Jurisdiction of action brought by executor, etc. [House Bill No. 104.] CHAPTER 18. An Act concerning Action by a Testamentary Trustee. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Section 549 of the general statutes is hereby amended by inserting after the word "executor" in the second line thereof the words "trustee under a will," so that said section as amended shall read as follows: In any action brought by a nonresident executor, trustee under a will, or administrator, the same court shall have jurisdiction as it would have if the plaintiff resided in the town where the court of probate which granted administration is holden. Approved, April 2, 1907. Fishing restricted in Milford harbor. [Substitute for House Bill No. 706.] CHAPTER 19. An Act concerning Fishing in Milford Harbor. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Section 3189 of the general statutes is hereby amended to read as follows: No person shall draw, set, or use any net, seine, pound net, fyke net, or set net in the water known as Milford harbor, north of a line drawn from Welch's lane on the east shore to the northeasterly point of Charles' island and thence in a northwesterly direction to the westerly end of the electric street railway bridge or trestle crossing Great creek in the town of Milford, from August first to November first. Nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit the catching of menhaden or the taking of eels, crabs, or bait fish in nets. Approved, April 2, 1907. 1907.] 599 FISHING IN BARSES AND SQUANTZ PONDS. [Substitute for House Bill No. 475.] CHAPTER 20. An Act concerning Fishing in Barses and Squantz Ponds in the Town of New Fairfield. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Taking of big Squantz pond. SECTION 1. The provisions of section 3158 of the general mouth black bass statutes as amended by chapter 68 of the public acts of 1905 in Barses or shall not apply to the taking by the use of a spear of bigmouth or Oswego black bass from the waters of Barses pond or Squantz pond, both in the town of New Fairfield. SEC. 2. This act shall take effect from its passage. Approved, April 4, 1907. [Substitute for House Bill No. 161.] CHAPTER 21. An Act repealing an Act concerning Fishing in Rogers Lake in the Towns of Lyme and Old Lyme. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Chapter 127 of the public acts of 1903, entitled "An Act Repeal. Approved, April 4, 1907. [House Bill No. 16.] CHAPTER 22. An Act amending an Act concerning Support by Relatives. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in What relatives SECTION 1. Section 2499 of the general statutes is hereby to furnish supamended to read as follows: When any person shall become port, and when. poor and unable to support himself or herself and family, and shall have a husband, father or mother, grandfather or grand- SEC. 2. This act shall take effect from its passage. Payments to sociation. [House Bill No. 4.] CHAPTER 23. An Act concerning Litchfield County Law Libraries. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in SECTION 1. The treasurer of the county of Litchfield shall law library as- annually on the first day of January pay to the Litchfield county law library association the sum of twelve hundred dollars, in lieu of all other sums required by law to be paid said association for the county of Litchfield. One-third of said sum shall be paid to each of the library committees at Winchester, New Milford, and Litchfield, to be applied and paid by said committees to maintain and enlarge the county law library in each of said places for the use of the courts and the citizens of said county. SEC. 2. So much of section 4621 of the general statutes as pertains to law libraries in Litchfield county is hereby repealed. Approved, April 4, 1907. 4 [House Bill No. 467.] CHAPTER 24. An Act concerning Fishing in Twin Lakes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in lakes restricted. SECTION 1. No person shall take or assist in taking or Fishing in Twin attempt to take any fish from either of the Twin lakes in Salisbury between February first and June first, and no person shall, at any time between December first and January thirty-first, fish in either of said lakes with more than ten lines, or take from either of said lakes more than ten fish in any one day. Use of net SEC. 2. No person shall draw, set, or use any seine, pound, gill, or set net in either of said Twin lakes for bait or any pur- prohibited. pose whatsoever, any other provisions of the general statutes to the contrary notwithstanding. SEC. 3. No person shall take from either or both of said lakes more than eight bass or eight pickerel in any one day. Number of bass or pickerel taken in one day re Possession prima SEC. 4. The possession by any one person of more than stricted. eight bass or eight pickerel upon either of said lakes, or the facie evidence shores thereof, at any one time, shall be deemed prima facie of violation of evidence of a violation of section three of this act. SEC. 5. Every person who violates any of the provisions of this act shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars, or by imprisonment of not more than thirty days, or both. SEC. 6. Chapter 69 of the public acts of 1905 and so much of section 3164 of the general statutes as relates to fishing in Twin lakes in Salisbury are hereby repealed. Approved, April 4, 1907. section three. [Senate Bill No. 139.] CHAPTER 25. An Act concerning the Appointment of Janitors of Public Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Selectmen may ing a special The selectmen of any town may appoint the janitor of any appoint Janitor public building in such town to be a special constable to pre- of public buildserve the peace in and about such building and the grounds constable. connected therewith. Such special constable shall be duly sworn and shall have the power which constables by law have to Penalty for lic property. serve criminal process and to make arrests for crimes committed in and about such building and upon the grounds connected therewith. Such appointment, when so made, shall continue until revoked by said selectmen, and such appointment, and the revocation thereof, shall be by a written instrument signed by said selectmen and filed with the town clerk of the town where such appointment is made. Approved, April 4, 1907. [Senate Bill No. 86.] CHAPTER 26. An Act amending an Act concerning Injury to Public Property in Highways or Parks. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Section 1172 of the general statutes is hereby amended by injury to pub- striking out the word "fifty" in the sixth line thereof and inserting in lieu thereof the words "two hundred and fifty" and by striking out in the seventh line thereof the words thirty days" and inserting in lieu thereof the words "six months," so that said section as amended shall read as follows: Every person who shall wilfully injure any statue, monument, chair, or other seat, or any lamp or lamp-post, constructed or being in any highway, public space, or park, or any railing or fence erected for public use, or inclosing any such space or park, or any walk, or crossing for foot passengers, or any sewer, curbing, or paved gutter, shall be fined not more than two hundred and fifty dollars, or imprisoned not more than six months, or both. Annual report may be signed by secretary instead of president, when. Approved, April 4, 1907. [House Bill No. 328.] CHAPTER 27. An Act concerning Annual Reports of Corporations. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Whenever, by reason of absence, disability, or a vacancy existing in the office, the president of any corporation is unable to make, sign, and swear to the annual report provided for in section thirty-seven of chapter 194 of the public acts of 1903, |