STATE OF CONNECTICUT, JANUARY SESSION, 1907. At a General Assembly of the State of Connecti cut, holden at Hartford, in said State, on the Wednesday following the first Monday of January, being the ninth day of said month, and continued until the final adjournment thereof, on the first day of August next following, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and seven. [Substitute for Senate Bill No. 6.] CHAPTER 1. An Act amending an Act concerning the Appointment of Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in 66 sentence. SECTION 1. Section four of chapter 142 of the public acts Suspension of of 1905 is hereby amended by inserting after the word court in the first line of said section the words "or the judge who held said court after the adjournment of the term " and by inserting after the word "officer" in the third line of said section the words "or to the custody of a probation officer pro tempore to be appointed by said judge," so that said section as amended shall read as follows: In cases within its jurisdiction any criminal court, or the judge who held said court after the adjournment of the term, after hearing, may adjourn the case or suspend sentence and commit the accused to the custody of a probation officer, or to the custody of a probation officer pro tempore to be appointed by said judge, for such time, not exceeding one year, as the court may fix. If the sentence is to pay a fine and to stand committed until the same is paid, the fine may be paid to said probation officer at any time during the period of probation, whereupon the order of commitment shall |