Robert Trefufis, Esq; Royal Paper. Robert Taylor, M. B. Royal Paper. John Taylor, Μ. Α. Mr. Robert Thomas. V. Honourable John Verney, Esq; Arthur Vanfittart, Esq; Royal Paper. John Upton, Esq; Mr. William Venables. Mrs. Vincent. W. Right Honourable Sir Robert Walpole, 6 Sets of Royal Paper. Right Honourable Lord Walpole, Royal Paper. Right Honourable Lord Willoughby de Broke. Royal Paper. Sir Thomas Webster, Bart. John Webbe, Esq; Royal Paper. * Mr. Serjeant Whitaker. * Edward Whitaker, Efq; Lucy Lucy Weston, Esq; Royal Paper. James Wallis, Esq; Edward Weston, Esq; Edward Weld, Efq; Reverend Mr. William Warburton, Royal Paper. Ditto, 1 Set of Demy. Reverend Samuel Wesley, M. A. Reverend Mr. Ward. Benjamin Woodward, M. A. Mr. Stephen Whatley. Mr. Walker. Mrs. Wilmot, Royal Paper. Mrs. Warneford, Royal Paper. Y. Right Honourable Sir William Yonge, Bart. and Knight of the Bath, Royal Paper. Reverend Edward Young, L. L. D. * Bartholomew Young, M. A. THE ALONSO, King of Naples. Sebastian, his Brother. Profpero, the right Duke of Milan. Anthonio, his Brother, the ufurping Duke of Milan. Ferdinand, Son to the King of Naples. Gonzalo, an honest old Counsellor of Naples. Adrian, Lords. Francifco, S Caliban, a Salvage, and deformed Slave. Trinculo, a Jester. Stephano, a drunken Butler. Master of a Ship, Boatswain, and Mariners. Miranda, Daughter to Profpero. Ariel, an aiery Spirit. ACTI. SCENE, On a Ship at Sea. A tempestuous noise of thunder and lightning beard: Enter a Ship-master, and a Boatswain. B Oatswain, MASTER. Boats. Here, Master: what cheer? Maft. Good, speak to th' mariners: fall to't yarely, or we run our selves a-ground; beftir, bestir. Enter Mariners. [Exit. Boats. Hey, my hearts; cheerly, my hearts; yare, yare; take in the top-fail; tend to th' master's whistle; blow, 'till thou burst thy wind, if room enough. Enter Alonso, Sebastian, Antonio, Ferdinand, Gonzalo, and others. Alon. Good Boatswain, have care: where's the master? play the men. Bz Boats: |