undertaken on that day of blind and wanton expenditure, how few have realized the dreams or satisfied the hopes of their ardent projectors! The geology of the state had not been explored, the The chain which was to bind Philaart of mining was imperfectly under- delphia with the West was not continustood, and the science of engineering, ous and unbroken; composed of interso yclept, was marked only by improvi- mingling and welded links; but severdence, by fraud, and by blunders. These ed, disjointed, fragmentary. It was an gigantic efforts, like all premature and amphibious connection of land and water, undigested schemes, were fruitful only consisting of two railways separated by of sad results to the undertakers. The canal, and of two canals separated by coal trade was to be nurtured and ma- railway-happily elucidating the defects tured by slow degrees; it is yet in its peculiar to both modes of transit, with infancy, and only now beginning to re- the advantages of neither. This imward its owners. The iron manufacture, provement being useless as a competitor which was called into existence by the of the Erie Canal, and other projects protective system, must, in order to flour- being unfinished, the public works disish, be sustained by the stability of appointed private hope in the benefits genial legislation. Exposed to the ca- they promised, and public hope in the prices of fluctuating sentiment, and the unprofitable burden they imposed. The evils of a step-dame policy, it continues commonwealth, oppressed by her debt, to cripple or ruin the manufacturer. and the citizens impoverished by their losses, the western irade alienated and the foreign trade neglected and diminishing, Pennsylvania presented the reverse side of her early picture-one not pleasing to contemplate, but, I presume, less painful and humiliating in the remembrance and retrospect, than in the experience and reality.

While the commercial capital was thus wasting away, and the commercial spirit absorbed by momentous projects at a distance, the Erie Canal was verging to completion. It was intended to conduct, by the way of the lakes to New-York, that western trade which had been the exclusive property of Philadelphia. The object was fully at- These misfortunes were accompanied tained. By this artificial highway, our or quickly followed by others. Severe natural heritage, the trade of the West losses in the China trade ruined some of was transferred to a sagacious and vigi- the largest ship-owners, and unwisely lant rival. For a time, our shrewdest led to the total abandonment, at our citizens were too much amused and de- port, of this lucrative branch of comlighted with their mountain treasures in merce. In the gloom which pervaded the interior, to perceive the decline of their foreign commerce, and the adverse turn of the commercial tide in their domestic trade. The state, animated by a proper spirit towards her metropolis, determined not to submit, an unresisting victim, to an inversion of the natural laws of trade. She planned a grand contributed. Other melancholy events scheme of internal improvements, which succeeded. The Bank of the United proposed, among its primary objects, the States, though situated in this city, did irrevocable appropriation to herself of not render such accommodations to the the western produce and markets, and a business community here as were favorpart of the commerce of the lakes. able to the growth of the foreign, or the This theory, if prosecuted with the in- enlargement of the coasting trade. Still telligence and forecast which gave it paper money was so abundant as to birth, would have neutralized the effects foster remote enterprises, and lead of the Erie Canal, and intercepted the to many visionary and extravagant fame of Clinton, by undermining or re- schemes. The bankruptcy of that great moving the base of its monument. But institution, so long the cherished object owing to irretrievable mistakes in the of our pride and confidence, was as sud

the commercial ranks of society, some of our most astute and enterprising merchants removed to New-York, and aided by their capital and intelligence to build up that prosperity, to which the acquisition of the western trade and the foreign commerce of Philadelphia had largely

den as the descent of an avalanche. as the sponge, such a measure of relief as Other financial disasters followed it, in repudiation. The sentiment of both the quick succession. These failures sud- great political parties in the state, at a denly contracted, within the narrowest time of deep despondency and unusual limits, a currency of unusual expansion, excitement, was united-without one and threatened to involve our people in single wrong-headed exception among a general insolvency. Prices, which the adherents of either-in favor of a had been unnaturally inflated, became speedy resumption, and the honorable so depressed as to be merely nominal. redemption of the public faith. A rigid All exchange of commodities was at an system of economy was introduced into end, negotiations of sale and purchase all the departments of administrationstopped, and the payment of debts by retrenchment of expenses, reduction ceased. The banking capital of the city of salaries, and discontinuance of the was reduced by the simple process of public works. These measures could annihilation, from fifty-one millions to have in view but the one object of pay eleven millions of dollars! Where ruddy ment. In order to meet the demands of health, perhaps unnatural plethora, had the treasury and pay off the public credi appeared, all was paleness and dejection, wan extenuation, and prostrate syncope. If a volcano had opened its fiery jaws in our midst, or an earthquake had shaken the firmest edifices to their foundations, the popular terror could not have been more complete, the distress and dismay could not have been more painful or pervading. The multitudes over the state, who had entered into engagements in a moment of universal confidence, and upon the faith of fair but deceptive appearances, as they were unable to pay, were quickly required to make liquidation.

One of the most humiliating consequences to Pennsylvania, of that season of gloom and consternation, was the present inability of the commonwealth to meet her obligations. She suspended the payment of interest on her debt, and issued certificates in the place of money. No private person of mature age, or responsible character, that I ever heard of, no public man of any faction, and no state paper of any description, ever counseled or hinted at such a scheme of redress

tor, the improvements of the state which were finished, were offered for sale to the highest bidder. But the currency was distrusted or gone. There was no representative of value, and pecuniary means were hoarded or inaccessible. No bidder could be found who had the courage or ability to make an offer. The calamities of shipwreck marked the ravages of that fearful storm. When its fury was spent, and the eye could coolly scan the track of the hurricane, nothing but blight and desolation met the view. Persons accustomed to opulence were reduced to the extremity of indigence. Our fair city, as a community, lost aggre gately an immense amount of capital, varying according to the principles of different estimates, between FIFTY AND EIGHTY MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. But enough has been said to account for the diminution of Philadelphia commerce.

The next question occurs, how it is to be regained-but I will defer the consideration of this topic to another day. In the mean time, believe me to be, yours, very truly, &c.



[We referred, in several general articles upon South America, to the history, etc., of Venezuela, condensing them afterwards into the Industrial Resources, and believe that the following, contributed by Louis Baker, a short time since, to the National Intelligencer, will supply all omissions.]


THE Republic of Venezuela is situated by the river Orinoco, which she owns; in 7° north latitude, and between 62° joins Brazil, and has for her western and 72° west longitude from Greenwich; boundary New Granada; with a popu is divided from the British possessions lation of a million and a half, one-third

Caraccas-Earthquake of 1812-Remains of Bolivar.


of which are engaged in agriculture. a handsome manner. Bolivar or IndeOnly a few years ago the Colombian pendence Square is the principal one; Republic was a united affair between it is used to-day as a market and paradeseveral states, prosperous and advancing ground. Near by is the cathedral and in all the advantages of life and action; the bishop's palace, with some two or but revolution after revolution breaking three convents. out, Bolivar dying, left the country in civil war; the military chieftains of that day, all, no doubt, well-wishers of their common country, but none individually able to carry out their liberal views for its ultimate benefit, quarreling among themselves. Circumstances unforeseen, but no doubt repented of now, occurring, eventually compelled these states to become the separate governments which to-day are recognized as such by the United States and Europe.

Caraccas, the capital of Venezuela, is now being built up again very rapidly. It lies in a vast plain, and from the tops of the mountains which overlook it, north and south, it has a beautiful but silent appearance. In 1812 an earthquake destroyed its edifices, bridges, roads, and killed nearly half of its inhabitants. The horrors of that time have been narrated to me by an old Venezuelan, who says that "plunder and revolution, fire and famine, were the order of the day." Thousands of people, losing everything, were compelled to emigrate, thus leaving Caraccas deserted and a heap of ruins. But things are changing, and this city bids fair again to reach the splendor of her ancient times. Caraccas is accessible to Bogota, Panama, Mexico, and even to Chili and Peru, by the old stone roads made in the time of the Spaniards, but at present not used. So covered are they with trees and dirt, that it would be difficult to find out and clear them for use.

The mountains which divide Laguayra from Caraceas are a branch of the Andes, and continue through to NewGranada. At present the population of Caraccas is about 70,000 souls; in 1812 it was 40,000.

This city can boast of many splendid buildings, such as churches, convents, public edifices, and bridges-many of them the venerable and solid work of the old Spaniards. The president's dwelling, the government-house, the general quarters for the troops, and the old Masonic Lodge-which, by-the-by, stood the shock of the earthquake-and many others, command the attention of the visitor. The squares are laid off in

[blocks in formation]

In the cathedral, on a bier covered with black velvet, worked with silver stars, lamps continually burning around -a railing surrounding the whole to keep off intruders-lies in silent grandeur the mortal remains of General and President Bolivar, the liberator of his country, and the champion of freedom in South America. He died some years ago in Carthagena, and at his own request his remains were brought over and deposited there. His memory still lives in the hearts of his countrymen.

The people of Caraccas are polished and social, kind and hospitable to strangers. The city is very extensive, every house having a garden attached. Carriages are not used, but every one rides. The beautiful environs of the town invite one daily to take a walk, or a ride on horseback, to enjoy its varied scenery.

The trade of Venezuela is very extensive, and we are, as neighbors and consumers, more interested in the development and increased success of its trade, advantageous as it is to both of us, than in that of any other nation.

Laguayra lies directly on the seaboard, in latitude 10° 31′ 52" north, and longitude 67° 7′ 45" west. lt derives its name from an Indian chief, who held possession of it before the time of the Spaniards. It is so situated that from the mountains behind the town it affords the visitor no other view than the ocean itself. But he is recompensed for his travel many thousand feet above, on his road to Caraccas. Everything is still and quiet, save the occasional noise of the muleteer bell and call, or the sudden flapping of the wings of the mountain eagle, as he rises and poises himself for a moment over the valley, and then skims off, perhaps to pay a visit to some friend on the other side of the Andes. The air is balmy and playful; flowers of every hue, indigenous fruits, surround you on all sides; and then the view, when you are on a level with "Silla," or "Saddle of Caraccas"-the noble town of Caraccas on the plain some thousands of feet below you on one side, the ocean on the other, little Laguayra like a speck on the horizon, all tend to repay you for

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