
be void. Said officer shall give a receipt for every fine so paid,
shall keep a record of the same, shall pay the fine to the clerk of
the court at its next session, and shall keep on file the clerk's
receipt therefor.

SEC. 2. This act shall take effect from its passage.
Approved, January 24, 1907.

Selection of jurors by jury commissioners.

Duties of clerk of court.

[Senate Bill No. 24.]


An Act concerning Jurors for the Town of Milford.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in
General Assembly convened:

SECTION 1. The jury commissioners for New Haven county shall, within ten days after the passage of this act, meet at the office of the clerk of the superior court in New Haven county, having first given notice of such meeting by advertising the same in some newspaper published in said county. At such meeting said commissioners shall examine the list of names of persons for jurors sent to said clerk of the superior court by the selectmen of the town of Milford in May, 1906, and thereupon select from such list the names of twenty-eight persons to be the jurors for said town until the first day of September, 1907.

SEC. 2. The clerk of the superior court in New Haven county shall, on the day following such meeting and selection aforesaid, prepare slips upon which shall be placed the names of such jurors so selected, and place them in the box in the custody of such clerk which has heretofore been provided for the names of jurors from the town of Milford, and thereupon such clerk shall transmit to the town clerk of the town of Milford, the list of the twenty-eight jurors for such town so selected and as provided for in section one of this act. The town clerk of the town of Milford upon receiving such list shall thereupon place the slips containing the names of such jurors in a box kept by him for that purpose. The names of said twenty-eight persons so selected as aforesaid shall be and constitute the jurors from the town of Milford until the first day of September, 1907, to all intents and purposes and to the same effect as if they had been selected by said jury commissioners in July, 1906.

SEC. 3. This act shall take effect from its passage.
Approved, January 31, 1907.

[House Bill No. 49.]


An Act concerning Jurors for the Town of New Haven.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in
General Assembly convened:

jurors by jury

SECTION 1. The list of electors which was selected by the Selection of selectmen of New Haven during the year 1906, and under the commissioners. provisions of section 657 of the general statutes, is hereby validated and confirmed. The jury commissioners for New Haven county are hereby instructed to meet in the office of the clerk of the superior court for New Haven county at two o'clock in the afternoon on February 6, 1907, and take the list prepared by said selectmen and erase from said list a sufficient number of names so that the legal number of jurors for said town shall remain upon said list. The names remaining upon said list shall constitute the legal jurors from the town of New Haven until the first day of September, 1907.

of court.

SEC. 2. The names remaining upon said list shall consti- Duties of clerk tute the legal jurors from the town of New Haven for all courts in which they could be used if regularly selected according to law, and the clerk of the superior court shall immediately transmit said list to the town clerk of New Haven.

SEC. 3. This act shall take effect from its passage.
Approved, February 5, 1907.

[Senate Bill, Substitute for Senate Joint Resolution No. 235.]


An Act concerning the Salaries of Employes of the General


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in

General Assembly convened:

make monthly

SECTION 1. The comptroller may pay the salary of any Comptroller may clerk or employe of the general assembly in monthly payments; payments. provided, that no such payment shall exceed one-sixth of the total amount of salary due such clerk or employe for the session. SEC. 2. This act shall take effect from its passage. Approved March 8, 1907.

Meetings, how called. Place of

[Senate Bill No. 82.]


An Act concerning Meetings of County Representatives.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in
General Assembly convened:

SECTION 1. The representatives chosen to the general asmeeting. Powers. sembly in each county and the senators resident in such county, shall have authority to meet at any time upon the call of the county commissioners of such county to consider and examine into the affairs of such county. Upon written request of onethird of such membership; the county commissioners shall call such meeting; and, if the county commissioners fail or refuse to call such meeting, such meeting may be called by the petitioners therefor. Said meetings shall be called by mailing a written notice therefor to the senators and representatives at their usual places of abode, which notice shall be mailed at least five days previous to such meeting and shall specify the time and place and, in general terms, the object of such meeting. Said meetings shall be held at the capitol if the general assembly is then in session, otherwise at a county court house in said county. Any committee thereof may hold its sessions where it is most convenient for the transaction of the business committed to it. At such meeting said senators and representatives shall have and exercise a general supervision over the affairs of the county, exclusive of the granting, transfer, or revocation of licenses for the sale of intoxicating liquors.

Powers and duties.

SEC. 2.

Said senators or representatives may, at such meetings or adjournments thereof, or by a committee of their numbers, appointed by a major vote of those present, investigate the affairs of said county, including the conduct of any county officers, and to that end may, by subpoena, require the attendance of witnesses to testify before such examining body, and the production of books, papers, or any other thing necessary to such investigation. If any witness duly summoned shall refuse to appear, such examining body may procure, from any magistrate who by law possesses the power to summon witnesses, a capias, and cause him to be brought before such examining body; and, if the witness shall refuse to give his testimony touching the matters under investigation, such magistrate may commit him to jail until he shall comply.

Approved, March 8, 1907.

[Substitute for House Bill No. 18.]


An Act amending an Act concerning City and Town Elections.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in
General Assembly convened:

City and town

Section 1823 of the general statutes as amended by elections, how chapter 135 of the public acts of 1905 is hereby amended contested. by inserting in line six of said section as amended, after the word city," the words "or to any other town, city, or borough office," so that said section as amended shall read as follows: Any person claiming to have been elected selectman, clerk, treasurer, collector of taxes, or justice of the peace, assessor, grand juror, constable, registrar of voters, or registrar of births, marriages, and deaths of any town, or mayor, clerk, treasurer, auditor, collector of taxes, alderman, or councilman of any city, or to any other town, city, or borough office, but not so declared, may, within sixty days after the time of holding the election, bring his petition to any judge of the superior court, alleging the facts on which such claim is founded, which shall be served upon the party against whom the claim is madę at least six days before the return day, and returnable not more than sixty-six days after the day of such election, and such judge shall thereupon hear and determine said petition, and his decision thereon shall be conclusive, and if in favor of the petitioner, his certificate to that effect, under the seal of the court, shall entitle the petitioner to hold and exercise the duties and powers of such office; but this section shall not affect the right of appeal to the supreme court of errors for the revision of questions of law arising thereon, and it shall not prevent such judge from reserving such questions of law, by consent of all parties, for the advice of said supreme court of errors. And said judge may, if necessary, issue his writ of mandamus, requiring the adverse party and those under him to deliver to the petitioner the appurtenances of such office, and shall cause his finding and decree to be entered on the records of said superior court in the proper county.

Approved, March 8, 1907.


Salary of chief clerk to be twenty-five hundred dollars.


[Substitute for House Bill No. 425.]


An Act concerning the Salary of the Chief Clerk of the State
Board of Education.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in
General Assembly convened:


SECTION 1. Section 4811 of the general statutes amended by chapter 251 of the public acts of 1905 is hereby amended by striking out in the sixty-third line thereof the words "one thousand eight hundred" and inserting in lieu thereof the words "twenty-five hundred," so that the sixtysecond and sixty-third lines of said section as amended shall read as follows: To the chief clerk of the state board of education, a salary fixed by said board, not exceeding twenty-five hundred dollars.

SEC. 2. This act shall take effect from its passage.
Approved, March 20, 1907.

Fishing in Wethersfield cove and Keeney's cove regulated.

[Substitute for House Bill No. 46.]


An Act concerning Fishing in Wethersfield Cove.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in
General Assembly convened:

Section 3174 of the general statutes as amended by chapter 84 of the public acts of 1905 is hereby amended by striking out the words "four and one-half" in the twelfth line of said section as amended and inserting in lieu thereof the words "two and one-half" and by striking out the words "October thirty-first" in the eighth line and inserting in lieu thereof the words "November thirtieth," so that said section as amended. shall read as follows: No person shall take or destroy, by means of seines and nets, any fish in Wethersfield cove, in Wethersfield, or in Keeney's cove, in Glastonbury and East Hartford, except between March fifteenth and June twentieth, both inclusive; provided, however, that any person may use a net with a mesh not less than two and one-half inches square for the purpose of taking German carp in said Wethersfield cove, betwen August first and November thirtieth, both inclusive. Approved, March 20, 1907.

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